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Modern Diagonal Townhouses?

Started by simangel, September 15, 2018, 01:03:32 AM

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Hi not sure if this is the right place for this, but i was wondering if there are any modern diagonal townhouses available for download?.

big thank you in advance for any help!.



Did you try a search on google like this:

diagonal site:http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/


I would try a google search, too. I have had success by using the google picture search and then browse through the pictures linked to words like "SC4 diagonal building". By this, you can easily see, what buildings are there. In case you find some nice buildings but cannot find the name or the downloadlink, you can ask here or on the other SC4 site "simtropolis" in threads called "can't find it? ask here...".

To give you at least something solid now: there were quite a view diagonals on the simcity polska site. You can find them now on simtropolis.com (unfortunately the site had some issues, so you might have to wait for them to be back online). The houses look like these:

I really like these houses. Unfortunately, they are not meant to be plopped next to a diagonal road, but they give a city a nice diagonal look.


Hi thanks for the replies, yes i have done a couple of google searches ....but nothing along the lines of what i am searching for unfortunately  ()sad().
I am looking for something like these but diagonal instead of standard.


There really isn't much available in the modern diagonal space given how fiddly RCI diagonals can be to lot and behave properly.

I made these a long time ago: they are newer architecture and may (sort of) come close to what you have shown. https://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/28310-devries-villas/

But for my money the CP diagonals can't be beaten. Even though they are 19th C architecture, they are incredibly charming (do a power search on lex by C.P. to see all of his other diagonal stuff) Simcoug used CP's houses for diagonal relots and they are absolutely amazing: https://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/28630-simcougs-r-diagonal-homes/ & https://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/29000-simcougs-diagonal-w2w-tenements/