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Three Rivers Region

Started by dedgren, December 20, 2006, 07:57:49 PM

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This is always a great thread to read. It is informative as well as a good display of in-game skills. I am going to have to take a few classes at the University of Dedgren to get up to speed on some of these manoeuvers!

Thanks for bringing both aspects of this into 3RR.
See the all-new National Capital Region!:http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=15118.0


    Great stuff my friend.   I really feel like I am learning something very useful here.     Thanks so much for taking the time to create this.


They say that the memory is the second thing that goes....
...dang , I wish I could remember the first.
WooHoo made Councilman - 05 FEB 07 Yipee made Mayor - 13 MAR 07 Hip Hip Hooray made Governor - 04 AUG 07 Rock On made Senator - 15 MAR 09


You've clarified things I have been curious about, and reinforced things I already knew with a well written/well illustrated tutorial. I am now waiting for the 3rd and final installment (which will be the icing on the cake for what is already quite well done).


Great job on the second part of Part II (Part II, II?).

QuoteWhat we're going to do is head one more time back to the LE, where we'll take our little single tree 1x1 lot and use it to make a whole forest on a much larger lot.  It should go much faster this time, as you have the basic skills down.  I think, though, that I still have a few tips and tricks up my sleeve that will set you well on the road to becoming, at least in this regard, an accomplished user of the Lot Editor  program.

I was wondering when you were going to be tackling this. I remember from way back that you said you made custom sized lots filled with seasonal trees (some quite large sizes, if my memory serves me right), and I wasn't sure if you were going to be addressing that type of thing in this tutorial. Now, I can see that you are, and I'll be waiting to learn more. Someone above said something about the "University of Dedgren," and I laughed because I think I spend more time studying your work than I do for my classes! (Realism and U.S. Foreign Policy can be a bit mundane...) Anyway, I'll be looking forward to the next installment!

Take care,



University of Dedgren, eh?  I think I may have to enroll as well.  I must say, this tutorial has been very insightful not just into making seasonal tree lots, but to using the Lot Editor in general.  Many, many thanks for that, David!



Such patience is required to edit these tutorials ...this is a real DEVOTION , David . &apls

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the part two of your tutorial was very great!!! :thumbsup:
It's a shame I cannot find the time to try it :'(


Hey, David. I was reading over the tutorial again and I took notice that the "elevator music" link isn't working. Just thought I'd let you know.



Okay, I hope everyone with an MD understands that I'm not commenting there much as I make the usual rounds in that I'm trying to focus my time on getting this tutorial moved along.  The ilive Reader part, which I've started laying out, is...well...complicated.  I'm trying to present it in a way that will keep you from being driven as nuts as I was when I first started to fool with it-  I had trial and error- you've got me.

...ooooh, now that's comforting................NOT!

Anyway, a few recent comments, less the usual chrome.

* * *

Dustin (thundercrack83)

Quote...I took notice that the "elevator music" link isn't working...

A member of the 3RR Fact Checkers, on the case!  It works now!

btw, Dustin, old friend, see this post [linkie] for the bad news...

...just kidding- your efforts are duly noted...

* * *

Luca (meldolion)

QuoteIt's a shame I cannot find the time to try it

Save your time for that quad you'll be developing soon, my friend.

* * *


...hides head in shame- I'm still looking at all those wonderful pics I DL'd a bit ago- I'm usually the wordmeister- I cannot adequately express my thoughts about the amazing work you do in your cities...

QuoteSuch patience is required to edit these tutorials

LOL, it's actually not my patience that's the issue- it's my wife's.

...Yes, dear?  Yes, I did speak your name...  Oh, just typing something I didn't finish up at work...

* * *

Alex (Tarkus)

QuoteUniversity of Dedgren, eh?

Trust me, if it was, the campus would be in Fiji...

* * *

Dustin (thundercrack83) again

QuoteRealism and U.S. Foreign Policy can be a bit mundane...

Why did I think of oxymorons like "military intelligence" and "airplane food" when I read that?

Study hard, my friend.  Treasure, as well, your days in school- you may find them insufferably boring now, but, having spent nine years getting different degrees after high school, I realized later on that I was more free to do what I wanted with my time during those years than during any subsequent period in my life.

