SC4 Devotion Forum Archives

SC4Evermore International => Translation Requests => Topic started by: z on March 04, 2010, 04:48:59 AM

Title: Transit Translation Request
Post by: z on March 04, 2010, 04:48:59 AM
As people who use RTMT know, I have introduced additional information into the station queries, and I'd like to have that translated into as many languages as possible.  I have also adapted these queries for use with all the standard Maxis stations (along with several other overdue upgrades of these stations), so these translations would be quite helpful for users of the upgraded Maxis stations as well.  The translations are all pretty simple.  Please post here if you are willing to translate into any of the following languages, and please post your results when done.  Thanks!

    * 0x01   US English  Done
    * 0x02   UK English  Done
    * 0x03   French  Done
    * 0x04   German  Done
    * 0x05   Italian  Done
    * 0x06   Spanish Done
    * 0x07   Dutch  Done
    * 0x08   Danish  Done
    * 0x09   Swedish  Done
    * 0x0A   Norwegian
    * 0x0B   Finnish  Done
    * 0x0F   Japanese  Done
    * 0x10   Polish Done
    * 0x11   Simplified Chinese
    * 0x12   Traditional Chinese
    * 0x13   Thai
    * 0x14   Korean
    * 0x23   Portuguese
Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: MandelSoft on March 04, 2010, 06:32:16 AM
Dutch Translation: (bold texts in the English column are corrections)

Reserve CapacityOngebruikte capaciteit
Bus Stop Tiles in #city#Aantal bushaltetegels in #city#
Average Bus Stop UsageGemiddeld gebruik van bushalte
Street Tile Count x 2Aantal straattegels x 2
Average Street UtilizationGemiddeld gebruik van straattegel
Maximum Street UtilizationMaximaal gebruik van straattegel
Congested Road TilesAantal wegtegels met opstoppingen
Road Tile Count x 2Aantal wegtegels x 2
Average Road UtilizationGemiddeld gebruik van wegtegel
Maximum Road UtilizationMaximaal gebruik van wegtegel
Avenue Tile Count x 2Aantal hoofdwegtegels x 2
Average Avenue UtilizationGemiddeld gebruik van hoofdwegtegel
Maximum Avenue UtilizationMaximaal gebruik van hoofdwegtegel
Subway Stations Tiles in #city#Aantal metrostationtegels in #city#
Average Subway Station UsageGemiddeld gebruik van metrostation
Subway Tile CountAantal metrotegels
Average Subway UtilizationGemiddeld gebruik van metrotegel
Maximum Subway UtilizationMaximaal gebruik van metrotegel
Congested Subway TilesAantal metrotegels met opstoppingen
Light Rail Stations Tiles in #city#Aantal tramhaltetegels in #city#
Average Light Rail Station UsageGemiddeld gebruik van tramhaltes
Light Rail Tile CountAantal tramspoortegels
Light Rail to Subway TransitionsAantal tramnet-metronet-overgangen
Train Station Tiles in #city#Aantal treinstationtegels in #city#
Average Train Station UsageGemiddeld gebruik van treinstation
Heavy Rail Tile CountAantal treinspoortegels
Average Heavy Rail UtilizationGemiddeld gebruik van treinspoortegel
Maximum Heavy Rail UtilizationMaximaal gebruik van treinspoortegel
Congested Heavy Rail TilesAantal treinspoortegels met opstoppingen
Monorail Station Tiles in #city#Aantal monorail/HSL-stationtegels in #city#
Average Monorail Station UsageGemiddeld gebruik van monorail/HSL-station
Monorail Tile CountAantal monorail/HSL-tegels
Average Monorail UtilizationGemiddeld gebruik van monorail/HSL-tegel
Maximum Monorail UtilizationMaximaal gebruik van monorail/HSL-tegel
Congested Monorail TilesAantal monorail/HSL-tegels met opstoppingen
Elevated Highway Tile CountAantal verhoogde snelwegtegels
Ground Highway Tile CountAantal gelijkvloerse snelwegtegels
RHW Tile Count (you were missing this network)Aantal RHW-tegels
Car Ferry Terminals in #city#Aantal veerponten voor auto's in #city#
Passenger Ferry Terminals in #city#Aantal veerponten voor passagiers in #city#
Seaports in #city#Aantal havens in #city#
Airports in #city#Aantal vliegvelden in #city#
Freight trips to SeaportsAantal vrachtritten naar havens
Toll boots in #city#Aantal tolpoorten in #city#

EDIT: Thanks for the correction, Tage!
EDIT2: City can be translated to stad.

Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: RippleJet on March 04, 2010, 01:33:20 PM
There's a slight problem with the station counting, which easily will be missed when translating your texts from English.
As Steve quite correctly has noticed, e.g. game.g_subway_station_count returns the number of subway station tiles, not the number of subway stations.
E.g. Rubik3's original World Trade Center Lot is 17×20 tiles in size, and since it includes a subway station, it would count as 340 subway stations... ::)

Steve has accounted for this by specifying subway tiles, but this may be awkward to translate properly into all languages.
I notice Maarten completely disregarded to translate the "tiles" when counting stations...

"Tiles" is a rather difficult word to translate as well, and some of the translations tend to become rather long compared to English...
I hope you'll take that into account when designing the new queries! :)

The best way to check Maxis' translation of "tile", is to check the LTEXT file with IID=0xF0000002 in SimCityLocal.dat.
In English this LTEXT file contains "Cannot place on top of reserved tiles".

"Tiles" in that context translates to:

For the Swedish Translation below, "tiles" has been translated, but not always to "rutor".
In the case of network tile counts I've used "avsnitt" = "sections" instead:

Reserve CapacityOutnyttjad kapacitet
Bus Stop Tiles in the cityAntal rutor med busshållplatser i stan
Average Bus Stop UsageGenomsnittlig nyttjandegrad av busshållplatser
Street Tile Count x 2Antal gatuavsnitt x 2
Average Street UtilizationGenomsnittlig nyttjandegrad av gator
Maximum Street UtilizationMaximal nyttjandegrad av gata
Congested Road TilesAntal överbelastade vägavsnitt
Road Tile Count x 2Antal vägavsnitt x 2
Average Road UtilizationGenomsnittlig nyttjandegrad av vägar
Maximum Road UtilizationMaximal nyttjandegrad av väg
Avenue Tile Count x 2Antal avenyavsnitt x 2
Average Avenue UtilizationGenomsnittlig nyttjandegrad av avenyer
Maximum Avenue UtilizationMaximal nyttjandegrad av aveny
Subway Stations Tiles in the cityAntal rutor med tunnelbanestationer i stan
Average Subway Station UsageGenomsnittlig nyttjandegrad av tunnelbanestationer
Subway Tile CountAntal tunnelbaneavsnitt
Average Subway UtilizationGenomsnittlig nyttjandegrad av tunnelbanor
Maximum Subway UtilizationMaximal nyttjandegrad av tunnelbana
Congested Subway TilesAntal överbelastade tunnelbaneavsnitt
Light Rail Stations Tiles in the cityAntal rutor med spårvagnshållplatser i stan
Average Light Rail Station UsageGenomsnittlig nyttjandegrad av spårvagnshållplatser
Light Rail Tile CountAntal spårvagnsavsnitt
Light Rail to Subway TransitionsÖvergångar från spårvagns- till tunnelbanenät
Train Station Tiles in the cityAntal rutor med järnvägsstationer i stan
Average Train Station UsageGenomsnittlig nyttjandegrad av järnvägsstationer
Heavy Rail Tile CountAntal järnvägsavsnitt
Average Heavy Rail UtilizationGenomsnittlig nyttjandegrad av järnvägar
Maximum Heavy Rail UtilizationMaximal nyttjandegrad av järnväg
Congested Heavy Rail TilesAntal överbelastade järnvägsavsnitt
Monorail Station Tiles in the cityAntal rutor med enspårsbanestationer i stan
Average Monorail Station UsageGenomsnittlig nyttjandegrad av enspårsbanestationer
Monorail Tile CountAntal enspårsbaneavsnitt
Average Monorail UtilizationGenomsnittlig nyttjandegrad av enspårsbanor
Maximum Monorail UtilizationMaximal nyttjandegrad av enspårsbana
Congested Monorail TilesAntal överbelastade enspårsbaneavsnitt
Elevated Highway Tile CountAntal upphöjda motorvägsavsnitt
Ground Highway Tile CountAntal motorvägsavnitt i markplan
RHW Tile CountAntal RHW-avsnitt
Car Ferry Terminals in the cityAntal bilfärjeterminaler i stan
Passenger Ferry Terminals in the city   Antal passagerarfärjeterminaler i stan
Seaports in the cityAntal hamnar i stan
Airports in the cityAntal flygfält i stan
Freight trips to SeaportsAntal fraktresor till hamnar
Toll booths in the cityAntal vägtullar i stan

The last item to translate should indeed be toll booths, not boots...
Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: z on March 06, 2010, 12:34:17 AM
Thanks, Maarten and Tage, for your quick response to my request!  :thumbsup:  Also, thanks to Maarten for picking up my typos, and thanks to Tage for explaining the issue about station tiles.

