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AntigOne's Projects: Elsewhere.

Started by Badsim, January 17, 2007, 02:14:19 PM

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WoW! Very inspiring work!  &apls

But a small question: Can we look forward to the TSC Rural Pack? ;)

-klick-1st Anniversary Video-klick-
Part of SFBT and RFR Team


Hi Cédric,
first it´s good to hear Your broken bones will heal faster than it sounded first. Again i wish you the best i can.  :thumbsup:
And then i´m stunned again. This little village is so... amazing, and how all the tones fit into is great. It looks so quiet and peaceful.  :) Maybe You didn't use the NAM-curves, but i don't see the grid anymore, and the little tower as a home for the pigeons is wonderful. Near the place i live exists some old farmhouse with something looking similar, and i love it.
Greetz, Carl


wow &apls

mais en bonne petite écureuille que je suis, je (me) demande : tous ces lots and bats fantastiques, peut-on se les procurer quelque part, les engranger et les  honorer comme il se doit, i.e. en s'en servant ? (je ne visite ici que de temps à autres, peut-être ne suis-je pas au courant...)


Incredible! When looking at your pictures I look exactly like this -->  $%Grinno$%
Smiling about the beauty, shaking my head in disbelief and green with envy (just kidding):D
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)

Ol.S / Benoit

Oh boy... this is amazing, what a great atmosphere ! :)
Well the only thing I can notice is that the SAM street doesn't fit perfectly here. Why don't you create your own sidewalk mod with the rock texture that is used for the LOTs ? (I do'nt even know if it's a good idea... maybe its not !)

Anyway this is still amazing ! Take care of your foot :)

MD : Click on picture


Replies :

Antoine , thank you my friend ... I know that our motivations mutually feed themselves ,  you make me dream too . :satisfied:

Yann , thanks for your comment , glad to see that you don't find , finally , that « large »  rural town hall out of place ... if you consider that in that kind of small villages surrounded by clusters of farms , it was usual for them to be also the primary school ( and SC4 is , as you know , incapable to handle that , just like residential & commercial buildings at the same time  ) , you should be now totally convinced by these ... rantings ? ( élucubrations ? ... ) . $%Grinno$% :P

Guillaume , Ah ... La Lorraine ... Bien que , dans l'absolu , je ne m'interdis rien , j'ai déjà à ce rythme du pain sur la planche pour les 10 ans qui viennent . Par contre , si j'ai renoncé à inclure ici le style Nantais ( Vnaoned ) pour des raisons de cohérence architectural , je me souviens avoir vu de toi au moins une ferme Lorraine  et quelques maisons qui à mon avis passeraient ici sans grand problème ... Quant à moi , plus généralement , je serais prêt à payer un BATeur pour voir des fermes ( murs en pierres , toits de lauzes ) de Haute-Loire dans SC 4 !  ;D ( Je plaisantes, bien sûr .  :party: ) . Merci de ton commentaire . ;)

Hendrik , thank you for your comment . To speak about the  Rural Pack isn't a taboo my friend , simply we ( The VIP Team )  are dependant of the comeback or not of Orange_o_ . I've done my part ( MODing , demonstration and display here ) , I'm not currently able to make a packaging  ( Installer , Readme ...) Of course , I could spend some time to learn how to do that , but , well , frankly  I've got already not enough time to do all what I would like to do so that's not among my priorities . Sorry . %confuso  Now , I'm going to discuss with Girafe , whom seems to be ready to take that workload but it would take some months yet ( He's never satisfied !  ;D ) , about another possibility : to link the Rural Pack just like it is in our DropBox , It would be to consider like a beta version « To test it » and « To use at your own risk » etc. It is certainly not perfect currently , but I'm showing here its possibilities without any functioning problems ... ::)

Carl , thank you !  ;) The fact you know around you that kind of landscapes & farms isn't surprising , I think that's quite widespread through the entire Europe .

La petite écureuille ...  me fait de l'œil !  ::)
Hélas , je crains de ne pouvoir que la decevoir ... Les fermes SFBT sont sur le LEX:   , les BATs de R6 et Roulback sur TSC  ;  mais il n'y a pas un seul Lot à travers tout AntigOne qui ne soit de moi ...
Bien , j'ai renoncé à uploader pour plusieurs raisons : 1 - Mes LOTs sont spécifiquement adaptés à ceux qui les entourent , exactement comme un puzzle , une pièce enlevée ici n'irait que peu vraisemblablement  ailleurs  ... 2 - Je LOTte depuis toujours sans me soucier des dépendances , je ne souscrit pas à la charte de Barbyw « Comment être un bon LOTeur pour la communauté » et j'assume et revendique cette liberté sans laquelle AntigOne ne serait pas AntigOne ... 3 -  Je LOTte depuis plusieurs années maintenant avec des props que je re-MODe moi-même ( Timed props , Occupant Sizes et depuis l'année dernière , taille des modèles eux-mêmes ... ) ce qui veut dire que même les props packs qui seraient listés en dépendances ne seraient plus valides , et  on touche alors au droit d'auteur de ces props packs ... 4 - J'utilises désormais quelques BATs et de nombreux props que me fournissent mes amis BATeurs et qui ne sont pas publiquement disponibles ... enfin , je pense que l'interêt majeur de SC4 , le fait qu'on ne s'en lasse pas , est justement dû au fait que chacun peut créer son propre contenu .  ;)

