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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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thanks for the swift reply guys, (and sorry for going offtopic) because all motorways I've seen so far (except the one on Crete, which is basically an RHW-2 widened to an RHW-4 near major cities) feature atleast 2 metal or concrete barriers with grass in the middle
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Quote from: WC_EEND on September 08, 2009, 06:44:56 AM
I haven't seen one of those before, doest look that safe to be honest. What's the speed limit on those things?

As riiga stated, 110km/h is the usual. Its true that they aren't very safe, since the lanes are pretty narrow. Overtaking a truck on these roads in winter can be pretty scary, since there isn't much room.


Not sure if I've seen something about this (not about to search nearly 300 pages!), but is a medianless RHW-4 type thing in development? Different than the narrow motorway thing posted above. This is what I'm after kinda, there's lots of these around here :) I'm sure Alex will appreciate my highway choice :P I'll give two examples just for the heck of it, and to show that South side of Bend > North side of Bend :D

Something like that would surely come in handy :) Also great work on those Flexthings (sorry I already forgot the name :( the 90° curve overpasses), can't wait to use them :D

EDIT: Well, I seem to have somehow missed this, looks like exactly what I'm looking for actually, although as I understand it, its only development so far is the texture, but I'd like to see it sometime :)

Maybe with the ability to do standard turn lanes as well as interchanges (sorry they recently put a barrier on the interchange I would've used for this pic and the street view isn't old enough)?

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Ramona Brie

Now that I see a mockup, it is too compact, but the fact that RHW-4 diagonals are so wide...it could be a simple idea (but I realize I can't do the textures merely because I don't know the scale) for urban RHW-4 diagonals...I do want to see a (slightly narrow, though) 4 lane draggable road, but that'd be best in the NWM category.


RHW4 should be meadianless to begin with... do you have a plugin installed that erects barriers on the straight RHW4 tiles?

- Allan Kuan


Quote from: allan_kuan1992 on September 09, 2009, 05:10:05 PM
RHW4 should be meadianless to begin with... do you have a plugin installed that erects barriers on the straight RHW4 tiles?

- Allan Kuan

    That would be the standard maxis highway.


They say that the memory is the second thing that goes....
...dang , I wish I could remember the first.
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Doorknob, Alex did propose turnlanes for RHW already. And I got to say, that Dalles California HWY, looks more like the NWM, except with an asphalt shoulder on each side. However, turn lanes are considered. When I first saw, it came as a surprise to me.

As for a one tile RHW-4, at one time, there was an old RHW-2 texture that had shoulders a car lane wide which touched the edge of the tile on each side. Now, the technology is there to do an overhanging shoulder so while its possible to do a RHW-4 on one tile, lets just say that most of us probably don't like how standard maxis highways are that narrow, and that may be the reason for ruling the concept out on the RHW. When the MIS came out, the RHW-2's shoulder no longer touched the edge.


 the only other problem i had with the preveious RHW was the fact that i could not merge traffic from one side of the freeway if the freeway was divided into two parts. do you guys think you could fix this by adding a 1 way bridge thats able to cross across the new RHW. this will also add one temporary lane to the RHW.
( i know you guys dont really do RHW [ or do you]  but that would also be a good idea for the new avenues too)
without my example

with my example

hopefully, you guys will make an rhw that can connect to an maxi highway, that would be awesome!


What you've drawn is already perfectly possible, albeit a tad space-consuming, but will be even more possible with the next release containing FlexFly.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores

Blue Lightning

iowndisciti: Take a good look here


EDIT: Oh, and Alex, could you add this to the "Optional/Recommended RHW Add-Ons" list? :P
Also known as Wahrheit

Occasionally lurks.

RHW Project


Quote from: Blue Lightning on September 11, 2009, 02:48:43 PM
iowndisciti: Take a good look here


EDIT: Oh, and Alex, could you add this to the "Optional/Recommended RHW Add-Ons" list? :P

are you serious? is that in teh current editon or the uppcoming addition?

(sorry,  i had an outdated version)


I was wondering if it would be possible to create a ramp/elevated ramp/bridge system for the RHW2.  That must sound strange but I like using them out in my farmlands and I'm not sure how to go about it when they intersect.

I apologize if this has been asked before but what would the advantage be in using a rhw2 compared to a road?


Gisa ^^


iowndisciti, the FlexFly system is not in the most recent public release (Version 3.2), but is planned for the next (Version 4.0).

And mrgisa, to answer your first question, Elevated RHW-2s are planned for a future release.  As far as the advantages of the RHW-2 versus a Road, the RHW-2 has a higher capacity and speed than the Road network.  Depending on what traffic plugin you're using, the increase in capacity is going to be between 175% and 250%.  I don't know the speed figures off the top of my head, but the RHW-2 speed is generally about double Road speed to the best of my recollection.



Thank you very much for the excellent answer Tarkus!


Gisa ^^


This may be overstepping, but we definitely need to see some elevated RHW-2; even if for just overpass puzzle pieces.  :-[
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All comments are welcome! (Hopefully someday I can re-splice 'em together, but we'll see)


Ramona Brie

    Because there are a lot of things that people ask about, I thought I'd do this, a summary of what has been developed so far and could possibly be in RHW v4:

    • RHW-2 and RHW-6C in elevated format
    • New RHW-6S on a single tile (already shown in video!)
    • FLEXFly, the first MIS flyover system ever
    • Bridges based on RHW-6C
    • Puzzle pieces to improve neighbor connection development
    • An RHW-10 S-shift piece
    • A 90-degree curve piece for RHW-6S and 8
    • Fractional-angle MIS
    • Diagonal interface improvements
    • SPUI pieces using TuLEP systems
    • smoncrie's RHW Cosmetic Mod to improve appearance of puzzle pieces
    • A diverging diamond interchange piece
    • Various MIS/road configuration interfaces
    • RHW-2 and MIS wide curves

    By the way, I saw this on Tarkus's YouTube channel. It is a real demonstration of the RHW SPUI pieces and TuLEPs. (All credit goes to Tarkus, of course.)



I think bridges for RHW 6C will be impossible because there is no network which is 3 tiles wide.
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


hmm... Something overhanging could be done with two one tile networks one tile apart. Of course it would only function as 2x RHW (RHW-4), so it would essentially be eyecandy. However, it would be worthwhile eyecandy!
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