* * *

Matt (threestooges)

QuoteYou've clarified things I have been curious about, and reinforced things I already knew

Those are kind words.  I hope the ilive Reader stuff goes into new ground for a lot of folks, because it provides customization possibilities that are literally endless.  There is almost no facet of the game that you can't modify (I know, I know...a double negative- it's always been a weak point in my writing style) to your own ends with the Reader.

* * *

Al (Gaston)

QuoteI really feel like I am learning something very useful here

So I'll be looking for that yard full 'o seasonal trees the next time I pass through Dubuque.  Big 'grats, btw, to the GF on becoming tenured.

* * *

Bruce (Schulmanator)

Great to see you over here at SC4D, my mucho talented ST CJ buddy (Schulmania - read the whole thing).

QuoteI am going to have to take a few classes at the University of Dedgren

Ahhh, there's the source of that.  Wait 'til the Fiji campus opens, my friend, that's my advice.  Umbrella Drinks 101- that's the ticket.

* * *

Nik-Nik (NikNik)

That's some nic, Nik (-Nik).

QuoteIt's not for nothing that the subtitle of 3RR is: Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community

You just don't know how much I appreciate when folks get that.  Working together in a bit to do the quads is only a part of our collaboration on this.  3RR is about spending time with friends, and I so very much appreciate everyone who's decided to come along with us here.

* * *

That's it for a bit.  More Part Two tomorrow evening.


D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Dedgren, wow. I just read through a bunch of this thread and ... the wealth of information is truly staggering. You're amazing, man.



You're right about the oxymoron between the U.S. Foreign Policy and realism, but that's probably a different discussion for a different time! You are also right about my time in school, too. I'm about 15 credits away from graduation and the "real world" is looking very intimidating...

QuoteA member of the 3RR Fact Checkers, on the case!  It works now!

Thanks for the induction into this esteemed club! I shall wear this as a badge of honor.

See you next update,




Hey David,

Long time...no post.  Sorry about that!

The tutorial you've got going here is absolutely great.  Since I'm rather new to the scene I haven't ventured into the realms of Lot/BAT/Mod creation as of yet (and honestly I have no huge intention to).  You've definitely given me a starting place to do some of the smaller projects I might have in mind.  Keep up the good work!  I'm looking forward to Part Three immensely!



I'm just too bushed this evening to work on the tutorial.  Now some would go to bed, but me?  Heck, no!  Not when I can dish you up some

And this isn't just any old Shameless Eye Candy- no way!  If you have any doubt in your mind seasonal trees are just not worth it, here's 24 good reasons, using a mountain stream roaring down through stands of aspen, to make it up.

Now, I'm just going to keep quiet and let the pics do the talkin'.
























#24 is for those who like to see sausage being made.  I caught it by accident.  If you don't believe these trees are plopped by and large in large lots...


...and there you have it.



You all have a great Friday!



D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Seasonal prop plop lot
She's an al prop pop plot
Swiss alan plrr... damn, lost it!

Edit: there I was trying to be funny and while I was typing you post some of the most breath taking eye candy I have ever seen. Sorry for spoiling the mood, David! And, of course:  &apls

BlackwaterEmil's inn
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio ♦ dedgren
♦ Emilin ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦
papab2000 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


Wow, that's some Eye Candy. Those pictures remind me of that PBS show, "The Joy of Painting" with the late Bob Ross. "All those happy little trees..."

Have a good night!


You're right, that is shameless-  I'm not ashamed to drool over it at all.
You're telling me I get to be home for more than 12 months?


That is some sexy shameless eye-candy, David! :P

Looking great!  :thumbsup:

I was just wondering though... are you going to develop over all your flora when you start building the region up?  &mmm

Have a great night!  ;D

- Marius
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


M4346 is right, it's going to be hard to decide what to do when you/we start developing your region. It will be a shame to knock those woods down $%Grinno$%


Magnificent , David , unfortunately magnificent !
Unfortunately for me , of course ... When I decided 2 years ago to express myself in cityscape , these natural and/or rural scenes weren't possible .
Now your work as from some others here , fills me with the urge to start a new region , and I've got no time for . I've made a choice , just have to keep it now , so let this great work coming : I'm an ecologist (& a tree defender particularly ) and I'm living now my desire of nature in SC4 by proxy through works like your . Thanks . ;)

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