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Mas'71 - memorandum of the Making Asset

Started by MAS71, November 24, 2015, 04:36:09 AM

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Hi there  :)
This is a thread of my little note which is written some tips and report from my works.
Hope it would be any helps to your creations  ;)
but I'm sorry always, My English is not good same as usual, forgive that pls  ;)

#### I don't yet have a good idea of architecture of thread  ;D I'll revise while add post  ;)


- No.1 - Rise Field (Plop free, eye candy)

- No.2 - Seawall 01 (Not Recommend on SF) : Camera crash bug when pass over seawall prop on Snofall update (v1.3-)

- No.3 - JPN Retaining Wall 01 (Concrete version)

- No.4 - JPN Retaining Wall 02 (Grass and Concrete version) and about an Option:Stairs-1x1

- No.5 - Seawall 02

- No.6 - Tetrapod (Breakwater Block)

- ### About a LOD of the Cities:Skylines ###

- ### About a LOD : Strange LOD ### --- almost solved (26, Nov, 2015)

< LINKs >

- Walls Collection by Mas'71
This is my walls collection page on a Workshop of the STEAM.
You can download(subscribe) all walls in same time by 'Subscribe All' button  ;)

- How to turn a model into game raady Asset(3dsmax) by Shroomblaze
Good tutrial to make an Asset with 3dsmax.

< Environment >
OS : Windows 7 pro 64bit
CPU : Intel i7-4770 (3.4GHz)
GC : nVidia GeForce GTX 660 (2GB)
RAM : 16GB (DDR3PC3-12800 8GB x 2)
Modellings : 3DSMax7 (only, no using other modelling softwear  ;D)

code test

- teble test -

- text 1 -

- text 2 -

[tabular type=1]
[row][head]Name 1[/head][head]Name 2[/head][/row]
[row][data]Text 1[/data][data]Text 2[/data][/row]
[row][data]Text 3[/data][data]Text 4[/data][/row]
[row][data]Text 5[/data][data]Text 6[/data][/row]
[row][data]Text 7[/data][data]Text 8[/data][/row]


- Rice Field

- Rice Field (spring) -

- Rice Field (Autumn) -

It's my frirst trying to make an Asset,
It was my Rehabilitation for modellings (with 3DSMax)  ;D, this is first time in about 2 years.
and I'd open a BETA in japanese forum, and could take some opinions and advice from them.

- Beta Versions

I didn't have experience for Alpha and Reflection textures for an Asset,
I'm so hard to understand how to making an Asset and a system of the Game too. &mmm
b.t.w, people said "It's not seems a Rice, is this a corn ?(indian corn)" in this version. $%Grinno$% $%Grinno$%

- a way to placed free

Asset is have to placed(ploped) in side of any ROAD basically,
I tried to search for one's way to placed it without a road, then I could find a way that import to the Water-Tower.
I could solved it for that.

Cities:Skylines does not have a concept about a season like a Simcity 4(seasonal prop)
It could not change rice-color automaticaly unfortunately. :(
so I had to upload each 2 version separately for. (at Spring and Autumn)

b.t.w, I don't recommend to subscribe this  $%Grinno$%
because It's imcompleted works, I lost some part of 3dsmax-file and LOD was not display correctry  :P


- Seawall 01

### Don't recommend at Snofall update (v1.3.0-) ###
After game-update 'Snow Fall' (v1.3-), Camera crash problem are there when pass above seawall's PROP.
I'd re-import some fbx newly, and re-make model as well, but it could not be solved... &mmm
I don't have any idea for solve that...

- Seawall 01 (Asset) -

- Seawall 01 (PROP) -

Option :
1. Free-Rotate version --> HERE (zip)
2. 128m (14x1) version --> HERE (zip)

- Special Thanks
Thank you TPB for your helps :thumbsup:
He gave me some advices politly for properties of Asset at 'MOD Tool'
TPB's great works here : http://steamcommunity.com/id/TPBAssetStudio/myworkshopfiles/?appid=255710

I had a discontent for a game engine of terrain-control and none decorations for there. >:(
We have some strange terrain well for diagonal-line especisaly.
I understand well that I don't have an enough to English, but I know this word "W_T_F !"  :P  $%Grinno$%

then, I begain to make something to decorate for a coastline.
I had to fight again with variouse issue for making an asset  &mmm

This is one of issue, A part of under ground-line could not be displayed(rendered) with correct texture. ???
A cause is system of this game, this gray-concrete-texutre is given forcibly to that in an Asset.
so I tryed to find out a way for avoid this problem, searched for any information, tryed to make some models, and more,

Somewhere, I could find out a way that it should make with PROPs, PROP is displayed right if even there are under groud-line. :thumbsup:

Left : Imported to PROP,  Right : Imported to Asset.

