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Translation Request for JBSimio's Clayhurst University

Started by RippleJet, January 17, 2008, 01:53:44 PM

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JBSimio's School Packs are all multilingual:

His Clayhurst University (originally known as Westlake Academy) is also going to be multilingual.

Thus, we need your help in translating everything into at least the same languages that those School Packs are available in:
French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish and Portuguese

Additional languages are of course highly wanted (e.g. Polish and Japanese)! ::)

This time I'm not providing any LTEXT files.
I'm just writing the texts here, and will ask you to post your translations here as well! ;)

This lot is eye candy only.
This lot requires street access.

Conger Academic Center
Fuhrmann Academic Building Center
Olson Academic Center
University classroom building.
University trigger building.

Campus Chapel
A small student chapel.
University Chapel
A functional chapel.

University Boiler
Campus Maintainence Building.
Campus Steam Plant
A functional power plant.

Hillcrest Hall
Centennial Hall
Summit Hall
A small dormitory.

Ahler's Memorial Library
Campus Library
The original library on campus.

Student and Athletic Center
A student common area.
Student Center
A functional sports venue.

Campus Sign
Notice Board
Security Phone
Trash Can

Campus Driveway
1x1 Straight Road Piece
1x3 Straight Road Piece
1x1 Transit Enabled Straight Road Piece
1x1 Straight Road Piece with Parking
1x3 Straight Road Piece with Parking
1x1 Straight Road Piece with Narrow Path Crossing
1x1 Straight Road Piece with Narrow Path T Junction
1x1 Straight Road Piece with Wide Path Crossing
1x1 Straight Road Piece with Wide Path T Junction
1x1 Corner Piece
1x1 Corner Piece with Parking
1x1 T Junction Road Piece
1x1 T Junction with Parking
1x1 Cross Road Piece

Campus Parking
1x1 Thru Piece
1x1 End Piece
2x2 Lot - Thru Piece
2x2 Lot with End Piece
3x3 Lot with End Piece

Campus Path
1x1 Narrow Path Straight
1x1 Narrow Path Corner
1x1 Narrow Path T Junction
1x1 Narrow Path Cross Junction
1x1 Wide Path Straight Piece
1x1 Wide Path Reduce to Narrow Path
1x1 Wide Path End T Junction
1x1 Wide Path T Junction with Narrow Path End
1x1 Wide Path T Junction with Narrow Path Reduce
1x1 Wide Path T Junction with Wide Path
1x1 Wide Path Cross with Narrow Path
1x1 Wide Path Cross with Wide Path
1x1 Wide Path Cross and Reduce to Narrow Path

Campus Quad
3x5 Open Space with 3 Entry Points
3x5 Open Space with 5 Entry Points
5x5 Open Space with 4 Entry Points
5x5 Open Space with 12 Entry Points
7x7 Open Space with 12 Entry Points
7x9 Open Space with 16 Entry Points

# of Campus Lots:
# of Campus Buildings:


German translation:

(Note: I wonder if we should translate proper names like "Westlake Academy" or "Conger Academic Center". Usually, they are kept in different languages as well.)

Dieser Lot dient nur der Optik.
Dieser Lot benötigt einen Straßenanschluss.

Conger Academic Center
Fuhrmann Academic Building (<- "Center" as well?!)
Olson Academic Center

Eine kleine Kapelle für Studenten.
Eine funktionierende Kapelle.

Campus-Heizkraftwerk (<- shouldn't this be the other way round, the functional one called "University..."?)
Ein funktionierendes Kraftwerk.

Hillcrest Hall
Centennial Hall
Summit Hall
Ein kleines Stundentenwohnheim.

Ahler's Memorial Library (or translated Ahler-Gedächtnisbibliothek)
Die studentische Bibliothek auf dem Campus.

Mensa und Sporthalle
Eine studentische Einrichtung auf dem Campus.
Eine funktionale Sporteinrichtung.