Maxis makes this last issue even more confusing by using the word "tile" to refer to an entire city; a "small tile" actually consists of 4096 tiles.  ???  For this reason, I occasionally use the word "square" instead of "tile" when referring to the small tiles; in some languages, this may help (although Tage seems to have done a comprehensive job in translating "tile" into most of the languages used here).

Quote from: RippleJet on March 04, 2010, 01:33:20 PM
"Tiles" is a rather difficult word to translate as well, and some of the translations tend to become rather long compared to English...
I hope you'll take that into account when designing the new queries! :)

It's true; unlike many of the translations, there are very strict space requirements for the translated phrase.  I notice that the longest Swedish phrase is 50% longer than the longest English phrase; this clearly will not fit into the query boxes in their current size.  $%Grinno$%  So what to do?

I think I would start by recognizing that this is one case where one size does not fit all.  (Why do I get a terrible sense of déjà vu when I type these words?  &Thk/()  I'd like the opinion of the readers of this board, who are much more used to dealing with multiple languages than I am.  I am thinking of having two sizes of queries, one the current width, and one wide enough to accommodate the longest language.  (Swedish would seem to be right up there as a top contender; am I right?)  The two sets of queries would be in two different files and have the same IDs, so users could simply pick the file that worked best for them.

There are some variations possible on this.  For example, the standard query could be widened somewhat so as to accommodate those languages that would be just slightly longer than English.  But if so, by how much?  Feedback here would be greatly appreciated.

Meanwhile, further translations would be quite welcome.  Thanks! :)
Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: RippleJet on March 06, 2010, 03:24:30 AM
For the Finnish translation it becomes impossible to translate "in #city#".
The Finnish language doesn't know the preposition "in". Instead the inessive grammatical case is used.
The suffix of that case is -ssa, but can also be -ssä (if the stem vowel is weak).
In addition to this, there are numerous cases of consonant gradation...

E.g. "in Helsinki" could in SC4, by using "#city#ssa", become Helsinkissa.
However, the correct spelling is Helsingissä. :)

Thus, I've translated "in #city#" with "kaupungissa",
meaning "in the city", without reference to the city name itself.

One option worth considering would be to completely remove "in #city#".
Even in English, "Passenger Ferry Terminals in #city#" could become rather long...
E.g., consider "Passenger Ferry Terminals in Frankfurt am Main".
That's probably too wide also for the standard query...

"Tiles" has been translated, but not always to "ruutuja".
In the case of network tile counts I've used "osuus" = "avsnitt" (in Swedish) = "section" instead:

Reserve CapacityKäyttämätön kapasiteetti
Bus Stop Tiles in the cityBussipysäkkiruutujen lkm kaupungissa
Average Bus Stop UsageBussipysäkkien keskimääräinen käyttöaste
Street Tile Count x 2Katuosuuksien lukumäärä x 2
Average Street UtilizationKatujen keskimääräinen käyttöaste
Maximum Street UtilizationKatuosuuden suurin käyttöaste
Congested Road TilesRuuhkaisten tieosuuksien lkm
Road Tile Count x 2Tieosuuksien lukumäärä x 2
Average Road UtilizationTeiden keskimääräinen käyttöaste
Maximum Road UtilizationTieosuuden suurin käyttöaste
Avenue Tile Count x 2Valtatieosuuksien lukumäärä x 2
Average Avenue UtilizationValtateiden keskimääräinen käyttöaste
Maximum Avenue UtilizationValtatieosuuden suurin käyttöaste
Subway Stations Tiles in the cityMetroasemaruutujen lkm kaupungissa
Average Subway Station UsageMetroasemien keskimääräinen käyttöaste
Subway Tile CountMetro-osuuksien lukumäärä
Average Subway UtilizationMetrojen keskimääräinen käyttöaste
Maximum Subway UtilizationMetro-osuuden suurin käyttöaste
Congested Subway TilesRuuhkaisten metro-osuuksien lkm
Light Rail Stations Tiles in the cityIlmaratojen asemaruutujen lkm kaupungissa
Average Light Rail Station UsageIlmarata-asemien keskimääräinen käyttöaste
Light Rail Tile CountIlmarataosuuksien lukumäärä
Light Rail to Subway TransitionsMetro-ilmarataliitosten lkm
Train Station Tiles in the cityRautateiden asemaruutujen lkm kaupungissa
Average Train Station UsageRautatieasemien keskimääräinen käyttöaste
Heavy Rail Tile CountRautatieosuuksien lukumäärä
Average Heavy Rail UtilizationRautateiden keskimääräinen käyttöaste
Maximum Heavy Rail UtilizationRautatieosuuden suurin käyttöaste
Congested Heavy Rail TilesRuuhkaisten rautatieosuuksien lkm
Monorail Station Tiles in the cityMonorail-asemaruutujen lkm kaupungissa
Average Monorail Station UsageMonorail-asemien keskimääräinen käyttöaste
Monorail Tile CountMonorail-rataosuuksien lukumäärä
Average Monorail UtilizationMonorail-ratojen keskimääräinen käyttöaste
Maximum Monorail UtilizationMonorail-rataosuuden suurin käyttöaste
Congested Monorail TilesRuuhkaisten monorail-rataosuuksien lkm
Elevated Highway Tile CountKorotettujen moottoritieosuuksien lkm
Ground Highway Tile CountMoottoritieosuuksien lukumäärä
RHW Tile CountRHW-osuuksien lukumäärä
Car Ferry Terminals in the cityLauttaterminaalien lkm kaupungissa
Passenger Ferry Terminals in the city   Matkustajalauttaterminaalien lkm kaupungissa
Seaports in the citySatamien lkm kaupungissa
Airports in the cityLentokenttien lkm kaupungissa
Freight trips to SeaportsKuljetusmatkojen lkm satamiin
Toll booths in the cityTietullien lkm kaupungissa

If the width is critical, "lukumäärä" can be shortened to "lkm". ;)
Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: Girafe on March 06, 2010, 04:53:27 AM
It's the french traduction of the table, it could be mistakes so maybe another people can check too

a tile in french => une case ("zone" is a little different)
traduction of congested => best traduction in french is "congestionné"

Reserve CapacityCapacité de réserve
Bus Stop Tiles in #city#Cases d'arrêts de bus dans #city#
Average Bus Stop UsageUsage moyen des arrêts de bus
Street Tile Count x 2Case rue compte x 2
Average Street UtilizationUtilisation moyenne des rues
Maximum Street UtilizationUtilisation maximale des rues
Congested Road TilesCases routes congestionnées
Road Tile Count x 2Case route compte x 2
Average Road UtilizationUtilisation moyenne des routes
Maximum Road UtilizationUtilisation maximale des routes
Avenue Tile Count x 2Case avenue compte x 2
Average Avenue UtilizationUtilisation moyenne des avenues
Maximum Avenue UtilizationUtilisation maximale des avenues
Subway Stations Tiles in #city#Cases de stations de métro dans #city#
Average Subway Station UsageUsage moyen des stations de métro
Subway Tile CountCase métro compte
Average Subway UtilizationUtilisation moyenne du métro
Maximum Subway UtilizationUtilisation maximales du métro
Congested Subway TilesCases métro congestionnées
Light Rail Stations Tiles in #city#Cases de tramway/Train express dans #city#
Average Light Rail Station UsageUsage moyen du tramway/Train express
Light Rail Tile CountCase tramway/Train express compte
Light Rail to Subway TransitionsTransition Tramway/Train express vers métro
Train Station Tiles in #city#Cases de gare ferrovière dans #city#
Average Train Station UsageUsage moyen des gares ferrovières
Heavy Rail Tile CountCase voie ferrée compte
Average Heavy Rail UtilizationUtilisation moyenne des voies ferrées
Maximum Heavy Rail UtilizationUtilisation maximale des voies ferrées
Congested Heavy Rail TilesCases de voies ferrées congestionnées
Monorail Station Tiles in #city#Cases de gare monorail dans #city#
Average Monorail Station UsageUsage moyen des gares de monorail
Monorail Tile CountCase monorail compte
Average Monorail UtilizationUtilisation moyenne du monorail
Maximum Monorail UtilizationUtilisation maximale du monorail
Congested Monorail TilesCases de monorail congestionnées
Elevated Highway Tile CountCase autoroute surélevée compte
Ground Highway Tile CountCase autoroute compte
RHW Tile CountCase RHW compte
Car Ferry Terminals in #city#Terminaux de car-ferry dans #city#
Passenger Ferry Terminals in #city#   Terminaux de ferry passager dans #city#
Seaports in #city#Ports dans #city#
Airports in #city#Aéroports dans #city#
Freight trips to SeaportsTransport de marchandises vers les ports
Toll booths in #city#Péages dans #city#

Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: Andreas on March 06, 2010, 09:35:41 AM
Here's a German translation:

Reserve CapacityReservekapazität
Bus Stop Tiles in #city#Bushaltestellenfelder in #city#
Average Bus Stop UsageDurchschnittliche Bushaltestellennutzung
Street Tile Count x 2Anzahl der Straßenfelder x 2
Average Street UtilizationDurchschnittliche Straßennutzung
Maximum Street UtilizationMaximale Straßennutzung
Congested Road TilesVerstopfte Straßenfelder
Road Tile Count x 2Anzahl der Landstraßenfelder x 2
Average Road UtilizationDurchschnittliche Landstraßennutzung
Maximum Road UtilizationMaximale Landstraßennutzung
Avenue Tile Count x 2Anzahl der Alleefelder x 2
Average Avenue UtilizationDurchschnittliche Alleenutzung
Maximum Avenue UtilizationMaximale Alleenutzung
Subway Stations Tiles in #city#U-Bahn-Station-Felder in #city#
Average Subway Station UsageDurchschnittliche U-Bahn-Station-Nutzung
Subway Tile CountAnzahl der U-Bahn-Felder
Average Subway UtilizationDurchschnittliche U-Bahn-Nutzung
Maximum Subway UtilizationMaximale U-Bahn-Nutzung
Congested Subway TilesVerstopfte U-Bahn-Felder
Light Rail Stations Tiles in #city#Hochbahnfelder in #city#
Average Light Rail Station UsageDurchschnittliche Hochbahnstation-Nutzung
Light Rail Tile CountAnzahl der Hochbahn-Felder
Light Rail to Subway TransitionsHochbahn-/U-Bahn-Übergänge
Train Station Tiles in #city#Anzahl der Bahnhof-Felder in #city#
Average Train Station UsageDurchschnittliche Bahnhofsnutzung
Heavy Rail Tile CountAnzahl der Eisenbahn-Felder
Average Heavy Rail UtilizationDurchschnittliche Eisenbahn-Nutzung
Maximum Heavy Rail UtilizationMaximale Eisenbahn-Nutzung
Congested Heavy Rail TilesVerstopfte Eisenbahn-Felder
Monorail Station Tiles in #city#Anzahl der Monorail-Felder in #city#
Average Monorail Station UsageDurschnittliche Monorailstation-Nutzung
Monorail Tile CountAnzahl der Monorail-Felder
Average Monorail UtilizationDurschnittliche Monorail-Nutzung
Maximum Monorail UtilizationMaximale Monorail-Nutzung
Congested Monorail TilesVerstopfte Monorail-Felder
Elevated Highway Tile CountAnzahl der Felder mit erhöhter Autobahn
Ground Highway Tile CountAnzahl der Felder mit ebenerdiger Autobahn
RHW Tile CountAnzahl der Felder mit RHW
Car Ferry Terminals in #city#Autofährhäfen in #city#
Passenger Ferry Terminals in #city#Passagierfährhäfen in #city#
Seaports in #city#Seehäfen in #city#
Airports in #city#Flughäfen in #city#
Freight trips to SeaportsFrachttransporte zu Seehäfen
Toll booths in #city#Mautstationen in #city#

additional translations

Average Light Rail [Tile] UtilizationDurchschnittliche Hochbahn-Nutzung
Maximum Monorail Utilization#Maximale Monorail-Benutzung
Congested Monorail Tiles#Verstopfte Monorail-Felder
Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: z on March 06, 2010, 08:31:26 PM
Quote from: RippleJet on March 06, 2010, 03:24:30 AM
One option worth considering would be to completely remove "in #city#".
Even in English, "Passenger Ferry Terminals in #city#" could become rather long...
E.g., consider "Passenger Ferry Terminals in Frankfurt am Main".
That's probably too wide also for the standard query...

I think that's an excellent idea.  I'll just replace it with "City" in the English, and I'll fix the uploaded file as well.  If people who have already posted translations wanted to change "#city#" to the equivalent in their language, that would be great; otherwise, it shouldn't be too hard for me to find the translated word.  Please let me know if that doesn't work for one of the already translated languages.