I'd try to make and use a Normal-Map(bump mapping) for the first time.
3dsmax7 can not make it(I don' know who), so I used this site.

- Normal Map Online "$Deal"$

It's so easy to make a normal map, only drag a diffuse map image to window and download. ;)

After shared it, I could some good voice from users  ;)
However, I got some critical voice and request too in same time...

- The problem that was left unfinished
One of these, it's a LIMIT of the DISTANCE for dislplayed a PROPs.
PROP will be disappeared at far 1,000m(max) in a game.

A much of users have a discontent about this issue.  ()sad()
I could not yet noticed that a way to solved it in this time. &mmm
I didn't have any idea anymore and we got some game-update,
I needed to learn various factors about the C:SL too for a while.


Great work on the sea walls and retaining walls Mas71! You have a brought a large slice of modded SC4 to Cities: Skylines.


Thanks  ;)  Let me know more opinions or one's impressions if you have.
I'll do the best in a future for that  ;) (if i would  ;D)


### About a LOD of the Cities:Skylines ###

The Cities:Skylines(C:SL) have a concept LOD too.
But it's NOT SAME with one's of the SimCity4.
LOD of C:SL is a model which is used only at far distance.
LOD should be made with little of polygon(tri) and diffuse map(texture) as much as possible.
(No need details with it because it used to display model at far 1,000m and more)

### NOTE : It's not my work  $%Grinno$% $%Grinno$% $%Grinno$% , It's one of the Paradox's default building ###

LOD would be made automatically when import a model on the Asset-Editor in a game,
however it's soooo BAD in a lot of case  :thumbsdown:, so we sould make a LOD manually:P

- LOD and Distance
Some models for test here,

1-1 : (Imported to) ASSET
1-2 : LOD of ASSET
2-1 : (Imported to) PROP
2-2 : LOD of PROP

Placed them in a game

You can see a differnce of them
and a distance when replace with LOD are different with ASSET and PROP too.  ;)
As I siad before, PROP is disappeared at far 1,000m(max) and more, it's never displayed after that.
Only a LOD of ASSET still keep displayed.

I have one more reoprt that have to do, but it will talked later in other story  ;D ;D


- JPN Retaining Wall 01 : Concret Block version

- Straihgt - 32m -

- Outer Corner -

- Inner Corner -

- s32m (PROP) -

- Out (PROP) -

- In (PROP) -

Option :

- Straihgt 128m (zip)-

- Stairs (zip : PROP Included) -

- Special Thanks
Thank you Breeze for your helps :thumbsup:
He gave me good advices how to move Icon's categories in a menu bar.
Breeze's great works here : http://steamcommunity.com/id/breezekorea/myworkshopfiles/?appid=255710

at September, 2015
C:SL had a big update for "Night and Day", and released DLC "After Dark". &apls

I had leaved a game and stoped any creation for a while, I began again a game on this occusion.
I remember what is downloaded a most in the SimCity4, Yes!! It was the Walls  ;D

C:SL does not have a Base-Texture, so i have to make all of walls from zero.
I searched for a best shape of model,
about angle of slope, width of upper sidewalk(Pavement),some properties of asset, try and error again, again and again  :-[ 

I did want to make walls with a little of plygons(triangles) as much as possible.
so I used a texture from my old works 'JRP Walls Pack' in the Simcity4. ;)

- for far distance
An important thing what is must not forget, it's 'Able to see(display) at far distance too'. ;)
Rmember please now, What you can see at most far distance?
Yes, It is a LOD of Asset ;)
But a part of udner groud-line does not able to displayed a texture right ;D
So I chose a way that separate a model to each part,
at Near  : Asset (Upper Sidewalk)  +  PROP (Slope)
at Far :  LOD of Asset (upper sidewalk + slope)

Anyway, a problem could be solved I think  ;)
You can see that is no disappearerd models at far distance.

and on this work, I'm tryed to make a some part of corner too,
It's same as the Simcity4, we must to make asset for each angles i.e. 30, 45, 90, 135 deg.......
but it's not get the End (lol) so I made only 2 kind assets for 90deg-Outer and Inner corner.