1x1 gerades Teilstück
1x3 gerades Teilstück
1x1 gerades Teilstück, transit-enabled
1x1 gerades Teilstück mit Parkplatz
1x3 gerades Teilstück mit Parkplatz
1x1 gerades Teilstück mit schmaler Wegkreuzung
1x1 gerades Teilstück mit schmaler Wegeinmündung
1x1 gerades Teilstück mit breiter Wegkreuzung
1x1 gerades Teilstück mit breiter Wegeinmündung
1x1 Kurve
1x1 Kurve mit Parkplatz
1x1 T-Einmündung
1x1 T-Einmündung mit Parkplatz
1x1 Kreuzung

1x1 Parkplatz durchgängig
1x1 Parkplatz Endstück
2x2 Parkplatz durchgängig
2x2 Parkplatz Endstück
3x3 Parkplatz Endstück

1x1 schmaler Weg gerade
1x1 schmaler Weg Kurve
1x1 schmaler Weg T-Einmündung
1x1 schmaler Weg Kreuzung
1x1 breiter Weg gerade
1x1 breiter Weg mit Übergang zu schmalem Weg
1x1 breiter Weg mit T-Einmündung
1x1 breiter Weg T-Einmündung mit schmalem Wegende
1x1 breiter Weg T-Einmündung mit schmalem Weg
1x1 breiter Weg T-Einmündung mit breitem Weg
1x1 breiter Weg Kreuzung mit schmalem Weg
1x1 breiter Weg Kreuzung mit breitem Weg
1x1 breiter Weg Kreuzung mit schmalem Wegübergang

3x5 offene Fläche mit 3 Weganschlüssen
3x5 offene Fläche mit 5 Weganschlüssen
5x5 offene Fläche mit 4 Weganschlüssen
5x5 offene Fläche mit 12 Weganschlüssen
7x7 offene Fläche mit 12 Weganschlüssen
7x9 offene Fläche mit 16 Weganschlüssen

Anzahl der Campus-Lots:
Anzahl der Campus-Gebäude:


Thanks Andreas! Somehow I knew you would be the first one to post... ::) :D

Quote from: Andreas on January 17, 2008, 02:56:21 PM
(Note: I wonder if we should translate proper names like "Westlake Academy" or "Conger Academic Center". Usually, they are kept in different languages as well.)

Yes, I fully agree. The same goes for the dormitories; Hillcrest Hall, Centennial Hall and Summit Hall. :thumbsup:


Quote from: RippleJet on January 17, 2008, 03:07:30 PM
Thanks Andreas! Somehow I knew you would be the first one to post... ::) :D

Well, no surprise here, since I know the lots already and had prepared the translation in my mind, more or less. ;)


Thank you in advance to everyone helping with this!   ()flower()

Seeing it in a list like this for the first time, I noticed two minor things that I messed up.

Quote from: RippleJet on January 17, 2008, 01:53:44 PM
Fuhrmann Academic Building

As Andreas pointed out, this should be Fuhrmann Academic Center

Quote from: RippleJet on January 17, 2008, 01:53:44 PM
Campus Chapel
Student Center

I don't really see the need for two names, unless someone thinks differently.  I think we could just stick with University Chapel and Student and Athletic Center.

My apologies for mixing those up!   &ops

Never trust a god who grins all the time and wears a top hat, that's my motto.  -Terry Pratchett

It's from JBSimio.  Need we say more?  -BadgerBoy of SC4 Devotion


Dutch translations:

Dit lot dient slechts ter verfraaiing.
Dit lot heeft toegang tot straat of weg nodig.

Conger Academie Gebouw
Fuhrmann Academie Gebouw
Olson Academie Gebouw
Academie gebouw, trekt nieuwe universiteits gebouwen aan.

Campus kapel
Een gebedshuis voor studenten.
Universiteits kapel
Een functioneel gebedshuis.

Universiteits ketelhuis
Campus' onderhoudsdienst.
Campus' verwarmingsgebouw
Een functionele energie centrale.

Hillcrest Hall
Centennial Hall
Summit Hall
Een klein studentenhuis.

Ahler's Memorial Bibliotheek
Universiteits Bibliotheek
Een bibliotheek voor studenten.

Mensa en Sportcentrum
Een studenten ontmoetingscentrum.
Universiteits sporthal
Een functionele sporthal.

