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CAM - inCAMpatible Mods

Started by RippleJet, August 03, 2007, 05:49:21 AM

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thanx again ripple, i'm off to see those stickys now, and hopefully have the remaining questions answered.

now all i have to do is find all the dependencys i d/l'ed for those NDEX buildings and delete them. i used cleanitol, but none show, so i geuss im in the clear for now.

thanx again bud, much appreciated.

Don't mistake stupidity for courage


Hi RJ, are there also inCAMpatible Props and Lots i Should watch out ? cos I has been addicted to Cam Mod  :P
Last week I already enjoy building city with cam installed and my city just go Wooshhh... all skycrapers  :thumbsup:
but the i download more depedancy like InstallBSClots and InstallCARCH_Lots_BSC and start new region then My CAM is just like disabled,  still not sure which depedancy which cause this. but I already run your CAM Cleanitool and my plugin folders are clean, also already try to find the InCAMpatible mods in this sticky but not find one.. :bomb: Clean, Still cant find one which disable this CAM &cry2
Are There????
Sorry for Bad English  :-[


Quote from: feitut on November 25, 2007, 05:59:39 PM
and start new region then My CAM is just like disabled

If you start a new region from scratch with the CAM, you will notice the other side of CAM. :thumbsup:
Your city will have to sprawl out considerably more with the CAM than without it before you will start to see skyscrapers.

You probably need to develop several neighbouring cities before you will start to see highrises.
Then, it is easy for you to decide where you eventually want your downtown area. Zone high-density only there! ;)


one thing occured to me that may not have been addressed.

is there any preference to which city style u choose, and does it matter with CAM? E.G chicago, euro, new york, houston? will they show up regardless of which city style i choose?

and thats the last question i have really, unless something horrid comes up.  :thumbsup:

Don't mistake stupidity for courage


Actually, most CAMeLots that were made soon after the CAM was published do grow in all tilesets.
Newer CAMeLots hopefully are better split up...

It is rather common that skyscrapers either belong to both Chicago and NY tilesets or both Houston and Euro tilesets.

Quote from: dadyrghluv on November 25, 2007, 06:22:15 PM
and thats the last question i have really, unless something horrid comes up.  :thumbsup:

Never say never... $%Grinno$%


darn, u beat me to it, i was gonna edit my last post, but yea just one quickie,

is it possible to have all the CAM mega packs, basically ALL CAM LOTS in your plugins folder? has this been tested yet? i don't wanna download a pack and find out it screwed my entire plugins and regions if they don't play nice nice with eachother.

i am starting with the residential packs first then its off to the commercial packs, then industry, etc. this can be done i hope.

Don't mistake stupidity for courage


That shouldn't be a problem! ;)
I would however recommend that you do at least put them in a common subfolder under your plugins folder in that case. :)


So I tried this... i go back to my last region which the CAM working properly last week and try to delete Stage 11 NDex Diamond Financial Center next to mayor house.. and wait.. the result is Cinemax 13 is build after that no more Cam building develop. I wonder why.. ()what() I guess i tried to reinstall all building and props in Plugin folder and try more selective this time.


I haven't noticed this mentioned before, but is Raphaelninja's Radical Ordinance V2 (http://www.simtropolis.com/modding/index.cfm?p=details&id=282) mod CAMpatible? It hasn't been mentioned here, but it does change demands, so I was wondering. I've never been able to get commercial buildings to grow well without it.
My MD: Jen's random cities...  ...Also, check out my creations on the LEX...


I was wondering if anyone who has cam DLed Pegs New Mod for Christmas 365 by a chance and if that is gonna be problem???

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Pat: Peg said that that particular mod will only affect his Christmas props, lighting them 24/365.


Quote from: jen_p on December 15, 2007, 10:41:23 PM
I haven't noticed this mentioned before, but is Raphaelninja's Radical Ordinance V2 (http://www.simtropolis.com/modding/index.cfm?p=details&id=282) mod CAMpatible? It hasn't been mentioned here, but it does change demands, so I was wondering. I've never been able to get commercial buildings to grow well without it.

