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Japanese SC4 Links

Started by snorrelli, February 06, 2007, 06:34:06 PM

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So it is a warning that the building suffers from the blank lots problem?
I thought so but got confused by the "settings type". Guess it is a translation problem.  ;)
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


Do not need to care to that.  :)
A few years ago, It was one of rule(manner) of BATer in Japan that discribe to WHAT TOOL USED about those works in a site.  ;)
Quote・This lot uses Reader.
・Because it's blanklot, it's setting type.
In this case, He used the "RCI-Blank Lot Set" with "ILiveReader" and "Ploppable Lot", Its a meaning.

by the way,
For a few days, APTX san's site "8590"(link) is not available.  &mmm
We hope to his come back soon. :)


My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


I have to do a disappointing announcement about some BATer's site in Japan today.  &mmm
A few days ago, One of free server service managed by the RAKUTEN was end.
Some japanese BATer's site deleted with that.

The following sites were closed as far as I know.

http://www1.megaegg.ne.jp/~tokitoko/ (Top page is available now)
http://tokitoko.hp.infoseek.co.jp/lot.htm (His all works can not downloaded)

SC4 MK BAT by MK san
http://sc4bat.hp.infoseek.co.jp/BAT/index.htm (end)

Sim Commerce by SimKengo san
http://sim-kengo.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ (end)
His blog was already end too.
http://skkengo.blog60.fc2.com/ (end)

Already you know, All site having a URL http://xxxxxx.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ were end.
Only NOB'san already gave to BSC his permission about his all works, so his works would be uploaded on LEX sometime. ;)
but other works can not get till they will re-opne again theire site..... &mmm

I'll report again here if can get good announce of them. :)


森川鉄道 (MORIKAWA Railway) by Kandahra san (Old name : 211 san)
He did move a site here
Old : http://moritetsu.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ (end)
Latest : http://moritetsu.nobu-naga.net/index.html (available)

Thank you


That's disappointing.   ()sad()   Thanks for letting us know MAS.   It seems that are a lot of wonderful BATS and LOTS from Japan that are somewhat inaccessible to many Westerners and are at risk of being lost forever.  It would be nice to figure our a way to get permission to host copies here on the LEX (or even the STEX, given the rigorous vetting required here).



Quote from: MAS71 on November 05, 2010, 07:53:50 AM
Already you know, All site having a URL http://xxxxxx.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ was end.
Only NOB'san already gave to BSC his permission about his all works, so his works would be uploaded on LEX sometime. ;)
but other works can not get till they will re-opne again theire site..... &mmm

Thanks to your post on the BSC, Masuda-さん, we also understood that Raika's files were available for the LEX. :)
I've thus uploaded all Raika's models in two model packs today.
On the LEX they appear under raikas, which is Raika's LEX account. ;)


Hototogisu (incorrectly "tokitori" in the list above") has revived his website.



&bis& RAIKA san comebacked  &bis&

You may have already known it. ;)
Raika san comebacked with his new works in SC4 !!
A few days ago, his site was end as I reported. He has new site with his new works now.

Simcity-BAT memo by Raika san
-> http://simcitymemo.seesaa.net/
-> Traslated Site for English(links)

I could talke with him on e-mail today about his works that already uploaded on LEX.  "$Deal"$
He gave to BSC his permission about his all of works !!  :thumbsup:

Thank you so much for your understanding and all of your works Raika san !! :)
We're looking forward to your new creation in the future too !  ;)

Thank you.


It seems that APTX 8590's site does no longer work, the link leads to a page full of commercials that does not have anything to doo with simcity.
The Dragon Island Cities journal at SC4Devotion

For a Dragon Islands video click here



Can you help me ?

I research this fire station but the link it's block. I know that there is an other link but I don't find it . Do you know this to download ?


This "Hiroshima West FD(Hiroshima Nishi Shoubousyo)" was made by NOB san's in Japan.
Unfortunately, NOB san's all works can not downloaded now.  ()sad()
(his site was end as I reported before)

### Edited ###
NOB san already gave his permission about his all works(BATs and MODs) to BSC team(SC4Devotion). ;)
Looking forward to a day will come that his works on LEX sometime. :)


Where I can get the TSUTENKAKU tower?

I need this for the city of Osaka that I make.

Thanks  :)


I have a question about the SimCity Force's BBS.
Is that band other country IP for reply and get new topic? ()sad()
A lazy fox (=^ω^=)

Canidae Inu Republic League


About Sim Commerce: Users that are interrested in the downloads of this site might find that interresting:

The Dragon Island Cities journal at SC4Devotion

For a Dragon Islands video click here


um I got Kei's BATs for houses but when I tried to find them in the lot editor all I found was Maxis buildings with the same number tag that Kei's buildings had. Is there a solution to this, or am I missing something?
Come and visit Kita-Kaikyo Prefecture!
<a href="http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=14462">


They're probably just props, not outright buildings. You'll find them in the prop menu.
If you want them to be Buildings, then you'll need to build a Desc file.

