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Missing three buildings, need help finding them.

Started by David H, December 22, 2015, 06:32:03 AM

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David H

I'm looking for the props to several buildings

BLS Al's Grape Juice

CSX Prepo Robotics (it's not the main building though, it's the side building.)

BSC The Watford (Residential builing)

Thanks in Advance


I'm having trouble locating the downloads for these lots in the first place and can't find any of them on my HD either. Do you recall where you got them?

time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana

David H

yes, I do remember actually.

the Al's Grape Juice comes from Barby's 1x1 Commercial pack. - http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=972

the Prepo Robotics comes from Colyns 8x8 IT Pack (And looking at it on the Lex, I can tell you the missing building is a Deadwoods IHT Pharmaceuticals Building.)

The Watford I think I got from SFBT


Thanks, that helps.  :)

Al Grape's Juice needs BSC Misc vol1 for the main building, and Gascooker vol1 for the market stall props.

Deadwoods IHT Pharmaceuticals Building.

As for the Watford, I do have Watford Gardens / Watford Drive on my HD, which is a small 1x2 $$ residential from Gascooker. If that's the same you're looking for, you need Gascookers files, obviously. Otherwise more information is needed still.
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana

David H

Quote from: vortext on December 22, 2015, 12:42:31 PM
Thanks, that helps.  :)

Al Grape's Juice needs BSC Misc vol1 for the main building, and Gascooker vol1 for the market stall props.

Deadwoods IHT Pharmaceuticals Building.

As for the Watford, I do have Watford Gardens / Watford Drive on my HD, which is a small 1x2 $$ residential from Gascooker. If that's the same you're looking for, you need Gascookers files, obviously. Otherwise more information is needed still.
Could very well be as I have very few Gascooker prop packs DLed right now.