Raphael , you make me smile too , I'm so proud and amused to be able to generate such funny  comparison ! Thank you ...  :P

Benoit , indeed , the SAM textures doesn't fit everywhere ... I'm playing SC4 since 2003 ( just like you if I read it correctly at TSC ) and I've tested many sidewalk Mods during all that time : none can fit everywhere . And this isn't a question of texture  : none can detect where YOU want it to act or not ( nearby that LOT , but not that other one ...  $%Grinno$% ) . If you read back this MD ( I know how it sounds tedious so this isn't a request ... ;D ) you'll see how I've had to fight against sidewalk Mods here and there by the past . So , finally , this one is really  the least evil . No fight there . ()stsfd()
Knowing that you're looking attentively at what you're watching , thank you very much your comment ( I don't miss any Spain Inspirations' update since its begining at TSC & I should  post a comment soon ...  $%#Ninj2 ) .

Champclause ( Part 1 ) is finished . I've edited my previous post several times so pictures , to follow the progresses , are together on the previous page . The complete set of views :


I've started to work again the surroundings of Champclause (terraforming and landscaping ) and I'm planning the next project ; an old farm which has become a rural museum , like , in reality , the farm of Perrel brothers is .

In border of the village of Moudeyres ( Haute-Loire ) , the farm of the  Perrel brothers was transformed into an ecomuseum and receives very numerous visitors . The oldest part of that farm date of the XVI ° century. This typical farm of the plateau of Mézenc, which was occupied by the 4  Perrel brothers until the death of the last brother, in 1974, is fascinating to discover. The presentation of the everyday life of the " farmers of yesteryear " is made through conducted tours which allow to find the austere conditions of the long winters in the snow. I've visited this farm several times and with a very particular attention : while we have all a tendancy to complain about everything ,wondering where we're going , that's also useful to remind sometimes from where we come from ...  ::)

I'll use an unexpected BAT from Glenni for that occasion , Gassho-sukuri Style Japanese Minka Dwellings  -  STEX .

It will be the subject of the next update ... it could take longer than I think ,  that said , as I've started a new collaboration with knapp (AKA der Gammler at simfotum.de ) about his ploppable waters :

I'm going to test them here at AntigOne , like my friend Framly is already doing at Beyen ... and I'm eager to start ! ;D

Several reasons to stay tuned so ...


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Your images are always beautiful!! Awesome work on that area!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


This is an extremely beautiful French village! May I go there on vacation? Is there a Gite somewhere?



I'm relieved to hear that, i think you get a lot of annoying questions about the Pack. The Rural Pack is a milestone for me  :)
If you need more beta testers, please let me know :D but i can wait  ;D

Your last pictures are all amazing. You can feel the french identity of the small village..very impressive!
All the small details..all in the right place!

Lovely RL-Pictures &apls

Glad that you also test "Gammlers" water
We need some such talented Players to create the "perfect Plopable Water"

It is always a pleasure to visit your Antigone..

Your mate Hendrik ;)

-klick-1st Anniversary Video-klick-
Part of SFBT and RFR Team


Amazing pictures my guinea fowl  :satisfied:

Regarding the rural pack, it's going ahead as David gave news and finally did some stuff last spring. No date of releasing but we will inform you as soon as we will be ready  ;)
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


Yet again lovely pictures, Cédric! :)
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Wow, I can't believe how much I missed! Just amazing attention to detail and perfectionism  &apls

The new project with the museum sounds interesting--I've seen somewhat similar places here in northern Finland but they're much younger and much colder I think! I especially look forward to your work and testing of the new ploppable water  :thumbsup:


I cannot believe I missed posting after an update. My only excuse is that I thought I did. &ops

The little church is charming and it's weathered look fits into the overall scene perfectly. Your work in Champclause is a bit different from your work in the past several months, but the basics haven't changed. You can make a work of art out of anything from a cow pasture to a village.