"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley


Here is another site you should list.

It is Moonlight's site and has a lot of really awesome things.



Quote from: xxdita on December 26, 2009, 12:23:21 AM
I can't seem to find the smaller buildings for the Coruscant Mod at yuhisa anymore. Does anyone know what's happened to them? Or maybe have a link? Thanks.

This is a little late, but are you looking for these:


It contains 1 that's significantly smaller than most coruscants I've seen. It's still gigantic, but it's just almost small enough for CAM...


[row] [head]Site[/head] [head]State[/head] [head]Creator[/head][head]Memo[/head][/row]

[row] [data]Simcity Force[/data] [data]Under access restrictions?[/data][data]カムライターオ[/data] [data]Japanese Forum

[row] [data][url=http://hide-inoki.com/sc4/buildings_bat.htm]HIDE and SEEK![data]OK[/data][data]ラグ太郎(Lag-Taro)[/data] [data]ラグ太郎's site
Japanese Forum
BAT(Japanese castle,rail transit,etc)

[row] [data][url=http://hide-inoki.com/bbs/phpbb2/viewforum.php?f=7&sid=ecfd424855488116523efae80dcc5160]HIDE and SEEK![data]OK[/data][data]Other creators[/data] [data]BAT,MOD[/data][/row]

[row] [data]hIMAGINE[data]Site closed[/data][data]NOB[/data] [data]BAT,MOD
It has uploaded by the courtesy of ラグ太郎([url=http://hide-inoki.com/~nob/index.html]HIDE and SEEK!)

[row] [data]APTX' site[data]Site closed[/data][data]APTX[/data] [data]BAT(LEX),MOD(APTX's Thread)[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://hide-inoki.com/~nob/index.html]Simcity-BAT memo[data]OK[/data][data]Raika[/data] [data]BAT(C,R,I,Power plant,Education,etc )[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://members3.jcom.home.ne.jp/somy000/index.htm]Simcity4BAT[data]OK[/data][data]SOMY[/data] [data]BAT(C,R,I,Landmark,etc )[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://tokyo-urbanlab.jpn.org/Sim-Home.htm]東京アーバンラボ(Tokyo Urban Lab.)[data]OK[/data][data]kei[/data] [data]BAT(C,R,Civic,Landmark,etc )[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://27.pro.tok2.com/~chilitomato2/]Simcity4 BAT Showcase[data]OK[/data][data]ks[/data] [data]BAT(High rise-C,High rise-R,Landmark,Stadium,etc )[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://moritetsu.nobu-naga.net/simcity_build.html]森川鉄道(Morikawa Railway)[data]OK[/data][data]Kandahra(211)[/data] [data]BAT(C,Landmark,Civic,Station,etc)
His site has moved.

[row] [data][url=http://scssdl.inukubou.com/]Simcity Screen shot[data]OK[/data][data]Acchi[/data] [data]BAT[/data][/row]

[row] [data]MK's BAT site[data]Site closed[/data][data]MK[/data] [data]BAT[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://www.geocities.jp/dareka789/bat.html]BAT&LOT Download[data]OK[/data][data]dareka789[/data] [data]BAT(Landmark,park)[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://www.bripizza.net/sc4/index.html]Simcity4 B.A.T for Bripizza[data]OK[/data][data]E-N[/data] [data]BAT(R,C,I,Landmark,park,many station,character of animation、etc)[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://myrovp.fromc.jp/SimCity4/BAT.htm]MayorOverpop's Junkyard[data]OK[/data][data]過密市長(MayorOverpop)[/data] [data]BAT(C,Landmark,Civic,etc)[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://suoh.sakura.ne.jp/SimCity4/SimCity4.html]Suoh's SimCity Warehouse[data]OK[/data][data]Suoh[/data] [data]BAT(R,C,I,Shrine,Civic,station,etc),MOD(train,airplane),
"Less than 20 years old must not access"is written :-[

[row] [data][url=http://lpscity.s237.xrea.com/]Site of Simcity4[data]OK[/data][data]海辺星(Kaibesei(?))[/data] [data]BAT(C,Landmark,Civic,etc)[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://homepage2.nifty.com/tabinohito/]SIM LANDS[data]OK[/data][data]たびのひと(Tabinohito)[/data] [data]BAT(Army relation,etc)[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://whitearrow.kir.jp/sc4/index.html]White Arrow Express[data]OK[/data][data]勝田(Katsuta)[/data] [data]MOD(Bus,train)[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://sim4rush.tuzikaze.com/index.html]Simcity Rush[data]OK[/data][data]Rush[/data] [data]BAT(many low rise japanese C Landmark)[/data][/row]

[row] [data]Syoryu's Mansion[data]Site closed[/data][data]Syoryu[/data] [data][/data][/row]

[row] [data]Sim Commerce[data]Site closed[/data][data]SimKengo[/data] [data][/data][/row]

