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Started by annabellelin, January 21, 2008, 03:41:34 PM

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This is a poor me, I have to face the Oral Surgeon tomorrow and I've just spent an hour slogging through forums and can't find the answer.  I had to re-install SC4 Terraformer.  It used to work fine, now it will load, I get the main screen, then the list of regions, then when I pick one, nothing.  I have forgotten what is wrong but I know the answer is somewhere.  I have downloaded all the Direct X plugins, made sure the compatibility was XP Service Pack2, but I don't know what else to do.  It also won't close, and I have to go to Alt-Ctrl-Del, Task Mgr. to turn it off.  Sorry to be such a bother but I am tired of looking.  Any help would be appreciated.  They're going to start to medicate me tonight so it make take me a few days to thank you properly, but I do so in advance.  (My kids say I've got guilt down to an art form. )  :)



Make sure you have the msvcp71.dll ( link in the SC4TF readme ) and you can also try to delete the config.ini which is located in your SC4TF installation folder and rerun

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