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WCIF - Pedestrian Plaza stairs

Started by imoutofusernameideas, February 21, 2016, 05:38:24 AM

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Hello everyone,

quick question: I'm looking for stairs (puzzle pieces?) that occupy their entire lot as to be able to build one very broad continuous stairwell on a slope for a plaza I'm building. I've found some stairs that compliment embankment and slope conforming walls, such as this one (http://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/27116-addon-for-wall-embankment-sets-pedestrian-stairs-ramps-and-underbridge-lots/), but these are single stairs which would not achieve what I'm looking for. I'm going for something like this: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-O1xSLrw1t70/UtiYnoSCWUI/AAAAAAAACrE/XorJVJTkbUk/s1600/citi7.jpg

Thanks in advance!


I'm not aware of any such complicated stair lots out there, but using the marrast's stair prop (http://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/16686-marrast-footways-ver-31/) and some ingenuity in the LE, I think you could achieve something like that. (Only orthogonal, though, I'm afraid.)
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Thanks chaps, ultimately I'll probably go with the SC stairs, they're just a bit more of what I'm looking for. (No corner pieces though)

Anyhow, is there a difference between the No dependencies version and the other one? I have that particular dependency already anyhow so it doesn't matter to me, I'm just wondering.

EDIT: I've taken two snapshots to clarify my wishes.

The first is without any stairs placed, the second is using SC's stairs. The pieces of road are place holders for a museum, the green spaces are the slopes. As you can see, SC's stairwell lots are "separated" from each other and do not create one continuous stairwell and they do not have outer and inner corner pieces that can be placed on the diagonal slopes.