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Started by Stefan79, January 19, 2009, 11:23:26 PM

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Stefan79, thank you for the reply.  I will follow your advice.  To answer your question, the problem that I have now seems to stem from something in the exemplars.  When I select a folder of plugins (so I can then move them into a DAMN menu) it starts to read the lots, then gets hung up when trying to read the exemplars.  I will post a screen shot when I get home from work.

Thank you for all you efforts in building SSPTool, you cant know how much it has helped improve the game for me.  My menus were ridiculous (the DAMN menus are too, but at least they are organized <-- too many plugins  ;D )


Quote from: Stefan79 on September 01, 2010, 11:35:48 AM
If you use the News-Ticker for the DAMN Menu, then use the DAMN Installer and choose the NewsTicker option to install the DAMN.
This should prevent the grays-out of the menu, but I'm not really sure, if using the News-Ticker only works when the game paused.

I have updated the installation per your recommendations through the SSPTool.Bat and will try it out.  Thanks!


Thank you for this very nice tool, It functions about exactly as I would hope something like this would.

I am having three problems that I think are interrelated.

The first,
Sometimes when I am hunting through the plug in folder, the process will stall when it tries to read the file or the exemplar,
this pic is typical

note the first error code always appears when I launch SSP.

The second,
sometimes after I have sorted my files into the DAMN, the process stalls.

Note with both problems, if I close the box manually, the index still generates "successfully," and I can use the DAMN menu in-game.

The third,
I can not get the files to hide in-game. SSP does generate the hide file in my plugins folder, I do have it prefixed with zzzzz_ to make sure its the last thing loaded. SSP does place files in the hide folder, but does not place files there if it stalls when I hit apply and the process stalls (problem 2).

What I have done,
-deleted all DAMN and SSP files
-uninstalled Java (both 32 and 64 bit)
-reinstalled Java (32 bit only)
-unzipped the SSPTool
-used the pluggins>install plug-in option to install the latest plug-in through SSP
-used the DAMN-Options button to change the name of the hide folder to zzzzz_DAMN Remove
-installed DAMN using SSP, choosing the minimal warnings, and news pop-up options.

Fun facts,
-All DAMN and SSP files where downloaded again on Sept 6, 2010
-the entire Maxis folder in program files, and the entire plugins folder in documents are given "full permissions."
-Win Vista64 Business
-AMD Phenom quad core
-UAC disabled (UAC is evil...)
-I have been using and building computers since the internet was Newsgroups (yes, that makes me old), I have about zero in the way of programing skills, but I am competant in using them.

Thank you for any and all help


I am also having the first problem described in the previous post; I just installed the newest version of SSPTool yesterday.


Hi together,

sorry for the long delay for update/fix, but I've found another bug and fixed this, too.  ()stsfd()
I uploaded a new version of SSPTool (2.2.3) and SSPTool-DAMN (2.0.9) to LEX. You need both updates or the bug will not be fixed.

Update of SSPTool/DAMN:
Simply extract and overwrite the contents of SSPTool to your SSPTool folder. Then start SSPTool and install the SSPTool-DAMN plugin through Tool-Install Plugin from the menubar and choose the downloaded SSPTool-DAMN ZIP file. Restart SSPTool and the problems should be fixed.

SSP = Stefan's Self-made Productions


Just out of curiousity, has anyone had any issues using BOTH SSPtool AND DatPacker?

(Thanks for the new update, btw, I also have been having issues with the program 'hanging' after I 'apply' changes.)


Thank you Stefan79.
No problem on the delay, I'm just extremely gratified that you even made this mod in the first place.
I put the whole issue aside, for the moment. I will download the fix later toady and play with it.

Thanks again


@ editfish,
What kind of issue are you talking about? The only one I have, as has been reported by others, is that the hidden files will only be properly hidden if my "zzz_DAMN Remove" folder has been datpacked. Not that it's a problem for me, considering the amount of files I have in there datpacking that folder can only be good.

@ Stephan, thanks for the update!  :thumbsup:


my DAT packer hangs/crashes when attempting to pack the ZZZ_DAMN_Remove folder.  I can exclude it, but then none of the icons are hidden any longer.   ()what()


That's weird. How big is your ZZZ_DAMN_Remove folder? Have you tried datpacking it while there is no other folders in your main plugin folder?


I find that I have the same hanging problem with this version as with the previous version.  I have to go back to SSPTool 2.0.6 and its associated DAMN plugin for a version that doesn't hang.