Campus bord

Campus weg
1x1 recht wegdeel
1x3 recht wegdeel
1x1 recht wegdeel, Transit Enabled
1x1 recht wegdeel met parkeerplaats
1x3 recht wegdeel met parkeerplaats
1x1 recht wegdeel kruising met smal pad
1x1 recht wegdeel T-splitsing met smal zijpad
1x1 recht wegdeel kruising met breed pad
1x1 recht wegdeel T-splitsing met breed zijpad
1x1 hoekdeel
1x1 hoekdeel met parkeerplaats
1x1 T-splitsing
1x1 T-splitsing met parkeerplaats
1x1 kruising

Campus parkeerplaats
1x1 parkeerplaats doorgang
1x1 parkeerplaats einddeel
2x2 parkeerplaats doorgang
2x2 parkeerplaats met einddeel
3x3 parkeerplaats met einddeel

Campus pad
1x1 smal pad recht deel
1x1 smal pad hoek
1x1 smal pad T-splitsing
1x1 smal pad kruising
1x1 breed pad recht deel
1x1 breed pad/smal pad overgang
1x1 breed pad T-splitsing eind deel
1x1 breed pad T-splitsing met smal pad eind deel
1x1 breed pad T-splitsing met smal pad overgang
1x1 breed pad T splitsing
1x1 breed pad kruising met smal pad
1x1 breed pad kruising
1x1 breed pad kruising met smal pad overgang

Campus veld
3x5 open veld met 3 ingangen
3x5 open veld met 5 ingangen
5x5 open veld met 4 ingangen
5x5 open veld met 12 ingangen
7x7 open veld met 12 ingangen
7x9 open veld met 16 ingangen

aantal Campus Lots:
aantal Campus Gebouwen:
Check my MD:               


Italian Translation

Questo lot è solo per bellezza
Questo lot richiede accesso alla strada

Centro Accademico Conger
Edificio Accademico Fuhrmann
Centro Accademico Olson
Edificio delle aule universitarie
Edificio universitario di base

Cappella del Campus
Una piccola cappella per studenti
Cappella dell'Università
Una Cappella funzionante.

Locale Caldaie dell'Università
Edificio per la manutenzione del Campus
Centrale a vapore del Campus
Una centrale elettrica funzionante

Hillcrest Hall
Centennial Hall
Summit Hall
Un piccolo Dormitorio

Biblioteca Ahler's Memorial
Biblioteca del Campus
La biblioteca del Campus

Area comune degli studenti e centro sportivo
Un'area comune per gli studenti
Centro sportivo per studenti
Un centro sportivo funzionante

Cartello del Campus
Telefono di sicurezza

Viale del Campus
1x1 Tratto di stada rettilineo
1x3 Tratto di stada rettilineo
1x1 Tratto di stada rettilineo abilitato al transito
1x1 Tratto di stada rettilineo con parcheggio
1x3 Tratto di stada rettilineo con parcheggio
1x1 Tratto di stada rettilineo con incrocio stretto
1x1 Tratto di stada rettilineo con incrocio stretto a T
1x1 Tratto di stada rettilineo con incrocio largo
1x1 Tratto di stada rettilineo con incrocio largo a T
1x1 Curva
1x1 Curva con parcheggio
1x1 Incrocio a T
1x1 Incrocio a T con parcheggio
1x1 Incrocio

Parcheggio del Campus
1x1 Punto di accesso
1x1 Punto di fine
2x2 Lot - Punto di fine
2x2 Lot con punto di fine
3x3 Lot con punto di fine

Sentiero del campus
1x1 Sentiero diritto stretto
1x1 Curva sentiero stretto
1x1 Incrocio a T del sentiero stretto
1x1 Incrocio del sentiero stretto
1x1 Sentiero ampio dritto
1x1 Strettoia da sentiero ampio a stretto
1x1 Incrocio del sentiero ampio a T con lato chiuso
1x1 Incrocio a T ampio con sentiero stretto chiuso
1x1 Incrocio a T ampio con strettoia
1x1 Incrocio a T ampio
1x1 Incrocio sentiero ampio con sentiero stretto
1x1 Incrocio sentiero ampio con sentiero ampio
1x1 Incrocio sentiero ampio e strettoia sentiero stretto

3x5 Spazio Aperto con 3 punti di accesso
3x5 Spazio Aperto con 5 punti di accesso
5x5 Spazio Aperto conh 4 punti di accesso
5x5 Spazio Aperto con 12 punti di accesso
7x7 Spazio Aperto con 12 punti di accesso
7x9 Spazio Aperto con 16 punti di accesso

# di lot del Campus:
# di edifici del Campus:


Quote from: meldolion on January 18, 2008, 03:32:35 AM
Edificio "trigger" universitario (what is a University Trigger Building??)

