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ANNOUNCEMENT - The LEX Disk vol 1 currently out of stock

Started by callagrafx, November 17, 2008, 05:53:13 AM

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That is a very impressive collection.
I can't wait to get my copy.

Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


impressive collection indeed  :thumbsup: great work to all people who work on this DVD &apls
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Do not worry, Masuda-san. If we are getting low on DVDs we can order some more so no-one will miss out on getting theirs.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


@Barby san
I see, Thank you akways for your polite reply so quckly. :)
I understand it well and at least it's settled for the time being.  and I'll anounce about them in Japan soon.

Thank you again Barby san. ;)


that is a very impressive list there for sure wow!!! Hey I was wondering wouldn't it be a good idea to post that list in the stickie so everyone see's it every time? Just a small brain fart from me...

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


So does this have all the dependencies available on the LEX?
I find that alcohol, taken in sufficient quantities, can bring about all the effects of drunkenness.


Quote from: toxicpiano on November 21, 2008, 02:00:21 PM
So does this have all the dependencies available on the LEX?

All the BSC dependencies yes...plus a few other non-BSC ones that we have permission to use. 

It goes without saying there is no PegProd stuff on there.  :thumbsup:
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it


toxicpiano: It has all the BSC Dependencies plus model packs from the LEX where we had permission from the creators. External dependencies or those that we did not have permission to include are linked in a special section on the disk.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


I find that alcohol, taken in sufficient quantities, can bring about all the effects of drunkenness.


Im confused? Wouldn't this be against the EA rules, as a majority this content is not available for free, so therefore, it is mandatory for the user to pay if they want the content, making the donation just a fancy word to cover up for price? Wouldn't that then breach the EA rules?

I am not trying to persecute you guys in any way, I just want to make sure you understand this and have discussed this so you don't run into any issues with the law. Would make life harder for all of us if that happened, eh?  ;)

thanks for providing this however, i will consider donating.


Actually, the vast majority of the content on this DVD is in fact available for free here on the LEX.  There are several items on the disc that will be exclusive for some time... basically until the various creators decide to make their items publicly available on this or other exchanges.  There is only one thing on the DVD that will remain permanently exclusive to the disc and that is primarily because the file is so large it cannot be uploaded to most public exchanges.

Not to worry... it's been discussed.  ;)


Never trust a god who grins all the time and wears a top hat, that's my motto.  -Terry Pratchett

It's from JBSimio.  Need we say more?  -BadgerBoy of SC4 Devotion


Laws and the especially the EULA are just plain weird. I guess this is somewhat of a legal grayzone, but I seriously doubt it is illegal... &Thk/(


Quote from: JBSimio on November 21, 2008, 06:19:16 PM
There is only one thing on the DVD that will remain permanently exclusive to the disc and that is primarily because the file is so large it cannot be uploaded to most public exchanges.

I wonder if they thought of uploading it in parts, like Reliant stadium...

"With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound he pulls the spitting high-tension wires down..."


I think just the model alone on the Petronas Towers is the massive part in it self that exceeeds all exchanges bandwiths.. lol

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


I wonder if the game has a maximum bandwith charge... ::) (besides when you crash the computer, the internet, and half the national power grid) &hlp


Oooooo pick me pick me  &apls  :D

pity that the AUD has plummeted below the core of the earth at the moment so 25 euro is very expensive for me :( like $AU50!!!! :(

:( damn global economic crash...


Quote from: JBSimio on November 21, 2008, 06:19:16 PM
Actually, the vast majority of the content on this DVD is in fact available for free here on the LEX.  There are several items on the disc that will be exclusive for some time... basically until the various creators decide to make their items publicly available on this or other exchanges.  There is only one thing on the DVD that will remain permanently exclusive to the disc and that is primarily because the file is so large it cannot be uploaded to most public exchanges.

Not to worry... it's been discussed.  ;)


You probably could sell content if you really wanted to. Ever been to those sims 2 sites where they charge you money to download their stuff? There are loads of those and the door hasn't been kicked in by EA ever.
I find that alcohol, taken in sufficient quantities, can bring about all the effects of drunkenness.



&dance &dance Mine's just dropped through the mailbox. &dance &dance

Thanks a lot folks for all your hard work :thumbsup:


Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - If you're not part of the solution , you're part of the problem!
"Never knock on Death's door: Ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!"
Tales at TeaTime      Now A proper NUT      TTC plays GRV II


We are not selling BATs in any case here. Even if the "get a free gift for your donation" wouldn't be accepted due to legal complications (there are no signs of that, though), it only means we would charge money for a service, not for the BATs themselves. Running a server costs money, and producing and shipping the DVDs cost money as well. All money that is donated goes right into those, and none of the contributors will be "paid" for their creations.


Simtrop has had the STEX disks as thank you gifts for years now without any legal implications whatsoever, so why would we have any?  ::) ::)  There ARE no legal issues, as the disk is NOT FOR SALE.  Any donations go straight to running this site, which sits on a dedicated server at a cost of around $180 per month...
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it