The cemetery looks great too. I like your use of the dirt paths, and I have started using that texture quite a bit in my work. And speaking of textures, I would dearly love to get my hands on those water textures, but I will have to settle for a muddy stream awhile longer!

Outstanding work on the village...


That's cruel.

Heartbreaking cruel.

Oh, wait, that's not SC4, that's RL, isn't it? In which departement did you say would I find that village?

Oh boy, I shouldn't have clicked here, makes my continuous failing attempts in SC4 of the last months even worse.

Absolutely stunning. on 10000% nitpicking base there's one non-orthogonal building with a too dark roof close to the tower. You can see it  ... well, not clearly ... on the first pictrure. But I confess I needed quite some time to find something to nag ...  :D

Take care, mon ami, and don't forget to make backups!

Bernhard  :thumbsup:


After seing that, nobody will want open the LE...  :'(

And it's not only a Lotediting demonstation, but also a landscaping demonstration, that makes Champclause certainly the most incredible rural composition ever created with SC4.

Thank you Cedric  &apls &apls &apls

PS : je ne peux que m'incliner devant tes élucubra... explications concernant la taille de la mairie, bien joué, m'énerve tiens, du coup on ne peut vraiment plus te critiquer sur rien... (humour  ;D)


Ah ouais, 10 ans... je ne pensais pas que tu avais autant de boulot! :D Bon je m'en occuperai alors, mais va falloir que tu me donnes quelques conseils :P
Pour ce qui est des fermes, j'en ai effectivement fait une en W2W, et une autre petite maison qui traîne dans mon dossier plugins... ce serait un plaisir de te les passer, en plus je suis sûr qu'elles iraient parfaitement avec le style auvergnat! ()stsfd()

Let's have a talk in english now. I always said you that it was wonderful... and I was right! It's still wonderful, it seems to be real french country, I've got the impression to take my bike and go in Meuse $%Grinno$% I think many rural departements in France look like the other ones.

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *

Ol.S / Benoit

Well, I played SC4 in 2003/2004, but as a kid. I just re-opened the game 7/8 month ago and discover the custom content, so I'm still a beginner at many points !

I know that a sidewalk mod can't fit everywhere. I was just thinking that you can use the SAM quite everywhere, and "classic" streets with your own sidewalk where you need it, in front of some buildings, but I now realize that this is a bit complicated, and probably not better... (Espacially after looking at the next pictures !)

I have no words to describe the way you care and work for the easthetic and realism of Champclause, amazing :)
MD : Click on picture


Thank you , all .  :)

This is where I am with Champclause ... ( Joan , I've moved your house there . Hope you like long snowy winters !  ;D )

I'm preparing a massive update ,  currently re-landscaping the surroundings larger than this view , using new seasonal flora from Girafe ; cattails and bushes . They're simply terrific , Girafe's flora is so terrific that  , once more , SC4 will never be the same anymore . And these new flora MMPS being not a part of the VIP RuralPack ( which has progressed indeed ... ) , they should be soon available for everybody on the LEX . All these MMPS are an indisputable progress , but they're more surely another way to work than less work . Their use requests to be particularly  intuitive & patient .  ::)

I've also tested knapp's poppable waters , well , nothing to show there , I love the textures but the set are done in such way that they're almost impossible to master . So I'm going to suggest him the technique that Orange_o_ has  applied with his Rapid River Kit , which is a lot more easy to use and which has another precious asset ; the pieces are absolutely flat ( so , no transparency but when textures are that good , no need of any transparency ...) and squared ... but , in that way ,  the riverbanks are truly easy to dress . A quick demonstration :

The Rapid River Kit (MMP) ;

And what you can easily do after a bit of training with it :

No release date concerning the Rural Pack , but Orange_o_ seems to be back soon and has already progressed on it a lot more than I thought ...  ;D

My seasonal work is going to end on Sunday 25 of September , that means a lot more time to devote to SC4 and SC4Devotion's forum .

At last !  &dance

Thanks for your visit .  :thumbsup:


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Hello Cedric,

Really good to hear from you Cedric and that you will be joining us again on a more regular basis, at least for the season.  I hope life is treating you well.  Are you just about recovered now?
Your work is always inspirational and this last update was no exception to this.  I find it incredible the amount of fine details we can now add into our city centers and the way to our scenic areas.  This game started out as a city builder......I bet you no one would have thought we would get as far as we have with the game.
Great work as always.
Call me Robin, please.

Ol.S / Benoit

Well the overview of Champclause is amazing... Probably the best overview of a village in SC4 ever... Very inspiring as always.
Also it's nice to ear that u'll have a bit more time to get ahead with your SC4 current projects :)

QuoteI'm preparing a massive update
Well that's even better to ear ! :)

MD : Click on picture