I don't yet make other option assets for.... 45deg, 135deg, Under Bridges, Left or Right-End, and more.
I don't know their are really needed, I don't like a thing that too much added icon in a menu too  ;D
well, I might try to make them somewhere, or I never do it, I don't know now  :P


I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


My japanese friend ! It's sad that you leave Simcity 4. We all love your creations, especially those we play with a japanese style... I can't imagine simcity 4 without your creations, so well I just can feel jealous for those C.S players...

Welcome back here on SC4D  :thumbsup:

                                                                                     || Benelux Team || Windows on the World || My Photos on Flickr || Kelis BNL Projects ||


@art128 san
Thank you  ;)
I know well that you are one of the Great Player who can use works(BAT) goodness, Yesss  :thumbsup:
I hope my wroks would be used by great players like you sometime in the Cities:Skylines ;)
and you will make new thread "Yume nikki 2 (ゆめにっき 2)" with the C:SL too  ;D  ;)

@kelis san
Hello Jonathan, long time no see, I'm happy to see you again  :D
hahah, are you kidding? It's too good words for me  $%Grinno$% hahaha, but thank you so mcuh  ;D

A lot of japanese great creators left from the Simcity4 too unfortunately &mmm
but I think that it can't be helped  ()sad() nobody never stop time, it always advance. ;)

I wish have a time that meet and play with you again in the C:SL sometime friends ;)
Thank you  :)


- JPN Retaining Wall 02 : Grass and Concrete version

- Straihgt - 32m -

- Outer Corner -

- Inner Corner -

- s32m (PROP) -

- Out (PROP) -

- In (PROP) -

Option :

- Straihgt 128m (zip)-

- Stairs (zip : PROP Included) -

on the next,
I did goint to make it with same way as the Wall 01 with this texture at first.
I thought it so easy to add variation for walls. ;D

I belieaved that it will be an easy work.....  I belieaved that......  ;D

-Test versions
Test one,
In a case that paste a texture to flat surface, Not bad,,, but Not good really ..... $%Grinno$%

Test two,
I try to make a part of mesh to 3D,
huuuummm, it better than before, but what is different with my ideal  ()what() It's not the Best.

Test three,
I could get better result I though that,
but I have to fight with something again, an enemy is a numbers of polygon and file-size !!

A cause of too increase polygons is an 'Extrude' to spline on the 3dsmax.

'Extrude' is not able to give a good result for faces, break a some shape, some face made randomly,
so I had to remake all of model of the concrete-mesh with 'BOX' and 'Gengon' and removed all of back faces.

Then, I succeeded in reducing polygons from 1,500 to 1,000  ;)

- Final version

- Option - Stairs for JPN Retaining Walls

I added an option 'Stairs:)
It's so simple, and it would be used for eneble to through with pedestrian (just like a Transit Anebles Lot ;))

I added a little of Illumination-Map to PROP for night time.

About an Illumination-Map of PROPs for lighting in the Night  "$Deal"$
It is NOT worked correctry same as one's of Asset.
PROP's lighting is always ON or OFF/24h, It never changed atutomatically at day/night.

Please remember and notice this point ;)


Amazing work on the retaining walls and finding out the game's limitations with render distance.


@Vizoria san
Thanks again  :)
but it is not seems a concrete, it is a marble stone ?  :P
I need to learn to make more better textures  ;D

We don't need to think or consider about a numbers of polygon in the Simcity4's BAT.
but it's an important thing in the Cities:SL  :-[
so I always have to fight with it, and use time to remove hidden polygons, make facee(polygon) manually for simple as much as possible,
and make more better textures up for models.

Apart from that, It have variouse 'LIMIT' for variouse properties about a making Asset too.
I'm so sorry that can not make detailed buildings(or some object)like a BAT of SC4 in this C:SL...  $%Grinno$%


- Seawall 02 : simple seawall for a seaport

- Straihgt - 32m -

- Outer Corner -

- Inner Corner -

- Straight - 128m (14x1) -

- s32m (PROP) -

- Outer (PROP) -

- Inner (PROP) -

Option :

- Free Rotate (zip)-

I have some knowledges about an Asset at slope now  ;D
and I noticed that there were not so a simple an good seawalls there in a workshop yet.
k, it's not hard to me now!(I belieaved so)  Let's begin !  ;)

I'd grope for a best shape, width, height and color of texture again  ()what()

We can use various LUT(color-filters) in a game, It varies among each players.
One of difficult work is an arenging color of textures in this work.