QuoteIf the width is critical, "lukumäärä" can be shortened to "lkm".  ;)

I think that would be helpful.  I was debating whether to suggest the use of abbreviations; after seeing the length of some of these translations, I think that there's no question that abbreviations would be useful where possible.
Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: Andreas on March 07, 2010, 01:56:54 PM
If you want to replace the #city# variable, use in der Stadt instead of in #city# in the German translation, but I don't think it's really necessary unless someone is chosing a very long city name. That one might be cut off elsewhere, too. Some abbreviations that might come in handy: Durchschnittliche = Durchschn. and Maximale = Max.
Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: RippleJet on March 07, 2010, 02:17:20 PM
For the Swedish translation I already replaced "i #city#" with "i stan". If further needed:

Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: z on March 07, 2010, 02:34:17 PM
Thanks, everyone, for all the help here!  Also, a belated thanks to Tage for his Finnish translation, and to Andreas and Girafe for their translations!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: MAS71 on April 12, 2010, 03:05:36 AM
Hello Z and all. :)
Japanese here. "$Deal"$
### DELETED ###
(Latest list in this post (

and I trying to re-make 'Transit.dat' which you attached with Japanese.
(because, we need to do more one step to use JPN-Langage in SC4 with other tool.)
however, Some contents are different from 'Transit.dat(you attached)' and 'List wrote by Andreas, Girafe and Ripplejet'.
44 kind of items in a list above, but 38 kind of items in 'Transit.dat' which you attached.  ;D

Can you re-upload a latest zip 'Transit.dat'  ? ()what()

I'll upload(attache in this post) a zip with Japanese when I completed it. ;)
Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: z on April 13, 2010, 12:41:42 AM
Thanks, MAS, for your Japanese translation!  I've been tied up with a few other things, but rest assured, the projects that use these translations are high in my queue.

Quote from: MAS71 on April 12, 2010, 03:05:36 AM
and I trying to re-make 'Transit.dat' which you attached with Japanese.
(because, we need to do more one step to use JPN-Langage in SC4 with other tool.)
however, Some contents are different from 'Transit.dat(you attached)' and 'List wrote by Andreas, Girafe and Ripplejet'.
44 kind of items in a list above, but 38 kind of items in 'Transit.dat' which you attached.  ;D

Well that's interesting, isn't it?  ???  My original Transit.dat file contained all the phrases that I needed - the ones that were left out weren't going to be used by either of my two projects.  However, seeing that people have translated these additional phrases, I have added them to Transit.dat, so they may be of use to others at some point.  The phrases I left out are now at the end of this file.

However, in doing this little exercise, I discovered two things.  First, no one has translated "Average Light Rail Tile Utilization," which was in the original file, and which I actually use.  If people would add this phrase to their translations, I would appreciate it greatly.

Second, there are two translated phrases that aren't in the original file because the variables for them don't exist in the game.  These are "Maximum Monorail Utilization" and "Congested Monorail Tiles."  Since the data for those is not available, I have left them out of Transit.dat.

Can you re-upload a latest zip 'Transit.dat'  ? ()what()

Certainly!  The new Transit.dat is now uploaded at the end of the original post.

I'll upload(attache in this post) a zip with Japanese when I completed it. ;)

Very good - I'll look forward to your post.  Thanks again!  ;)
Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: Andreas on April 13, 2010, 06:16:33 AM
I added those three text strings to my list above. But shouldn't it be "Average Light Rail Utilization" instead of "Average Light Rail Tile Utilization"?
Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: MAS71 on April 13, 2010, 07:29:44 AM
Thank you for reply and re-upload latest dat. :)
I finished translate with Japanese, It's attached in this post. ;)
However, As Andreas-san said, I could see that some contents changed a little in old-Transit.dat and latest-Transit.dat.
so I include 2 kind of devided dat-file in a zip just in case. ;)

### Deleted LIST and ZIP ###
(Latest list in this post (

#### NOTE 01 ###
I did not change these 'Type' and 'Group'.
Sorry, I could not yet understand well about it for each language,  :-[ (Japanese - 0x0F)
Please correct them by you later.  ;D

#### NOTE 02 ###
About a word 'TILE', I know that it meanning of 'How many tiles used by Stasions Lot' as Ripplejet-san said.
It's not easy to translate to japanese &mmm, so Its wrote with meaning with that "Number of Stations" in this case.
When you upload your work that used this language data, I'll support it in our wiki in Japan, too. ;)

When you need my help again, about Japanese Language, please let me know that, give me a PrivateMessage. ;)

Hope this would be your help.
Thank you
Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: z on April 13, 2010, 04:51:58 PM
Quote from: Andreas on April 13, 2010, 06:16:33 AM
I added those three text strings to my list above. But shouldn't it be "Average Light Rail Utilization" instead of "Average Light Rail Tile Utilization"?