"university Trigger Building" is the term I will use to indicate which buildings unlock other buildings.  The reward chains will be set up in a way that you will need certain university buildings (trigger buildings) plopped before you will be able to access others.  Does that help?


Never trust a god who grins all the time and wears a top hat, that's my motto.  -Terry Pratchett

It's from JBSimio.  Need we say more?  -BadgerBoy of SC4 Devotion


I had a hard time translating this term as well. "Trigger" would be "Auslöser" (i. e. the trigger of a gun), but that sounds kinda weird. ;) So I used "university base building" to paraphrase the term.


The Norwegian list, mostly based on Andreas' German one. I'll do the Danish later (Daily Show's on now) NOTE: I assume the Halls are dormitories. There's no specific Norwegian word for it, but the Danish (college) will do.

Denne tomten har ingen funksjoner.
Denne tomten krever tilgang til vei.

Conger Akademiske senter
Fuhrmann Akademiske senter
Olson Akademiske senter
"Trigger"-bygning for universitets belønningskjede

Lite studentkapell
Et funksjonelt kapell

Varmekraftverk for universitet
Vedlikeholdsbygning for campus.
Varmekraftverk for campus
Et funksjonelt kraftverk.

Hillcrest kollegium
Centennial kollegium
Summit kollegium
Et lite kollegium

Ahlers Minde bibliotek
Det opprinnelige biblioteket på campus
Student- og sportssenter
Et stundenthus kombinert med funksjonelle idrettsfunksjoner


1x1 rett vei
1x3 rett vei
1x1 funksjonell rett vei
1x1 rett vei med parkering
1x1 rett vei med smalt stikryss
1x1 rett vei med smalt sti-t-kryss
1x1 rett vei med bredt stikryss
1x1 rett vei med bredt sti-t-kryss
1x1 kurve
1x1 kurve med parkeringsplass
1x1 t-kryss
1x1 t-kryss med parkering
1x1 x-kryss
1x1 parkering med gjennomgang
1x1 parkering ende
2x2 parkering med gjennomgang
2x2 parkering ende
3x3 parkering ende

1x1 smal sti rett
1x1 smal sti kurve
1x1 smal sti t-kryss
1x1 smal sti x-kryss
1x1 bred sti rett
1x1 bred til smal sti
1x1 bred sti t-kryss
1x1 bred sti t-kryss med smal stiende
1x1 bred sti t-kryss med smal sti
1x1 bred sti t-kryss med bred sti
1x1 bred sti x-kryss med smal sti
1x1 bred sti x-kryss med bred sti
1x1 bred sti x-kryss med smal stiende

3x5 åpen flate med 3 innganger
3x5 åpen falte med 5 innganger
5x5 åpen flate med 4 innganger
5x5 åpen flate med 12 innganger
7x7 åpen flate med 12 innganger
7x9 åpen flate med 16 innganger

# antall campustomter
# antall campusbygninger

NOTE: This assumes that the two student center/atheltic center items are collapsed into one.


i'll try to help with this Spanish Translation:

Este lot es solo decorativo
Este lot necesita acceso a una calle.

Centro Académico Conger
Centro Académico Fuhrmann
Centro Académico Olson
Edificio de salones de la Universidad.
Edificio base para la Universidad.

Capilla del Campus
Una pequeña capilla de estudiantes.
Capilla de la Universidad
Una Capilla funcional.

Caldera de la Universidad
Edificio de Mantenimiento del Campus.
Central a vapor del Campus
Una Central eléctrica funcional.

Hillcrest Hall
Centennial Hall
Summit Hall
Un pequeño Dormitorio.

Biblioteca Ahler's Memorial
Biblioteca del Campus
La biblioteca original del Campus.

Centro de estudiantes y deportes
Un área común para los estudiantes.
Centro de estudiantes
Un centro deportivo funcional.

