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Themistokles City Gallery: A Tropical Idea

Started by Themistokles, December 26, 2015, 02:01:22 AM

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I looks like a place I would like to visit. Fantastic scenes and great details, fantastic work!!  &apls


Come join me on a hike to St Edmea!

Latest update: 7

"In the end, our society will be defined not only by what we create, but by what we refuse to destroy." - John Sawhill


Another set of great shots. My favourite is the fourth one, with the train going on this singe track line trough the greeny countryside :) I see you gave it a little bit more real background? Alps? Munich?  ;)

But one thing makes me wondering...

Quote from: Themistokles on January 05, 2016, 05:44:06 AMA modern city with growing ambitions and the astounding population of 5,000 people (i.e. St Edmea) cannot be connected to the outer world by merely a two centuries-old two-lane road with a maximum speed of 50 km/h – it just wouldn't seem proper.

A town with 5 thousand citizens... needs a highway...?  ???
Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


Wow, you show some very good MMP work. Especially with the rocks and riverbeds, they always look good. I always lack the patience to do this. I'm looking forward to see more, especially of the city nearby.


Another great work of MMPs! I like how the road transition as going deeper into dirt from asphalt.


Bit ashamed I've not commented on your MD yet! Your attention to detail, like the rail crossings and the lone billboard along the highway, is outstanding! Needless to say the MMP-ing is impeccable as well.  &apls

Looking forward to the next entry!  :thumbsup:
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


Lovely update  &apls  You do a great job with these rural scenes with especially impressive MMP work. I really like the transport system too with great STR usage, some nice MMP'd routes, and a great motorway. How did you get those guard rails there? I wasn't aware of such a T21 mod since the RHW IIDs got switched around a few years back. Looking forward to the trams in the next update :)


A pity, not enough pictures, I want more ...;) Everything is well thought out and well arranged between buildings and vegetation, great! &apls


Wow! I'm very partial to any picture with STR, but this is beyond stunning. Love the diesel passenger train. Where did you get that STR crossing (I assume it's a TE lot?)

One remark I'd made is that it seems the quality of the pictures is a bit on the low side. Something like 200kb for a 1024px image suggests too much compression, in my opinion. (Or is it an effect you apply to the picture? In any case I think it's a bit blurry.)




Just bumped into this...what an incredible work!High quality of details and MMP!Keep it up &apls


Thank you all for the wonderful response since last time! I really appreciate reading and responding to your comments! Now, after what has been quite a fight with the GLR reversing loops, as well as with some missing dependencies (I have learnt that in English, there's a certain difference between beeches and birches :D) and overhanging props, it's finally time to stroll into town. But first and foremostly, replies:

Quote from: compdude787 on January 05, 2016, 10:15:47 AM
Looks nice! I like those MMP farms and trails, as well as the freeway, of course! :D
Thank you! Actually me and that fat road have a love/hate relationship $%Grinno$% I put it in there very early on, because I thought that its straightness and asphalt-ness would contrast the landscape well ::) I've been close to removing it, so I'm glad you liked it ;D

Quote from: Vizoria on January 05, 2016, 10:46:15 AM
Lovely rivers and cliff work. The forests look really great to, very diverse but you also let the terrain breathe as well. Another suburb entry.

Which terrain mod are you using by the way?
Thanks and glad you like it!

Quote from: Catalyst on January 05, 2016, 12:56:08 PM
Fantastic MMP work, if someone would see your images without ever having played SC4, they would probably be surprised to hear that there exists such a thing as a grid!
Thanks, that's a wonderful compliment!

Quote from: romualdillo on January 05, 2016, 12:59:55 PM
I looks like a place I would like to visit. Fantastic scenes and great details, fantastic work!!  &apls
Thank you!

Quote from: kbieniu7 on January 05, 2016, 01:59:46 PM
Another set of great shots. My favourite is the fourth one, with the train going on this singe track line trough the greeny countryside :) I see you gave it a little bit more real background? Alps? Munich?  ;)

But one thing makes me wondering...

Quote from: Themistokles on January 05, 2016, 05:44:06 AMA modern city with growing ambitions and the astounding population of 5,000 people (i.e. St Edmea) cannot be connected to the outer world by merely a two centuries-old two-lane road with a maximum speed of 50 km/h – it just wouldn't seem proper.

A town with 5 thousand citizens... needs a highway...?  ???
Thanks! I really enjoyed painting that scene. I like to think that the city is situated at the shores of some fictional lake near the Austro-German border, but not everything adds up, so I assume the real placement will remain a conundrum ;)

The motorway is a tough question... I agree it became a little too big, and therefore I believe the rumours of a new trans-Alpine connection. Later on, we'll see some of the constructions going on beyond St Edmea. The old road was really small though, so even though I wouldn't like to admit it, some kind of upgrade was inevitable. Looking back at it now, though, I would probably have made it as an RHW-3 instead. Thank you for your comment!

Quote from: 11241036 on January 05, 2016, 10:30:42 PM
Wow, you show some very good MMP work. Especially with the rocks and riverbeds, they always look good. I always lack the patience to do this. I'm looking forward to see more, especially of the city nearby.
Thank you! MMPing does require some patience, but nothing compared to custom lotting (not to mention batting  $%Grinno$%). I find painting with MMPs also has a certain meditative quality to it as well. :)

Quote from: Nanami on January 09, 2016, 05:38:21 AM
Another great work of MMPs! I like how the road transition as going deeper into dirt from asphalt.
Thank you! If it hasn't shown already, I love working with MMPs :P

Quote from: vortext on January 09, 2016, 07:13:08 AM
Bit ashamed I've not commented on your MD yet! Your attention to detail, like the rail crossings and the lone billboard along the highway, is outstanding! Needless to say the MMP-ing is impeccable as well.  &apls

Looking forward to the next entry!  :thumbsup:
Thank you, really glad you liked it!

