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The Iron Coast 04/04/2010 Update XV - Censing the Journalist III

Started by mightygoose, December 27, 2009, 06:37:17 AM

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Its definately a well planned project you're doing here.
The intent is to eventually show a city right?  And its growth?  This is the lead-up...?  Or will that be a whole other journal perhaps?




Simcity 4 Devotion

Brian (B22rian) – Well I wouldn't quite go that far, just simply look to 3RR and you quite clearly find the largest scope project in the community. I am just working towards a long distance target through a series of achievable goals. No matter how far away the finish line is I still feel like I am achieving things on a weekly basis.

Connor – Well that weekend's update was delayed as I will explain below. I am glad that you like the alternative history bits, there will be more of those to come in the future.

Gjermund (Kwakelaar) – Yeah well, I can imagine that in a suddenly politically weakened Normandy, counter invasion would have been a very sound political move for Harold II as it offered a unified cause to quell and distract from any continued dissent regarding his instatement over Harthacanute.
976 – Thank you for your kind word.

CSGdesign – Oh yes I intend to show the city/region, eventually. I just thought that I would chart the progress of me getting to that point as part of the project.

Simtropolis Forum

Larks2242 – Thank you for your praise.

Censing the Journalist III

Firstly, I owe you guys an apology; I have neglected this thread for precisely one month. I have recently changed jobs and have found my routine rather hectic, it was a conscious decision to miss four updates. Those four updates have been reshuffled into the schedule further along and so we continue our merry dance in no short order. Thankfully my timetable has somewhat stabilised and I will be returning to one update every week. Of course I may throw in the odd extra update when I have a little more time.

Secondly I need to present Computer Guy with his medal for being the 100th poster on Simtropolis. It turns out that globally (amalgamation of all sites) we have just passed 250 replies and are rapidly approaching 10 000 views.

Well without further ado we can move onto the graphical data representation.

Obviously from the views and replies data you can still clearly see that the majority of my traffic comes from SC4D. In fact in every update published there have been more responses on SC4D than on both sections of Simtropolis combined. Essentially I believe that many people have become disenchanted with the multiple options for city journal hosting on the same site, and this reduces traffic flow to both sections. At this point I will repeat that I would like others to volunteer similar information to verify my findings, or in fact disprove them. I am entirely open to modifications of my hypothesis and more data can never be a bad thing.

And finally as we have hit 250 global replies, here is a graph showing you the people that made them. Well ok it is a graph of everyone who has posted more than once. But these guys account for the majority of my responses and I feel contribute to the project as a whole.

So as you can see Korot and Battlecat have commented on every single update. I am eternally grateful to them for their enduring support and I would also like to especially thank Kwakelaar, for providing me with some much desired architectural challenge.

That finished up this Census entry, see you next time.

John Bottomley
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


Interesting (and very well presented) data as usual.

Don't worry about not updating for a while. RL can throw up surprises, and of course has to take priority over SC4. Glad to see the MD is moving along oncemore.


Nice to see you back working on the Iron Coast.

I know from my own experience at simtrop (only as a reader), the way it is organized and the often slow loading times has stopped me looking at the CJ sections there.


Excellent update as usual, John. You seem to be an expert at everything you do – even charts - and a perfectionist, too. I didn't realize I'd missed posting three times, and it surprises me. The Iron Coast is one of my all-time-favorite MDs, and I follow it closely.

Hope the new job works out well for you,
and I'm really glad to know you haven't abandoned your work here. You gave me a bit of a scare, so knowing what's going on made me feel much better! :thumbsup:




Cool stats, MG! Great to know the reason of your absense.

        -Jordan :thumbsup:
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.


Nice census there really surprised how few comments you have in the simtropolis city journal section (not forum!!)




Looking forward to the next update. I know real life commitments can hinder things -
sometimes after returning from uni or work I just wanted to have a drink rather than work on something. I'm glad
you're still working on this though. Keep up the good work.


Quote from: mightygoose on April 04, 2010, 09:28:14 AM

That's a nice logo.

By the way, most census's are performed every 4-5 years, or at least with an update between them. :P