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MOD zones

Started by Neofita, August 26, 2010, 04:15:07 AM

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Putting zones in SC4 sometimes brings me into a state of fury.
Already explain what I mean.
Putting the zone no matter what, for example, housing we do not know what to build on it.
We can manipulate taxes, pollution, parks,but does not give it complete control over the growing buildings.
I was wondering if you can create MOD zones.
Putting the zone should we choose what amount you want to build houses.
MOD zones would add to the menu choice zone.
For example:
R $ light green
R $$ green
R $$$ dark green
of course it would be good to share even those areas within rural and urban.
The same could be applied in commerce and offices and industry.
Ask especially for players who make modifications or making such a modification is possible.
Sorry for my English is not the best


unfortunately this is hardcoded, but you can use tilesets and mod them, I'll leave someone more experienced with that to explain, but basically you select the tileset you want to build in that area as the only one to build and it will build from that tileset. But you have to change the default tilesets of all your lots.


your pretty much at the mercy of the simulator on what wealth type of buildings will grow on different zoned lands, even in the Comercial section your really don't know whats gonna grow CS or CO if you have demand for both types, pretty much a crap shoot. You can tell it how dence the zoning  and try and minipulate the simulator with parks landamarks rewards and taxes etc etc, but that be the extend of what you can do with mods. I know theres a few oder superdemand mods that would raise the demand for certain types (thinking of buggies parks and ordinance cheats), but it been so long since I used any of them not sure if they targeted wealth types beyond HT-IND and Agriculture and diffenrt one for CS and CO.

Now there are ways to be able to do what your talking about, but it is rather labour intensive and you have to be very careful as it requires you to switch in and out of your game the buildings you do or don't want to grow. First forth most you you have to determine all dependancies of buildings used and keep them in your game. Don't mess around with switch in and out dependancies it be more source of trouble if you start mixxing them up or forgetting to put them in.  This can be done, I've done this in the past, found it to be more trouble than it's worth.

Using the BSC Maxis blocking mod (which enables you to block all or certain buildings) and making up your own custom tilesets with custom lots. Say only putting in R$$$'s in one file folder, R$$'s in another and R$'s in another. This Can also be done in other catagories, CS$'s, CO$$'s, Agriculture, dirty IND, etc. then drag and drop the file folder tree in your plugins folder or out to a temp hold folder outside the game.

It would require you to exit the game and switch in and out these file folder trees for the city your playing, depending on what you do or don't want to be growing in your city. Only want R$$$'s in the city only put in R$$$'s lots file tree in your plugins, and keep the R$$'s and R$'s outside of the game.

Some or the problems with doing this are:

A: finding enough buildings to fill each wealth type and stage, and double checking them all for stats and setting your game up for the proper dependancies takes a loooooongtime.

B: growth in a city can be stalled if your missing buildings in certain stages (and wealth types), The simulator will want to build the buildings and there are none to choose from. So it will cycle for long periods building nothing til condition and/or demand in the city changes, which it might not change til the demand in question is satisfied, which will never happen cause building restriction you placed on your game, there are no buildings to fulfil the demand. So your forced to save and exit and switch cities often.

C: Must mark the cities you are using certain file trees with, so when you open the city you have the corsponding lots to go with it. Open the wrong city with the wrong folder and you get all sorts of brown boxes, blank spots etc etc. The simulator will go nuts cause all the buildings have no stats. As long as you don't save the city and just exit, the city will be fine next time you open it with the proper file folder tree. but it is fustrating

D:unless you have a full  range of buildings of all stages for a catagory and wealth type, you will run into a lot of building replication as well. Condition are right for ceratin stage and wealth type and you have only one or two buildings in your plugin that fullfil that demand, all your gonna get is that one or two buildings growing everywhere. This can also happen if you have a few buildings in the same stage and wealth type and 1 particular lots stats stand out over the others, the simulator will always pick it. (aka a BLAM lot, but can be fixed by remodding the lot to be closer to others that you use in your game)

E: having to save and exit the game and switch file folder trees in this manner is very time consuming. Sometimes you end up spending more time exiting and loading the game then actually playing.

My personel opion after trying this myself a few years ago, your much better off making up tileset folder trees that include all wealth types and stages, (which i do cause of lack of resouces to be able to use all my plugins at once) and switch them in and out of your game, than going for playing the game with ones that are restictive as you sugguesting.  You'll get more playing time in.
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