Quote from: noahclem on January 09, 2016, 09:43:30 AM
Lovely update  &apls  You do a great job with these rural scenes with especially impressive MMP work. I really like the transport system too with great STR usage, some nice MMP'd routes, and a great motorway. How did you get those guard rails there? I wasn't aware of such a T21 mod since the RHW IIDs got switched around a few years back. Looking forward to the trams in the next update :)
Thanks! The guard rails are a new mod by catalyst made for the new IIDs, found here. You'll see some tram track in this update, but more is to come!

Quote from: 000 on January 15, 2016, 09:48:04 AM
A pity, not enough pictures, I want more ...;) Everything is well thought out and well arranged between buildings and vegetation, great! &apls
Thank you! I've actually come to the conclusion, that 7 pictures is about as many as I can get in an update, with reasonable effort and with every picture still adding something new. (This time though, there's a bonus of two, so that makes 9 ;) .) Glad you liked it!

Quote from: Swordmaster on January 18, 2016, 09:23:31 AM
Wow! I'm very partial to any picture with STR, but this is beyond stunning. Love the diesel passenger train. Where did you get that STR crossing (I assume it's a TE lot?)

One remark I'd made is that it seems the quality of the pictures is a bit on the low side. Something like 200kb for a 1024px image suggests too much compression, in my opinion. (Or is it an effect you apply to the picture? In any case I think it's a bit blurry.)

Thank you, that's a very nice comment! I searched far and wide for an STR crossing prop, but only found a DTR one, so I actually puzzled this together from SFBT's concrete slabs, "TramSteg" and "rot-weisse Bahnschraenke". ()stsfd()

Possibly the compression of the images is something made by Google Sites, where I host them. If so I'm disappointed at them. &sly I do pre-shrink my images to 1024px width, so the black border always stays the same width, no matter the size of the image. That may contribute to some of the blurriness, but the compression of the images is however not intentional, so I'll have to take a look at it. Thanks for pointing it out!

Quote from: Bipin on January 18, 2016, 10:04:57 AM
Damn good work!  :thumbsup:
Thanks a lot!

Quote from: Gugu3 on January 18, 2016, 02:41:10 PM
Just bumped into this...what an incredible work!High quality of details and MMP!Keep it up &apls
Many thanks! Really glad you found your way here and also glad you liked it!

   III: The Neue Esplanade – Steeped in Modernity
So, now that we have set up our tents, we can finally venture into the city of St Edmea. Today we'll see the modern expansion of St Edmea, the Neue Esplanade, or New Esplanade. It is separated from the old city by the high Castle Hill. Construction of the first buildings began as early as the 1960s, and since then new buildings have subsequently been added. The first tram arrived in 1983 after the construction of three new stops, Burg (Castle), Burgbächlein (Castle Brook) and Neue Esplanade, the two latter of which we'll see today.

The Neue Esplanade is characterised by its selection of modern architecture and large open pedestrian spaces. The area is far too steep for roads, so with few exceptions cars must stay on the two roads, which lead around the area. Here we can see the new road leaving the old and entering a tunnel (of which we have seen the opposite end) and also the offices of the many financial institutions to which St Edmea owes its rapid growth.

2. *Click* for full image!
<-- MOSAIC! :)
Overlooking the Neue Esplanade is the Stadthotel St Edmea, a large black building hosting conferences, courses and of course almost monopoly on the city's small hotel market.


By locals, it's commonly referred to as the 'Black box'. In response the hotel re-baptised its café 'Outside the Box'.

Further down the slope we find the tram stop Burgbächlein (Castle Brook), by the small but very popular Burgbächleinpark. According to legend the brook will only dry up if the castle is going to captured by an enemy, but fortunately the brook has continued to run with undiminished vigour up to this day. However, since the construction of the tram tracks, it is carried down to the lake by a culvert, a decision by the city authorities which made some people fear the outbreak of a third world war, but fortunately nothing happened.



8. *Click* for full image!
<-- MOSAIC! :laugh:
Finally, we see the view from the café Outside the Box.

I hope you have liked this little excursion, and I look forward to hearing your opinions and suggestions! What is good and what could or should I have done differently? Your feedback is what helps me improve.

Next time we'll look closer at the castle and stroll down into the old centre. So, until then, take care! :bye:
Come join me on a hike to St Edmea!

Latest update: 7

"In the end, our society will be defined not only by what we create, but by what we refuse to destroy." - John Sawhill



Great pictures so far. I especially like the tramway loop with the roundabount tree, it's really a smart idea. And great MMP work as well  :thumbsup:


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I must say that you are VERY imaginative when it comes to deploying MMPs, lots and transport networks. Take a bow sir. In a mere three entries you have demonstrated your own style and produced with such quality that it rivals the best on SC4D, I'm thinking the likes of Vortext and Fasan.

You're using methods I've never seen before. I only wish there was more, larger scenes and so forth.



When I look at your photos, I sense that you have actually lived in or visited places where you are surrounded by gorgeous scenery. Based on personal experience, I cannot imagine seeing lovely rock formations near a commercial district, or anywhere near a city or town. Photo #7 (just below the construction zone) is especially stunning. I really like the way you have used trees and shrubs to soften the appearance of the rocks while still allowing their rough surfaces to dominate the view.


Wow, amazing! I really like how you crammed this city on the bottom of a mountain.
Check out my MD, United States of Simerica!
Last updated: March 5, 2017

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