[row] [data]Mame'site[data]Site closed[/data][data]Mame[/data] [data][/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://www5.pf-x.net/~gobanboshi/simcity.html]五番星(Gobanboshi)[data]OK[/data][data]五番星(Gobanboshi)[/data] [data]BAT(low rise japanese C,station)MOD(bus)[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://ktkr.karou.jp/]BAT置き場(BAT okiba)[data]OK[/data][data]名無しのブーン(nanashino boon)[/data] [data]BAT(Landmark,etc)[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://homepage2.nifty.com/caribou/]Caribou's Atelier[data]OK[/data][data]Caribou[/data] [data]BAT(many stations,etc)[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://simsim.bakufu.org/index.html]Let's play Simcity4! The mayor is very busy anytime![data]OK[/data][data]SimSim[/data] [data]BAT(C,etc)[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~no6081/]Simcity4-BAT屋[data]OK[/data][data]三暗刻(san-an-kou)[/data] [data]BAT(many low rise C,etc)[/data][/row]

[row] [data]Sim-ism[data]Site closed[/data][data]Unknown[/data] [data][/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://klex.blog85.fc2.com/]kazuki's Lot Exchange[data]OK[/data][data]kazuki[/data] [data]Lot(many park lots)[/data][/row]

[row] [data]koutuu'site[data]site closed[/data][data]unknown[/data] [data][/data][/row]

[row] [data]Hotaryuso - Ten yuu yoku[data]site closed[/data][data]unknown[/data] [data][/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://tadasu29.sakura.ne.jp/]厨子二階(Tsushi-Nikai)[data]OK[/data][data]糺(Tadasu)[/data] [data]BAT(C,many station,CS ploppable airport,etc)[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://nonred.exblog.jp/]Sim Air Force[data]Download is impossible[/data][data]smart_speeder[/data] [data]BAT(Army relation,etc)[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://www.ongstar.jp/throw_away/bat.html]throw away(Bacon)[data]OK[/data][data]okara_trash[/data] [data]BAT[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://www.usamimi.info/~wataw/]Degital Earth[data]OK[/data][data]NyahoTaro[/data] [data]BAT(station,park,etc)[/data][/row]

[row] [data]Mountain[data]site closed[/data][data]unknown[/data] [data][/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://blog.livedoor.jp/gurry/]Gurry's BAR[data]Download is impossible[/data][data]Gurry[/data] [data]BAT(park)
Gurry and dareka789 is the same person?

[row] [data]fhbat.net[data]Site closed[/data][data]unknown[/data] [data][/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://sc4batworks.web.fc2.com/sc4batworks.html]S.C.4 B.A.T Works[data]OK[/data][data]mozukuss[/data] [data]BAT(Great bluildings,etc)[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://kurokumoitiba.hide-yoshi.net/BAT/bat1ran.html]黒雲市場(kurokumo-shijou)[data]OK[/data][data]クロクモ(kurokumo)[/data] [data]BAT(many lndmarks,etc),MOD(bus,etc)[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://www.geocities.jp/hototogisu_simcity/]時鳥BAT作品(tokitori BAT works)[data]OK[/data][data]Hototogis(tokitori)[/data] [data]BAT[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://lllllllllllllllllllllll.x.fc2.com/SIMCITY4.html]天優翼(List name is "Hotaryuso")[data]OK[/data][data]Hotaryuso[/data] [data]BAT(Cs)[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://simtori.seesaa.net/]鳥篭(Torikago)[data]OK[/data][data]鳥栖(tosu)[/data] [data]BAT(Cs,civic,school,etc)[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://sc4kori.blog.fc2.com/]狐狸雑記(kori-zakki)[data]blog only[/data][data]狐狸(kori)[/data] [data]BAT(many R,civic,school,park,etc)
His BAT is Simcity force or HIDE and SEEK!

[row] [data][url=http://uki-sim.seesaa.net/]uki-Sim[data]OK[/data][data]uki[/data] [data]BAT(park,etc),MOD[/data][/row]

[row] [data]sdkfz251's BAT[data]-[/data][data]sdkfz251[/data] [data]BAT(Army relation)
His BAT is downloadable by HIDE and SEEK!

[row] [data][url=http://vagrant.blog-sim.com/]VAGRANT STORE[data]OK[/data][data]Vagrant[/data] [data]BAT(power plant,etc)[/data][/row]

[row] [data]Jim's BAT[data]-[/data][data]jim[/data] [data]BAT(bus stop,etc),MOD(Truck Automata,etc)
His BAT is downloadable by HIDE and SEEK! and twitter

[row] [data][url=http://blog.livedoor.jp/moonlinght/archives/cat_59226.html]moonlight's blog[data]OK[/data][data]moonlinght[/data] [data]BAT,MOD[/data][/row]

[row] [data][url=http://www7b.biglobe.ne.jp/~alca/bat.html]BAT置き場(BAT okiba)[data]OK[/data][data]Alca[/data] [data]BAT(R,character of animation,etc),[/data][/row]