In the Simcity4, we can see a preview a models to easy on BATool(Gmax)
however, we can not that in C:SL,
we have to do 'Export to fbx, Import into game, make Asset(PROP), start a game, place them in a game'
Soooooo troublesome that (lol)  :thumbsdown:

so I'd stop make and arenge textures which is used at modelings on 3dsmax,
I changed a way to arenge and drow direct into a Diffuse Map.
I was able to omit work in that only a little.  ;)

- Final version

- Option : Free Rotate version
I added an option 'Free Rotate version', It could be placed 360 deg free  ;)


I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


haiiii Catty san, a big name here again !  :)
Thnaks for comment and stop by my thread too  ;)

I wanted to make it with more detaile if it possible, crack of concrete, dirty asphalt, shells at the Walls, and more  :-[


Lovely developments

I am impressed by the quality of the work for C:S game

Keep continue this amazing job  :thumbsup:
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


### About a LOD : Strange LOD ###

Someday, I got a report about an problem for a displaying my sewall.

Posted by Turjan (20, Nov, 2015)

Click image to see original size  "$Deal"$

Dear Mas71, thanks a lot for bringing your walls to CSL. These seawalls look very nice. The close view is excellent, the far LOD is also good, but I get a very checkered effect at intermediate distances.

I guess we are talking past each other, as I see the same thing in your images, just more regular because of your tilted angle (I had the camera straight at the wall) and with less direct sun. It probably has to do with the 4 different props that you mention, is mostly very noticeable when the sun shines on the wall. I was referring to the different views with distance:

close view: very pretty grid pattern with color flow, top bright, bottom dark
further out: grid pattern nearly without color flow, nearly all bright.
even further out: plain face nearly without grid, all bright
farthest LOD : back to color flow, top bright, bottom dark

So the farthest view looks very similar to the closest, but the two in between look far brighter. It's hardly noticeable with the sun coming from the direction of view, but very strong when the sun shines at the wall. I can only assume that it's hard to find the right color balance here.

Also, as you wanted me to check the other walls, the picture I posted used both, 128m and 32m walls. The effect kicks in at closer distances for 32m walls, as you would expect from a smaller item.

I tried to test with my seawall, a constituent elements of my seawall as following

I placed four kind of objects :
32m-PROP only, 32m-a part of Asset only, 128m-a part of Asset only,
32m-normal Asset, 128m-normal Asset,
and result here.

You can know that Strange-LOD appeared at 500 - 850m,
This LOD might be made automatically when imported it to a game on Asset-Editor maybe,
and It seems interfered with strange-LOD and PROP.  ???

I don't know why this strange LOD was made, and I don't know how to control a properties for these distance.
We confirmed each numbers with MOD-Tool, however we are NOT able to change these manually,
it will never changed if even input any numerical value on a MOD-Tool.  ()sad()

These are properties of that (in MOD-Tool)
A meaning of number is a distance of bigin appear a strange-LOD.

We can confirm these, but can not change for free.  $%Grinno$%

@Big Bad Nonja gave me some advice for that,
Guys I believe the LOD issue may be related to the UVmap coordinates for that LOD level.
The games texture baking system requires a custom UV map with correct coordinates for each LOD level.
If that LOD level has no UVmap, or a incorrectly scaled UV map. Then the texture will appear blurry.

I'd some test with other assets, then I could notice one thing. "$Deal"$
This game system is NOT FULL SUPPORTED for a part under ground line.
That strange LOD is appeared in ONLY a part under ground-line.
(no issue in a part of higher ground-line like a normal buildings)

LOD which is we make, it's refrected at 1,000m and more distance if even give an UV-Mapping correctly.
We can not control it at middle-far distance. :(  :(

Today (26, Nov, 21015) A MOD is uploaded on a Workshop.  "$Deal"$

- LOD Toggler by boformer and sweetmanp

This MOD is removes the evaluation of this property.
It will ignore a property of that strange-LOD maybe, so It is a MOD for solve a problem perhaps ;)
I'll report later.

Yes !! Solved it thanks to nice MOD !!  :thumbsup:

Strange-LOD was gone when MOD is ON  ;)  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:


Hello Girafe san :) Thanks for comment ;)

Now just begin 50% OFF sale on the Steam ;D

Get and play it if you have a chance  :thumbsup:


Quote from: MAS71 on November 26, 2015, 02:14:46 AM
haiiii Catty san, a big name here again !  :)

Hopefully this translates OK


If not   :thumbsup:   :)


PS: I've posted the link to this topic over at dedgren new CJ which he's doing in Cities Skylines

I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.