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Adrian's Creations

Started by adroman, November 09, 2009, 12:48:17 PM

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~ Coming soon ~

What the heck, how about a teaser?

Havva good one,
737s, Air Force, Australia... what next?


well, a plane crash lot is one of the things I always wanted to have in SC4. ofcourse a modern plane would be even better ::)

EDIT: Firstly, thanks for your interest, also, there's a bit of a story behind that plane wreck... But thats a story for another time.
RIP Adrian (adroman), you were a great friend

My LOT thread                                    

SCAG BAe146/Avro RJ Project


It's nice of you to do crashed planes. I think you're the first to do that, and I congrate you &apls

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


Well guys, you've been patient... and Joel's been... well, Joel... so I'd better get it into gear and show some pictures, eh?

That plane wreck inaction, as seen in my MD. Funnily enough called "The Real Australia"... patriot much?

And, my next project which will be in "the Shop" this week coming...

The Real Life Picture:

The Mackay City Council (Now the "Mackay Regional Council", after the amalgamations saga.) office building, lovely building built in the 70's... I was thinking of having a civic reward and a Comm. Growable.

Disclaimer: Joel may/may not be a robot programmed to BAT and Mod 24/7... awaiting DNA tests...  :P

737s, Air Force, Australia... what next?


hehe, no not a robot. I just neglect the fact that I need to study for the exams.  :D

Anyway, looking forward to to that brutalist city council office.  :thumbsup:
SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian

KoV Liberty

Quote from: joelyboy911 on November 14, 2009, 03:15:58 AM
hehe, no not a robot. I just neglect the fact that I need to study for the exams.  :D

I don't either. ;D

Looking foreward to some new BATs!

My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


That would make a great bat for the game, looking forward to see your progress on this one.


Well guys, I've been doing some modeling in SketchUp of the City Hall...

Ignore the taskbar, nothing incriminating there, right?

Just the ground floor, I'll move upward tomorrow...

So, stick around!

Havva good one,
737s, Air Force, Australia... what next?


Hi Adrian

This will be an interesting building.

If you guys are gonna do a series of parliamentry buildings, I'll send some of the wedding cake.

take it easy


...Did someone say cake?!...

Progress, progress, progress..

Whaddya think?
737s, Air Force, Australia... what next?



maybe just the angle, but looks to be a little bit of difference between the balcony heights

mmm but not the sort one can eat

EDIT: Thanks dobdriver, but yes, it's the angle I took the picture on... Don't worry, I double checked; it's the same height.


....Anyone for some boats?

This guy's hull texture went beserk, it looks fine in-game.

Just a little something I got for my MD... it'll probably never see a release... but if you ask me real nicely I might be able to ...err... hook you up.
737s, Air Force, Australia... what next?


Cool, I like the tugboat, where are they from?
The "brutalist" (love the adjective joel) council office is coming along well. Sketchup eh, I didn' realise there were options, how does it compare to gmax? (I'm sure it's not a replacement, but are there things it can do better/simpler and can you combine the two?)


I just found the two models on the net, no author listed... so, I'm not about to go around releasing them until I can get some contact details.

I find SketchUp 3x1032 times easier than GMax... and with SketchUp Pro you can export to .3ds... which is openable in GMax.

It suits me, but that's because I did a fair bit of Graphics in School.

Havva good one,
737s, Air Force, Australia... what next?


Well guys, I think it's been long enough...
Time for a bit of an update:
My city council building went a touch corrupt, and I'd worked myself into a corner with it, so I'm going to be redoing it in Gmax sometime soon...

...but now, for my latest...

That pretty much sums it up... I'm going to do a few shop-specific variants. but more on that when the model's perfect.
The roof does need a bit of something extra, perhaps some different textures, I'm sure we can work something out  :D

There's a backdock, that I'll showcase soon.

So yeah, that's what's been keeping me busy  ::)

737s, Air Force, Australia... what next?


Your boats are great :) but i found your latest BAT a bit simply   ::) I wait some news ...
My BATs or here but it is in french ;)


Great work Adrian, looks great. I do agree with manchou though - it looks a little plain. But I guess once it is lot edited and props are added it will fill in the gaps. I'm also not sure about the glass colour - maybe a bit less blue?

I have been missing some Aussie shopping centres and grocery stores though, so will be happy to have this in my citiees when it is released!
I'd love it if you could check out my photography! Click on of the links below:


Oh yes, I agree with both of you... I just want to get the shape right before I do the extras, the Roofjunk also needs to be rescaled... I'll probably be able to do that in the next week (hopefully less!)

Also, ShultzCity, do you have any specific requests for brands? I was thinking an IGA would look good in this format too. ;)

Well, back to work for me!  :D
737s, Air Force, Australia... what next?


an IGA and a Coles would be awesome :thumbsup: I'd also love to see a more typical Woolies, with the green stripes.


Green sounds good to me... I would've gone green in the first place, but the Real Life counterpart is Orange and yellow (it is a touch ghastly). Coles, IGA, Woolies... that sounds like a list. I might also do BiLo, though they don't seem as popular. Though, if I'm going to do three, I might as well do four!  :D

Well, I'll work on the model, and we'll work out the variations then  ;D

737s, Air Force, Australia... what next?