Quote from: TiFlo on September 16, 2010, 07:47:40 AM
That's weird. How big is your ZZZ_DAMN_Remove folder? Have you tried datpacking it while there is no other folders in your main plugin folder?

zzz_Damn_Remove is about 426kb.

wxPython:stdout/stderr returns the following error message:

comp= None
C:\My Documents\SimCity 4\Plugins\zzz_DAMN Remove\#-Glenni-OWR-LONGHAMMER5-LEFT_d941a20b.SC4Lot
original size 1082598179
filesize 1082598179
lencontent 1082598179
originalpos 590430810
destpos 96
gaine 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "datPackerApp.pyo", line 2701, in OnStart
  File "datPackerApp.pyo", line 2358, in RecurseAllFilesFull
  File "datPackerApp.pyo", line 2452, in BuildIt
  File "datPackerApp.pyo", line 2200, in WriteADat
  File "datPackerApp.pyo", line 1914, in Copy
struct.error: unpack str size does not match format"

()what()  ()what()  ()what()


Hi editfish.

don't know if it solve your problem, but maybe the following workaround could help:
- Remove the problematic file from zzz_DAMN Remove
- Start DAMN Manager (please use newest version of SSPTool & SSPTool/DAMN) and hide the lot again to a test menu
- Remove the test menu from /Plugins/DAMN/Root/...
- Run the DAMN Indexer (either from the program or from /Plugins/DAMN/Support folder)
- Try to datpack the zzz_DAMN Remove folder

There was a bug in the old version of SSPTool so this may cause the error in DATPacker.  &mmm
(I'll add an option "Only hide lots, don't create DAMN Menu" for the next DAMN release.)

SSP = Stefan's Self-made Productions


OK.  I followed your suggested workaround, and re-DATpacked, which then threw the following (fatal) error:
comp= None
C:\My Documents\SimCity 4\Plugins\zzz_DAMN Remove\JB_Univ_Buildings_1.dat
original size 8192
filesize 8192
lencontent 8192
originalpos 512
destpos 237512
gaine 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "datPackerApp.pyo", line 2701, in OnStart
  File "datPackerApp.pyo", line 2358, in RecurseAllFilesFull
  File "datPackerApp.pyo", line 2450, in BuildIt
  File "datPackerApp.pyo", line 2200, in WriteADat
  File "datPackerApp.pyo", line 1919, in Copy
IndexError: mmap slice assignment is wrong size

I repeated the steps for the 'new' file, and it seemed to work fine.  (No errors).  The first error was a 'struct.error' for a .SC4Lot with a single building.  This one was an 'IndexError' for a .dat file with multiple (~14) lots.  Don't know if these two errors are the same bug or not? 

Can the lots not be used in my DAMN menu?    ()sad()


Oh, I suggest you have add the lots to your DAMN Menu already and what you have done with my workaround is to hide them once more with the updated program. This prevents any errors that might be included with an old program version but don't prevent you to use your lot from the DAMN Menu.
This is the reason I will add a simply "Only hide the lots" Option to make this easier in the next SSPTool/DAMN version.
SSP = Stefan's Self-made Productions


I see.  I think I may have been misinterpreted your workaround.  You suggested that I removed the file from the zzz_Damn_Remove, and hide the lots again to a 'test' menu, then delete that menu.  I was also removing the existing (previously added) 'hidden lots' from the Damn menu as well.

[some time later] Hmm.  If I re-hide the lots after removing the file from the zzz_Damn_Remove, the error repeats (a new file is created in the zzz_Damn_Remove) and DATPacker errors out with the same (original) error message...


This is probably of not much help, but every time you modify one of your DAMN menus, a new file is created in the "zzz_DAMN Remove" folder (among other new files if extra items are added to the DAMN, of course). I don't remember its exact name, but it has DAMN and some number in it. Every time. And every time, that file weight 96 octets. As far as I know, it is useless, and can be deleted.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though.


Hi folks,

for me I always use the direct modify of the lots to hide them (LTEXT method), so I haven't do much work on the hide folder and single dat solution. But I'll look at this option and check the functionality ecspecially with the DAT-Packer.

If any of your lots can't be "DAMN"ed, please feel free to contact me and tell me the Lot's name or the Download-Link. So, I can check this of my own and try to get a solution for this. Thank you!

SSP = Stefan's Self-made Productions


Hello Stefan79,

Glad to hear from you, trust all is well and good with you...

I have a few lots that 'hittwice99' Industrial lot projects 1,2,3 and the water tower pack -the 'damn' appears to not see what there...

then concerning the 'damn help-me' I realize its still a work in progress but can it also have a simpler 1-2-3-step to the process ??? perhaps  &idea step 1-2-3-4 can also be help bubbles over corresponding buttons... and this help feature can have a on-off switch,

what I have some troubles with... where can I name the file before its 'damn-ed-up' where can I name the folder that goes into the 'damn' file in sc4deluxe folder... i hit ' apply' and it does its thing but it still finishes in the default name, and then I press 'next' and its shuts down, and nothing is 'saved' or in the folder...

can't the next button do what it did in the previous version going to the next step of naming the file then it 'damns' it and then it can return to the program with out having to restart it again (after figuring it out, the 1.3.3 version steps seemed apparent -to see, figure out  and seemed to work better -however improvements to the 2.x versions are better in many ways) inspite of 'figuring it out' troubles I still like the interface alot better



Hi together,

I've uploaded a new version of SSPTool 2.2.4 with updated libraries to fix some bugs preventing correct DAMNing.
This should fix the problem of SSPTool/DAMN to damn various lots, like Clayhurst, SFBT things, BSC Park and more.

Simply download the new version and extract the contents to your installed folder overwriting all existing files.

As Jack_wilds mentioned, he would like to have a wizard for the new interface. What do you think of this?
(Don't forget to try out the Help-DAMN from the main menu of SSPTool.)

SSP = Stefan's Self-made Productions