All mods changing any ordinances are CAMpatible.
A demand ordinance increases certain RCI demands by a percentage, and works the same whether you have CAM or not.

However, if you want to run a balanced simulation, I recommend neither RalphaelNinja's Radical Demand Ordinance nor Buggi's Super Demand Ordinance.
And this recommendation is the same regardless of whether you're running the CAM or not.


Thanks, RippleJet. I only ever use it to increase commercial demand, none of the other ordinances. I haven't used the CAM yet, I'm in the process of creating a new plugins folder and region to try it out. Hopefully the CAM balances demand better, so that I do not need to use the Radical Ordinance mod to have any commercial development.
My MD: Jen's random cities...  ...Also, check out my creations on the LEX...


well now with the CAM installed, i have run into a small problem.

my game runs terribley slow now, and i found it has to do with my avenue i have stretched across as my main strip for traffic. u see, my avenue will not stop changing its look, so therefore a whole like 5 miles of road, since it runs across a whole large tile, constantly updates its look. so this makes my game run really bad. this is the first i have experienced this. i would assume its due to the CAM, since it didnt start until i installed a CS$$ CAM pack, stage 12-13 i think it was. since i cannot seem to remeber the exact one, i geuss i'll have to pull it out and start over.

any help/suggestions are welcome.

Don't mistake stupidity for courage


Quote from: dadyrghluv on December 16, 2007, 10:15:01 AM
i would assume its due to the CAM

More likely it's due to the number of hirises that have grown along that avenue.

The same kind of lag appears without the CAM as well if your PC isn't the fastest one and you have a huge plugins folder and have plopped your entire CBD. With the CAM you might also experience it with growable buildings...

Using Wouanagaine's DatPacker might solve some of your problems. ;)

Another preemptive solution would be to run a region having no large city tiles. :thumbsup:


i would love to have a region w/o large tiles, but can't due to the fact it's a map of SC4T. i have not a clue how to change the map sizes in it. but yes, ur right, its when i have development near my avenues. the city itself is very young, maybe 1-3 years in the city life, so no skyscrapers are developed.

i'm not too sure how or what the datpacker does, but i'll check the readme and see what its all aboot(canadien joke, sorry, couldnt help myself)

Don't mistake stupidity for courage


Quote from: dadyrghluv on December 16, 2007, 12:46:22 PM
i would love to have a region w/o large tiles, but can't due to the fact it's a map of SC4T. i have not a clue how to change the map sizes in it. but yes, ur right, its when i have development near my avenues. the city itself is very young, maybe 1-3 years in the city life, so no skyscrapers are developed.

i'm not too sure how or what the datpacker does, but i'll check the readme and see what its all aboot(canadien joke, sorry, couldnt help myself)
You can create your own config file for any map ( beeing SC4M or regular old jpg files ). With a SC4M map it is a bit longer, here are the step:

-copy the config.bmp that come with the SC4M download into a new folder in your regions folder
-edit it with MS Paint and fill it with green solid color ( RGB = 0,255,0 )
-run SC4TF, open your new region ( it will appear all black and flat )
-choose 'import file' in the 'global tools'
-locate the sc4M file and click ok
-now you have your region in SC4TF with medium tiles everywhere
-save your region ( CTRL-S ) so you can now play with it in SC4
you can find more detailled informations about config.bmp in the omnibus at ST in the omnimap section by Vandy

Hope it helps

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thanx wou, i shall do this asap. i figured it was around the same way, but ya never know.

thanx for the help on that. :thumbsup:

Don't mistake stupidity for courage


Could someone check if this newly-released mod is CAM compatible.
It is an ordinace that if checked only allows highrise residential and commercial to grow.

Skyscraper Modd - Offsite link (STEX)
Follow my SimCity 4 Let's play on YouTube


It's not inCAMpatible, it just doesn't seem to be a SC4 file. iLive's Reader wouldn't open it, so I checked it with notepad, and it's not a DBPF file. The game doesn't read it.
I'd hope that it gets locked by STEX admins before too many people download it.