Cartel del Campus
Cartelera de noticias
Teléfono de seguridad

Caminería del Campus
1x1 Tramo de camino en recta
1x3 Tramo de camino en recta
1x1 Tramo de camino en recta con conexión a calle
1x1 Tramo de camino en recta con parking
1x3 Tramo de camino en recta con parking
1x1 Tramo de camino en recta con cruce de sendero angosto
1x1 Tramo de camino en recta con intersección T con sendero angosto
1x1 Tramo de camino en recta con cruce de sendero ancho
1x1 Tramo de camino en recta con intersección T con sendero ancho
1x1 Tramo en curva
1x1 Tramo en curva con parking
1x1 Tramo de camino con intersección T
1x1 Intersección T con parking
1x1 Tramo de cruce de caminos

Parking del Campus
1x1 Tramo intermedio
1x1 Tramo final
2x2 Lot - Tramo intermedio
2x2 Lot con Tramo final
3x3 Lot con Tramo final

Sendero del Campus
1x1 Sendero angosto: recta
1x1 Sendero angosto: curva
1x1 Sendero angosto: intersección T
1x1 Sendero angosto: intersección X
1x1 Sendero ancho: recta
1x1 Sendero ancho: reducción a Sendero angosto
1x1 Sendero ancho: final en intersección T
1x1 Sendero ancho: intersección T con final de Sendero angosto
1x1 Sendero ancho: intersección T con reducción a Sendero angosto
1x1 Sendero ancho: intersección T con Sendero ancho
1x1 Sendero ancho: intersección X con Sendero angosto
1x1 Sendero ancho: intersección X con Sendero ancho
1x1 Sendero ancho: intersección X y reducción a Sendero angosto

3x5 Espacio Abierto con 3 puntos de acceso
3x5 Espacio Abierto con 5 puntos de acceso
5x5 Espacio Abierto con 4 puntos de acceso
5x5 Espacio Abierto con 12 puntos de acceso
7x7 Espacio Abierto con 12 puntos de acceso
7x9 Espacio Abierto con 16 puntos de acceso

# de lots del Campus:
# de Edificios del Campus:

Quote from: Andreas on January 18, 2008, 01:16:41 PM
I had a hard time translating this term as well. "Trigger" would be "Auslöser" (i. e. the trigger of a gun), but that sounds kinda weird. ;) So I used "university base building" to paraphrase the term.
i also thought about "required" which would be requerido in spanish

first forums inhabitant from Uruguay..   first forums citizen from Uruguay..  first forums councilman from Uruguay..   first forums mayor from Uruguay..  first forums governor from Uruguay..
...i'm still the only one from Uruguay!



Figui -> to trigger en este sentido sería más bien "desencadenar", sería así como "lot desencadenante"  ;)


Ce lot est décoratif
Ce lot a besoin d'un accès routier

Centre académique Conger
Bâtiment académique Fuhrmann
Centre académique Olson
Bâtiment des classes
Bàtiment déclencheur de l'université

Chapelle du campus
Une petite chapelle d'étudiants
Une chapelle fonctionelle

Chaudières de l'université
Bâtiment d'entretien du campus
Centrale thermique de l'université
Une centrale électrique fonctionelle

Hillcrest Hall
Centennial Hall
Summit Hall
Un petit dortoir

Bibliothèque Memorielle d'Ahler
Bibliothèque du campus
La bibliothèque originelle du campus

Centre Athlétique et des étudiants
Un espace commun des étudiants
Centre d'Étudiants
Un commerce fonctionnel

Signe du campus
Panneau d'informations
Téléphone de sécurité

Voies du Campus
1x1 Route droite
1x3 Route droite
1x1 Route droite fonctionelle
1x1 Route droite avec parking
1x3 Route droite avec parking
1x1 Route droite X voie étroite
1x1 Route droite connection voie étroite en T
1x1 Route droite X voie large
1x1 Route droite connection voie large en T
1x1 Coin
1x1 Coin avec parking
1x1 Route connection en T
1x1 connection en T avec parking
1x1 Route X Route

Parking du Campus
1x1 Voie
1x1 Fin
2x2 Lot - Voie
2x2 Lot avec pièce finale
3x3 Lot avec pièce finale

Voie du Campus
1x1 Voie étroite - droite
1x1 Voie étroite - coin
1x1 Voie étroite - croisement en T
1x1 Voie étroite - croisement
1x1 Voie large - droite
1x1 Voie large - Voie étroite
1x1 Voie large - croisement en T
1x1 Voie large - croisement en T avec fin voie étroite
1x1 Voie large - croisement en T réduction en voie étroite
1x1 Voie large - croisement en T avec Voie large
1x1 Voie large - croisement avec voie étroite
1x1 Voie large - croisement avec voie large
1x1 Voie large - croisement avec réduction en voie étroite

