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Rail station

Started by feggakk, September 03, 2015, 07:44:16 PM

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Hi. Does anyone know where I can find this beauty?

See attachment; not a very good pic, but perhaps someone regocnizes it?



From this thread: It appears to be Xannepan's Gare du Nord station, found here on the LEX.

Also, welcome to the forums! I guess you've been here awhile, but congrats on your first post. Maybe we'll see more of you in the future?

Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

My Mayor Diary San Diego: A Reinterpretation


Wow! You're fast, man!  :) Thanks!

And thank you for welcoming me to the SC4D forums. I've been hanging around for quite a while now, but never written anything, for some reason. Problably because I get stuck trying to figure the correct prepositions, ha ha. (Seriously, english prepositions are brutal for us speaking english as a second or third language)  :)

Thanks once again!



Well, I suppose if you're feeling somewhat uncertain, you can always post an untranslated copy of your post alongside your English version for the natives (and nonnatives) to pick through, either natively or through Google translate.

I think Fasan (MD Krokanien) really only speaks German, and all of his posts (and how he reads comments) are done through Google translate. It's not a great result (the English is pretty broken), but it works, and the forum regulars are pretty understanding of nonnative English speakers (the owner of the site is from Spain, iirc, so there's that).

If it makes you feel any better, I had to look up what prepositions are to remind myself why you might have difficulty with them. It's been awhile since "Parts of Speech" class. :D
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

My Mayor Diary San Diego: A Reinterpretation


Well, I'm not feeling that uncertian, the main problem, at least for me is just the prepositions And all the apostrophes everywhere. And the difference between "its" and "it's". And when to write things in word or two; is it water melon or watermelon? And why doesn't anybody with a ridiculously exaggerated brittish accent ever ask me for directions to the cricket pitch in Dover, just like they did in those listening comprehensions in third grade? At least I know the answer to that one!! So, yeah.. Not that uncertian... ;)

Huvudsaken är ju trots allt att vi kan kommunicera med varandra, oavsett hur det sker. så ibland kanske man får lyfta hatten för google för att de gör det möjligt att kommunicera med varandra. Hey, Google translate fungerar helt okej! Okej, jag erkänner, Google Translate fungerar bättre än jag.  :thumbsup:

Well, it doesn't. But thanks for trying! :D


Terribly sorry old chap, I'm frightfully lost trying to catch the old boys hitting a googly you see, cup of tea what and all that. :)

Seriously though, as a Brit, I hear these things a lot, worked in a fairly international office that was English-speaking, but you really shouldn't worry yourself silly over it, this is not the sort of place where people are going to correct your errors. You'd be surprised how bad the English language gets mangled with yoof speak and regional dialects in the UK too, very few from my home city speak proper-English, I got a lot of flak at school for doing so.

The chances are your (case in point, I just had to edit that from you're) English is better than mine, I have all the problems you describe working out what to type and it's my native tongue. So I encourage you to join in the debate if you're so inclined, no one here will bite.

Most German people when they say they speak "a little" English mean they speak English fluently, at least well enough to hold a conversation. Most English people when they say they speak "ein bisschen" German mean they can stumble their way through a few basic sentences but barely hold a conversation. It's something I've noticed in Europe that most other nations seem to hold themselves to a higher standard in order to consider themselves able to speak a language.


Sorry to hijack the tread in to off topic land, but ... Hey, you speak Swedish, so you have prepositions in your language. :)  Me as a Finnish speaker, we don't even have those bloody things in our language. :D We just put silly letters at end of the words. I can't understand that system.  :'( I doubt that anyone can.   ::) 

@MGB204 I used to live in London and one funny memory I have is from an ad campaign in the tube by some language school. A poster with a picture of white man in fifties, dress like a stereotypical Cockney cabdriver. The poster had some gibberish on the top and then below with smaller letters "If you came to London to earn English, you came to wrong place." :D 

(Admins, sorry. I apparently have an old double account that I have never used, but now I made an accidental post with it.)