Yes; although the two should have the same meaning, the "Tile" here is unnecessary, and there are the complications noted in its translation.  I think I put "Tile" in their originally by mistake; other networks don't have it for the utilization variable, except for subways, where I have also removed it from the original.  I've uploaded a slightly revised Transit.dat file to reflect these changes.  Thanks for the correction! :)

Quote from: MAS71 on April 13, 2010, 07:29:44 AM
Thank you for reply and re-upload latest dat. :)
I finished translate with Japanese, It's attached in this post. ;)
However, As Andreas-san said, I could see that some contents changed a little in old-Transit.dat and latest-Transit.dat.
so I include 2 kind of devided dat-file in a zip just in case. ;)

Thanks for the update!  Just to be clear, there are no internal variables (at least exposed to us) for "Maximum Monorail Utilization" and "Congested Monorail Tiles", so translations for these are not needed.

#### NOTE 02 ###
About a word 'TILE', I know that it meanning of 'How many tiles used by Stasions Lot' as Ripplejet-san said.
It's not easy to translate to japanese &mmm, so Its wrote with meaning with that "Number of Stations" in this case.
When you upload your work that used this language data, I'll support it in our wiki in Japan, too. ;)

Updating this in the wiki would be good, but if the translation could be improved, that would be even better.  Although I have no understanding of the Japanese language (other than knowing that it is very different from English), I will once again allow myself to be guided by the principle, "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread," and make a few suggestions:

In Japanese, I assume that there is a word for the noun "square."  Is it possible to combine it with "stations" in some way so as to mean "squares in a station"?  This would seem to be the best solution, if possible.

If not, I would think that there is some way of expressing the idea of a piece or a part of something, so even something that translates as "parts of stations" or "pieces of stations" would be an improvement.  "Sections" would be another alternative.  You would know which, if any, of these makes the most sense.

Thanks again for your help!  :)
Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: MAS71 on April 13, 2010, 08:44:35 PM
QuoteIn Japanese, I assume that there is a word for the noun "square."  Is it possible to combine it with "stations" in some way so as to mean "squares in a station"?  This would seem to be the best solution, if possible.
Yes, I understand well now. ;)
I'll try to talk with Japanese friends about 'Number of TILEs' for japanese, and try again translation with more good words. ;)

and I'll re-upload a zip soon. Please wait it for few days. ;)

Thank you
Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: MAS71 on April 14, 2010, 02:12:39 AM
Latest list here, and I attached a latest zip in this post, too. ;)

48FReserve Capacity許容数
490Bus Stop Tiles in #city##city# 内のバス停(タイル数)
491Average Bus Stop Usageバス停の利用数(平均)
492Street Tile Count x 2街路の総延長 x 2
493Average Street Utilization街路の利用数(平均)
494Maximum Street Utilization街路の利用数(最大)
495Road Tile Count x 2道路の総延長 x 2
496Average Road Utilization道路の利用数(平均)
497Congested Road Tiles道路の混雑箇所
498Avenue Tile Count x 2大通りの総延長 x 2
499Average Avenue Utilization大通りの利用数(平均)
49AMaximum Avenue Utilization大通りの利用数(最大)
500Subway Stations Tiles in #city##city# 内の地下鉄駅(タイル数)
501Average Subway Station Usage地下鉄駅の利用数(平均)
502Subway Tile Count地下鉄線路の総延長
503Average Subway Tiles Utilization地下鉄の利用数(平均)
504Congested Subway Tiles地下鉄の混雑箇所
505Light Rail Stations Tiles in #city##city# 内のGLR駅(タイル数)
506Average Light Rail Station UsageGLR駅の利用数(平均)
507Light Rail Tile CountGLR線路の総延長
508Average Light Rail UsageGLR線路の利用数(平均)
509Light Rail to Subway TransitionsGLR→地下鉄の乗換
50ATrain Station Tiles in #city##city# 内の旅客駅(タイル数)
50BAverage Train Station Usage旅客駅の利用数(平均)
50CHeavy Rail Tile Count線路の総延長
50DAverage Heavy Rail Utilization線路の利用数(平均)
50ECongested Heavy Rail Tiles線路の混雑箇所
50FMonorail Station Tiles in #city##city# 内のモノレール駅(タイル数)
510Average Monorail Station Usageモノレール駅の利用数(平均)
511Monorail Tile Countモノレール線路の総延長
512Average Monorail Utilizationモノレールの利用数(平均)
513Elevated Highway Tile Count高架高速道路の総延長
514Ground Highway Tile Count地上高速道路の総延長
515Car Ferry Terminals in #city##city# 内のカーフェリー乗場
516Passenger Ferry Terminals in #city##city# 内の旅客フェリー乗場
517Seaports in #city##city# 内の海港
518Freight Trips to Seaports貨物列車→海港への積替数
519Toll booths in #city##city# 内の料金所
51AAirports in #city##city# 内の空港
51BRHW Tile CountRHWの総延長
51CMaximum Road Utilization道路の利用数(最大)
51DMaximum Subway Tile Utilization地下鉄線路の利用数(最大)
51EMaximum Heavy Rail Utilization線路の利用数(最大)