3x5 Espace ouvert avec 3 points d'accès
3x5 Espace ouvert avec 5 points d'accès
5x5 Espace ouvert avec 4 points d'accès
5x5 Espace ouvert avec 12 points d'accès
7x7 Espace ouvert avec 12 points d'accès
7x9 Espace ouvert avec 16 points d'accès

# de lots du campus:
# de bâtiments du campus:
Back to europe ;D


Quote from: Fukuda on January 19, 2008, 06:30:52 PM
Figui -> to trigger en este sentido sería más bien "desencadenar", sería así como "lot desencadenante"  ;)

100% agree!

a veces cuesta encontrar una expresión apropiada en castellano cuando comprendes el significado en inglés :P

first forums inhabitant from Uruguay..   first forums citizen from Uruguay..  first forums councilman from Uruguay..   first forums mayor from Uruguay..  first forums governor from Uruguay..
...i'm still the only one from Uruguay!



This should be the Danish translation (based on my Norwegian one). If any Danes feel like correcting me (or anyone else spot some missed Norwegian wording), please do. The lines in blue assumes that the student houses items are collapsed into one.

Denne tomten har ingen funktioner.
Denne tomten kræver tilgang til vej.

Conger Akademiske center
Fuhrmann Akademiske center
Olson Akademiske center
"Trigger"-bygning for universitets belønningskæde

Lille studentkapel
Et funktionelt kapel

Varmekraftværk for universitet
Vedligeholdsbygning for campus.
Varmekraftværk for campus
Et funktionelt kraftværk.

Hillcrest kollegium
Centennial kollegium
Summit kollegium
Et lille kollegium

Ahlers Minde bibliotek
Det oprindelige bibliotek på campus
Student- og sportscenter
Et studenthus kombinerede med funktionelle idrætsfunktioner


1x1 ret vej
1x3 ret vej
1x1 funktionel ret vej
1x1 ret vej med parkering
1x1 ret vej med smalt stikryds
1x1 ret vej med smalt sti-t-kryds
1x1 ret vej med bredt stikryds
1x1 ret vej med bredt sti-t-kryds
1x1 kurve
1x1 kurve med parkeringsplass
1x1 t-kryds
1x1 t-kryds med parkering
1x1 x-kryds

1x1 parkering med gennemgang
1x1 parkering ende
2x2 parkering med gennemgang
2x2 parkering ende
3x3 parkering ende

1x1 smal sti ret
1x1 smal sti kurve
1x1 smal sti t-kryds
1x1 smal sti x-kryds
1x1 bred sti ret
1x1 bred til smal sti
1x1 bred sti t-kryds
1x1 bred sti t-kryds med smal stiende
1x1 bred sti t-kryds med smal sti
1x1 bred sti t-kryds med bred sti
1x1 bred sti x-kryds med smal sti
1x1 bred sti x-kryds med bred sti
1x1 bred sti x-kryds med smal stiende

3x5 åben flade med 3 åbninger
3x5 åben falte med 5 åbninger
5x5 åben flade med 4 åbninger
5x5 åben flade med 12 åbninger
7x7 åben flade med 12 åbninger
7x9 åben flade med 16 åbninger

# antal campustomter
# antal campusbygninger


My take on a Danish version. I have preferred to conform to Danish usage in SC4 Deluxe and Danish terms rather than do a 100% literal translation. It ought to be understandable, though I'm not sure I got the mixed wide-and-narrow paths right  :-\

Denne brik har ingen funktioner.
Kræver adgang til vej.

Conger Instituttet
Fuhrmann Instituttet
Olson Instituttet
Auditoriebygning (i.e. "lecture halls", use "Undervisningslokaler" if building also contains classrooms and such).
Udløserbygning for visse andre universitetsbygninger.

Universitetskirke (In Danish a "kapel" is a place for the dead and for burials if a separate building).
Lille studenterkirke.
Fungerer som kirke.

Teknik- og anlægsafdeling.
Fungerer som kraftværk.

Hillcrest kollegiet
Centennial kollegiet
Summit kollegiet
Lille kollegium.

Ahlers Minde biblioteket.
Det oprindelige universitetsbibliotek.

Studenter- og idrætscenter
Et studenterområde.
Fungerer som sportsplads.


