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Phoenix Project - 20 years SC4 Challenge

Started by Guest, August 03, 2016, 07:47:09 AM

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New project to replace that of the R.C.D. which suffered from save bugs. Phoenix Project, because as legend has it, when it dies, the bird is consumed in the flames to be reborn again and start its cycle again!

This project radically changes concept compared to the R.C.D. The goal is no longer to organize and plan the entire construction of a region but to create scenes and landscapes where MMP's are most often used. These scenes are all fictitious and the photos are not retouched by image software in order to maintain maximum authenticity.


This sounds very promising! I wish you good luck with your project and am eagerly awaiting the first pictures  :)
Come join me on a hike to St Edmea!

Latest update: 7

"In the end, our society will be defined not only by what we create, but by what we refuse to destroy." - John Sawhill


Quote from: Themistokles on August 03, 2016, 01:14:12 PM
This sounds very promising! I wish you good luck with your project and am eagerly awaiting the first pictures  :)

Me too!! :thumbsup:

P.S.: Phoenix (EN) - Phénix (FR)
My creation at CityBuilders.

SimCity 5 is here with the NAM Creations!!


This looks very promising, can't wait to see what comes from this project :)


Great to see you're not wasting any time with new projects, looking forward what you come up with!  :thumbsup:
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


I've send you a PM. Whatever you chose, I keep my fingers crossed!  :thumbsup: An artistic MD might be a good idea, as well!  :)
Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!



Story of an inhabitant:
"Legend has it that 11th century, a small ship would be near a large creek during an autumn night. It seems that they saw a strange light shining from above, the captain ordered to land on a beach a few kilometers from this cliff. Throughout the night, the team of sailors marched through the forest. At dawn, the team finally reaches the top of the cliff, we could not see the light because of the sunrise, the marine team decides to mount camps waiting to see the famous light.

Night came, and still nothing ... The nights go, the weeks go ... But nothing, no light. Lack of resources there, the sailors began to turn back. They left the island, thinking that it was madness or the region were enchanted. No matter for them, it's time to leave!

The creek is discovered, but the mystery remains. During the late 17th century, it will Edvard Neliah, a little superstitious adventurer out to conquer the creek with settlers in search of glory and honor. At their establishment at the top of the cliff, nothing happened during nights ... Until one night, the light appears next to the village, Neliah will rush alone to view it, more he approached, and more the light disappeared into the dark forest.
In the morning, the villagers realized that Neliah was not there, they decided to go looking for him. Until late in the day, no one found the man, and no trace. Neliah was never found and will be reported missing or dead. The settlers decided to name the creek "Neliah", in honor of the first man died on this land that thanks to him, a village was built."

Since the disappearance of Edvard Neliah, the region counted a dozen earthquakes, the last earthquake dates back about two months., and the village was depopulated a little more each earthquake.

Today, the villagers believe hard as iron in this legend. But scientists are trying to find explanations, in vain.

I wish you all a good visit this famous cliff! See you soon!

The latest earthquake did not make big mess, it's a chance!

This small green house belonged to Neliah. She has since abandoned, some say hear strange noises within these four walls... This is definitely a band of squatters!

vinlabsc3k : Thank you very much! I would have preferred that the tasks appear thinner as shown in the fourth image (from the top). But as you walk away with the zoom, tasks stand out much. &mmm Thank you for the comment, it's true that I could, I wanted to avoid doing too much text. I'll be careful next time. :thumbsup:
Kergelen : Thank you very much Kergelen! :)
kbieniu7 : Thank you for all the compliments kbieniu7! ;D
Seaman : Thank you! No, this road MMP is only "eye-candy". ;)
art128 : Thank you very much art128! Yes, it is true that the area is dense enough for the next I'll try to do something lighter. ;)
manga rivotra : Thank you for your comment, it's always fun! :thumbsup:
Vizoria : Thank you for your comment! I do not quite understand your question, what is related to my terrain textures?
Themistokles : Thank you Thermistokles! :D


Great start!! &apls &apls &apls
I love the spotted asphalt, as in RL, and the rurality of the scenes. :thumbsup:
But, in some images, the captions are missing such in the last one describing it as Neliah Lodge or similar. ;)
My creation at CityBuilders.

SimCity 5 is here with the NAM Creations!!


Really awesome work &apls &apls

I specially like the rockslides. Well done.

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Well, that's... that's pretty awesome!  :o The road, made of ploppable asphalts - it looks impressive, no grid anymore! And I imagine, how much work have you put in there. Me, sometimes I made a small stretch of MMP asphalt and I'm annoyed after just few minutes :D Everything looks great, the place is incredible in general (I try to imagine seawave sounds too feel it more :D ), while it is all perfect even in tine details. This one, with that tenement on the corner, is my favourite

Really, really awesome work  :thumbsup:
Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


wow, simply awesome!

Is there a functional road beneath the ploppables?


Great start! Very nice MMP work. Though I am not a fan of heavy MMP it still is good looking. :)
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog

manga rivotra

That's really outstanding !  :satisfied: The first and the last one are my favorite and the one with the cliff too. Great work !!!  :thumbsup:


<sighs> That MMPing is so beautiful. You know how to cluster areas with a maximum amount of flora items and then go sparse and minimal. Fantastic farmland to. Are those your own terrain textures? If they are then they are really good and organic-looking.


Stunning landscape! The mmp work that you have done is absolutely breath-taking! And at that level of detail, with the course of the run-off water showing... &apls I, for one, would not mind visiting Creek Neliah! :D
Come join me on a hike to St Edmea!

Latest update: 7

"In the end, our society will be defined not only by what we create, but by what we refuse to destroy." - John Sawhill



In the far north, a territory lost through time in almost total silence and gives way to the fantastic white world: that of Höreinn! The huge territory has never been colonized, too wild and cold, it has pushed the men set foot there permanently. It is only since the late 20th century a few huts and cottages were built. The first buildings were those of came poachers hunt bear and some deer, then melting ice will still come men on land. The region still may be populated by a few hundred men in the next ten years, actually, with melting ice, some oil companies plan to drill offshore where it was impossible to reach there half a century...

Höreinn still keeps its splendor, here are some pictures to illustrate it. This is a small update, because winter and snow miss with the hot weather!

I hope you enjoy it, see you soon!

The largest chalet of any Höreinn! Set in the very south of the territory, he undergoes a milder climate than the rest of the territory to the north...

... Finally, we are still in the North!

The bear is getting lost...

_Michael : Thank you for your comment! Here is the building you are looking for: PEG SKI RESORT Half Way Hut :)
vester : Thank you vester!
Themistokles : Thank you Themistokles! I try to innovate a little bit, but create winter landscapes in SC4 is very complicated. But it will probably not be the last! ;)
Gugu3 : Thank! :)
metarvo : Thank you for your comment metarvo! Glad my two updates like you! :thumbsup:
Vizoria : Thank you very mush Vizoria! :)


Lovely work. You've taken this to another level!
Mind me asking, what chalet are you using? It would be perfect for the ski-resort I'm building at the moment!


Nice update.

michae95l: Looks a lot like Art128s.


This is an entirely new style of mmp work you show, with the winter landscapes, snow and stuff. Innovative and well executed!  :thumbsup:
Come join me on a hike to St Edmea!

Latest update: 7

"In the end, our society will be defined not only by what we create, but by what we refuse to destroy." - John Sawhill
