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Brown Boxes...

Started by neville_bartos, January 04, 2009, 10:45:30 AM

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I've found some brown boxes growing in my city. I'm guessing that this means that i'm lacking the correct model file?
I was hoping that someone could direct me to the model files for the following...

1) e2i Tower EB - CO$$$ Stage 12
2) Brighton Export - CO$$$
3) Frogface HQ
4) Seaside Villa - R$$ Stage 8
5) Europa - RS$$ Stage 9
6) Royal - RS$$ Stage 8

Is there an easy way i can search for these because i tried using the LEX search engine but had no luck!

Thanks for any help


If you look at this CAMelots - Linking all dependecies and lots you can scroll down the lists to find the location of any missing models.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Cheers for that. I really should have checked there first...

Just a couple more things

1) my CAMelots down have lights in the dark. I have all the starter texture packs that are listed in the "CAMeLots - Props, Textures and Other Dependencies" thread. Are there any other mega texture packs i need?

2) a lot of my $$$ commercial buildings are only running at $$ (if that makes sense!). How can i boost the wealth value of these buildings?



I know that there's a file you need to download at the official SimCity 4 website, but I can't remember where that is. I'll let someone else point out the solution.  As for the problem where your high-wealth buildings are dilapidating to middle-wealth buildings, and looking dirty as well, I assume, you need to check desirability for that type of building. Try placing parks or transit stations there.


To get night lights to work, I got this from a readme.  If you've downloaded buildings from sc4devotion then just check one of the readme files and it should have this info and links to get you updated

Notes about Nightlighting Effects
In order to see the nightlighting, you must install the EP1-Update 1 for Rush Hour/Sim City 4 Deluxe, and then afterwards, install the SC4-Update for nightlighting (note: you have to be logged in in order to see the download link). If this update isn't installed, you won't see any lighting effects on custom BAT buildings.

the link for the EP1-Update 1 is:  http://simcity.ea.com/update/index_update.php

the link for the night lights update is (SC4-Update):  http://simcity.ea.com/coolstuff/bat/index.php

I believe your game must be registered to get the updates.  If I remember correctly it will ask you for the code from your copy of the game and then you can start the updates.