1x1 lige vejstykke
1x3 lige vejstykke
1x1 lige vejstykke, transit-enabled
1x1 lige vejstykke med parkering
1x3 lige vejstykke med parkering
1x1 lige vejstykke med krydsende smal sti
1x1 lige vejstykke med smal sti T-kryds
1x1 lige vejstykke med krydsende bred sti
1x1 lige vejstykke med bred sti T-kryds
1x1 90 grader sving
1x1 90 grader sving med parkering
1x1 T-kryds
1x1 T-kryds med parkering
1x1 vejkryds

1x1 med gennemkørsel
1x1 endestykke
2x2 med gennemkørsel
2x2 med endestykke
3x3 med endestykke

1x1 lige smal sti
1x1 smal sti med 90 grader sving
1x1 smal sti, T-kryds
1x1 smal sti, kryds
1x1 lige bred sti
1x1 bred-til-smal sti overgang
1x1 T-kryds, 2 smalle stier, bred sti mod højre
1x1 T-kryds, 2 smalle stier, bred sti mod venstre
1x1 T-kryds, smal sti vinkelret på bred
1x1 bred sti T-kryds
1x1 bred sti krydser smal sti
1x1 bred sti kryds
1x1 bred sti kryds med overgang til smal sti

Åbent universitetsområde
3x5 åben plads med 3 adgangsveje
3x5 åben plads med 5 adgangsveje
5x5 åben plads med 4 adgangsveje
5x5 åben plads med 12 adgangsveje
7x7 åben plads med 12 adgangsveje
7x9 åben plads med 16 adgangsveje

Antal universitets-brikker:
Antal universitetsbygninger:
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination


Thank you, unassigned! :thumbsup:

Now, I guess it's up to me to find some time to finally get these assembled for Jon... &ops


Sebes,; shouldn't 'Universiteits Bibliotheek', be 'Universiteitsbibliotheek' and 'Academie Gebouw', be 'Academiegebouw' and 'studenten ontmoetingscentrum' be 'studentenontmoetingscentrum'?
Follow my SimCity 4 Let's play on YouTube


Casper - the problem that I encountered here is that if you would be consequent in spelling on all cases, you get crazy issues like universiteitsketelhuis and campusbord as well, what makes no sense either, as in Dutch you would never have such names but the function would be described ketelhuis op het universiteitsterrein, etc.

Therefore I choose to stay closer to the original version, where the function of the lot seems to be more clear in all cases.  And it's not like we try to win the Great Dutch National Dictee or something, right?

Check my MD:               


I get your point indeed; but in this case the rule 6C could be a helping hand;

Quote from: Guidelines of Dutch Spelling - section 6.2: Compositions of words
Rule 6C: Parts of a composition of words or their derivations are written together

If we bring two words together two express a new meaning with it, then we show their connection by writing them together. This is what is done to compositions made up of two or more words; eg.

    * tuinstoel
    * overnemen
    * bedrijfsklaar
    * paardenbloem
    * langetermijnplanning
    * linkerdijbeenbreuk

If we have to put a pre- or suffix (that doesn't exist as a word on it's own) to make the word express the new meaning, we will write it together and call the composition a derivation (afleiding); eg.

    * onaf
    * oerstom
    * antistoffen
    * pseudoklassiek
    * onnoemelijk
    * schuldig

If the composition is unclear, or hard to pronounce, we will use a hyphen in between the two words that are being connected. This rule is not needed, but if the writer of the text thinks his readers will not easily be able to read the text, he can use a hypen. We could write 'tweedekansonderwijs', but if the writer thinks that to hard to read, he could also use 'tweedekans-onderwijs'. This is the one that could be used for the 'unexitant' words in Dutch.

We can also use this technique for words that, when compositioned, are the same as other existant words, you can also use a hyphen to make the difference clear. eg.

    * parallelelementen, but aswell parallel-elementen
    * massagebed, but aswell massa-gebed or massage-bed
    * identiteitschip, but aswell identiteits-chip
    * valkuil (hinderlaag), but aswell valk-uil (vogel)

I just take Dutch spelling way too seriously, and I know it  :P
Follow my SimCity 4 Let's play on YouTube


I had similar problems with the German translation, and although it might not look that nice, I used hyphens for such words as well. Separating words that belong together in a certain way with spaces is a big no-no in Germany, although it's common practice everywhere in advertising and such.