Please let me know when you have any problem and/or request again. ;)

Thank you

### I re-attached a latest zip with corrected group-ID for JPN-language ###
Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: turtle on April 24, 2010, 05:16:14 AM
Hey z,

I translated the transit.dat to danish for the next version of RTMT. I would have posted a list like the others, but don't know how to export such a list from the reader, so I've attached a modified transit_Dk.dat file to this post. Note that I don't have a danish version of the game, so there may be some discrepancy between game terminology and mine. Fx I was unsure about how Maxis translated subway - it could be either "undergrundsbane" or "Metro". I chose the latter, as the subway in Copehagen is called the Metro. So, it should be understandable, and I believe its pretty much the same terminology as my last translation.

Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: z on May 01, 2010, 08:12:53 PM
Thanks for your translation, Thomas!  Having the modified file is actually a bit easier to work with than a list in the message, so that's actually a plus.  ;)   (Although I should be clear - I'm happy to get these translations in any form!)  I'm glad you chose "Metro" for "subway" - space is at a premium here.  I plan to get another RTMT team member working on this, so it should proceed a little faster now.  I will get these out as soon as possible.
Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: dany10000 on September 23, 2010, 03:20:42 AM
Here the italian version!
If ther're a problems write me!

Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: Gwail on June 23, 2011, 11:41:55 AM
Last but not least, I hope the project will be revived ;). Anyway, I don't like unfinished business.
Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: catty on June 23, 2011, 12:00:47 PM
Quote from: Gwail on June 23, 2011, 11:41:55 AM
Last but not least, I hope the project will be revived ;). Anyway, I don't like unfinished business.

Hi Gwail

Hopefully you will visit our "Call for RTMT Team Members, Associates, and Testers" topic

found here

we would love to see you


Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: catty on August 18, 2012, 05:47:21 PM
Quote from: z on March 04, 2010, 04:48:59 AM
As people who use RTMT know, I have introduced additional information into the station queries, and I'd like to have that translated into as many languages as possible.  I have also adapted these queries for use with all the standard Maxis stations (along with several other overdue upgrades of these stations), so these translations would be quite helpful for users of the upgraded Maxis stations as well.  The translations are all pretty simple.  Please post here if you are willing to translate into any of the following languages, and please post your results when done.  Thanks!

    * 0x01   US English  Done
    * 0x02   UK English  Done
    * 0x03   French  Done
    * 0x04   German  Done
    * 0x05   Italian  Done
    * 0x06   Spanish
    * 0x07   Dutch  Done
    * 0x08   Danish  Done
    * 0x09   Swedish  Done
    * 0x0A   Norwegian
    * 0x0B   Finnish  Done
    * 0x0F   Japanese  Done
    * 0x10   Polish Done
    * 0x11   Simplified Chinese
    * 0x12   Traditional Chinese
    * 0x13   Thai
    * 0x14   Korean
    * 0x23   Portuguese

Hi Guys

The RTMT is a bit like an iceberg not a lot happening on the surface, but lots going on underneath, we are continuing to work towards the new NWM stations and also what will be the RTMT v4.0 and something we would really like to see implemented is language translations for the RTMT stations

We have most of the language translations needed ... thanks to those of you who took the time to help out originally, but we are still missing a few ...   :(

See list above and also the first post in this topic for the attached list we need to have translated.

Any help with the language translations is very much appreciated.


Title: Re: Transit Translation Request
Post by: pierreh on December 05, 2012, 04:35:00 AM
The translation into Spanish has been done. Since I am currently in charge of integrating all translations into a single file, I see no necessity for posting the spanish texts here.

As catty noted above quite a while ago, we are still missing a few translations, and we would still welcome them.