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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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Oh, sorry, I forgot to read first :(
Nevertheless thanks.


Here is a thought...if you want a feature so bad, there is a button labelled Support Us. Maybe if enough people did that, the team could hire a full-time developer who wouldn;t get bogged down with RL. Imagine what these guys could accomplish!

Patricius Maximus

Quote from: Flatron on March 23, 2013, 07:09:13 AM
Hi, is it just me, or are there no more filler pieces?
(diagonal MIS especiallly)

Filler pieces are not included in NAM 31 because they were not ready for inclusion, but they will be included in the NAM 31.1 (an "update" as I call it).


Thanks a lot :D
It was of course not meant as an offense and I apologize for not reading the last pages(*slaps himself with a medical encyclopedia*). I really appreciate what the NAM-team does and would never come up with the idea to say they didn't do enough (especially as they are already doing too much). I just wondered because these pieces were already there in the previous NAM.
anyroad, the new NAM is great!!!


Quote from: roadgeek on March 24, 2013, 05:02:27 AM
Here is a thought...if you want a feature so bad, there is a button labelled Support Us. Maybe if enough people did that, the team could hire a full-time developer who wouldn;t get bogged down with RL. Imagine what these guys could accomplish!
Hiring such a developer (who probably doesn't even know how to handle the modding of SimCity 4 nor that he knows what we want to achieve and how roads and rails work, so he doesn't know our specs) probably costs more that running this site itself! Besides, we were never planning to do this anyway...
Lurk mode: ACTIVE

Patricius Maximus

Quote from: MandelSoft on March 24, 2013, 06:50:17 AM
Hiring such a developer (who probably doesn't even know how to handle the modding of SimCity 4 nor that he knows what we want to achieve and how roads and rails work, so he doesn't know our specs) probably costs more that running this site itself! Besides, we were never planning to do this anyway...

I think that raising enough money for the existing NAM Team to be able to mod full-time would be a better bet than getting new people on board. The cost would be astronomical compared to the costs of the current "operation" however, so I'm not sure it would be worth it. This is assuming that enough money could be raised to begin with, which is a big question in and of itself.


Well, there's one reason why that is not going to work either: Real Life plans. Quite some NAM members are of college age (so they have studies to do) or already have jobs. I think full-time work for the NAM is not only not feasable, but also quite demotivating (it can get boring quite some times).
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Keep having this issue - re-dragging the appropriate networks doesnt work.

Is this just a graphical issue?  Or does it prohibit the network?



Placing a starter in the middle solve this issue!! ;)
My creation at CityBuilders.

SimCity 5 is here with the NAM Creations!!


I get these a lot on different networks, what helps in 99% is to select the drag tool klick some tiles down to road where it happens

... really, it is. I swear.


Quote from: MandelSoft on March 24, 2013, 10:02:41 AM
Well, there's one reason why that is not going to work either: Real Life plans. Quite some NAM members are of college age (so they have studies to do) or already have jobs. I think full-time work for the NAM is not only not feasable, but also quite demotivating (it can get boring quite some times).

You are thinking too small! You are assuming you cannot raise needed funds, but I have seen very little fund-raising efforts on this site.


Well, the thing is that it's not like that we don't have the money; money is not a problem; it's more that time is an issue. Can you buy more physical time? No. Besides, quite a few of us have to think about our future outside of SimCity 4 (I for instance am studying Civil Engineering at university level at the TU Delft, and I'm intending to complete the bachelor phase in the nominal 3 years). Besides, if you hire someone, it means that we have to teach him all the ins and outs of the game, which is hugely time-consuming, time which we don't have.

The only really useful thing what we can do with money is buy server capacity, but since both SimTropolis and SC4D offer that, we don't have to necessary fund it ourselves. To that respect, fund raising for this site has more effect on the NAM Team than fund raising for the NAM Team itself...

Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Quote from: MandelSoft on March 24, 2013, 10:02:41 AM
Well, there's one reason why that is not going to work either: Real Life plans. Quite some NAM members are of college age (so they have studies to do) or already have jobs. I think full-time work for the NAM is not only not feasable, but also quite demotivating (it can get boring quite some times).

Yeah I can attest to that (the boring bit), as I'm sure many others here can too. RL mostly got the better of me, if it weren't for that I'd probably still be NAM'in ;). Spend my free time now programming  ()testing() but it's certainly by no means a living.

Can just imagine ordering a meal at local StarTrek cafe: "Would you like a side order of time with that sir"  :D. Maybe we should ask Tarkus for a time-plugin :D.


Quote from: MandelSoft on March 26, 2013, 01:10:45 AM
Well, the thing is that it's not like that we don't have the money; money is not a problem; it's more that time is an issue. Can you buy more physical time? No. Besides, quite a few of us have to think about our future outside of SimCity 4 (I for instance am studying Civil Engineering at university level at the TU Delft, and I'm intending to complete the bachelor phase in the nominal 3 years).

Wow your doing Civil Engineering. I was studying Civil Engineering before I became unwell. It pretty tough and there is a lot of work involved and I'm surprised that you have time to work on the NAM at all! All universities in Australia mandate 4 years for a degree. I hope it all goes well for you Mandelsoft  :thumbsup:


Well, since this is about highways, and time travel is on the table with civil engineering, what they don't seem to tell you in these movies though, is how much different it is to drive on the roads in your city before you were born, than then driving on them present day. I almost didn't know where I was, if not for most of the street name signs. The amount of speed limits that used to be higher, but have since been lowered.

I was shocked driving down Commons, discovering back in time it was fourty mph when it was nice open farmland, but since it was rerouted and converted to a long stretch of houses, that no longer. The former missile silo that is now a soccer field. So much vaccated roads not overbuilt to upscale greed in the past than in comparisson to the development now a days, and it's also sad the shopping malls so nice and how lively in bloom they were on-foot in the past, but coming back to present, trying to revisit those places now, so much is no longer, if not abandoned since thanks to a bad ecconomy, so many stores out, in comparisson to that time warp. Driving on the old rural highway back in time, I found out, my city used to have a mini-golf! I never got to do that growing up by the time I moved in during childhood! But it's not like I could stop and ask, "oh hi, I'm from 2013, and your golf course doesn't exist then, so can I try it while I'm still standing on it in 83?"  :bomb:

I mean, I can't stress enough, going to visit my RL city back in time and really finding what I missed, to come back, without being able to prove or redo that random experience, is so aggrivating like you won't believe. The one thing that stuck to my mind about the past, was how back then, those traffic lites had yellow poles everywhere, and how much more visually appealing the overhung signal pole styles were, and 3M square traffic signals were the thing. It is so akward the amount of roads that have all been rerouted since being incorporated and built over, the area is unrecongizable. I wish I could say where, but I just can not share, so knowing makes this very difficult. I am posting this here, because I really, really felt the need to share, which easy to do as a complete stranger, but if I ever were known to share this via my mouth, I will be sent to get my head examined. Sorry for the outburst, but I have been bottling this up for some time.  &sly


Kramerica Industries is really off their mark this year...

At least they were able to get one stretch paved to spec:





Hi guys,

just a technical question: should be possible to have an additional extended (and i think more realistic) transition L0-L2 for RHW-4/MIS (or a flexible one) in the NAM 31.1? There's a version for avenues and i'm thinking it would be useful also for RHW network. :)

Thanks in advance for the infos and for your awesome work with the NAM.  ;)