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Three Rivers Region

Started by dedgren, December 20, 2006, 07:57:49 PM

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That's looks pretty good, Pat! I like it!

If the edges where the green meets the blue get cleaned up a bit, I think it would work out great!

Of course, it's up to David to see what he thinks!


Pat, could you try one with the green even a few shades darker? Guess this is a personal beef, but most of the "computer green" shades look garish and unnatural to me. Your idea does look a whole lot better, though.

Until March 12...


OK a darker a bit more and edges cleaned up as best as I could get them......

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Heh...just noticed this: the honors Registry is in it's own board! Thank you david!

EDIT: Updated the Honors list. Yes, I KNOW it's long.

[tabular type=2 caption="Three Rivers Region Honors Registry"]
[row] [head]Honor Name[/head] [head]Date Acheived[/head][head]Member[/head] [head]Website[/head][head]Reason[/head] [/row]
[row] [data]Piazza Meldolion[/data] [data]January 4, 2007, @3:51 AM[data]meldolion[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 100th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Thunder Bay[/data] [data]January 17, 2007 @2:21 AM[data]thundercrack83[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 200th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Shadow Canyon[/data] [data]January 28, 2007 @5:05 AM[data]Shadow Assassin[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 300th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Rayden Mountain[/data] [data]February 7, 2007, @ 4:16 PM[data]Rayden[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 400th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Travis[/data] [data]February 2007, @4:08 AM[data]Travis[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 500th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Liv's Creek[/data] [data]March 2, 2007 @2:21 AM[data]Livin in Sim[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 600th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Mt. Gaston[/data] [data]March 12, 2007 @2:18 PM[data]Gaston[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 700th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Tejada Spring[/data] [data]March 20, 2007 @8:53 AM[data]Heinz[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 800th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Big Slark Lake[/data] [data]March 30, 2007 @7:17 PM[data]BigSlark[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 900th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Tarkus Museum of Progressive Rock[/data] [data]April 10, 2007 @7:46 PM[data]Tarkus[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 1,000th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Pat's Summit[/data] [data]May 1, 2007 @5:37 PM[data]patfirefighr[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 1,100th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Thunder Crack[/data] [data]May 30, 2007 @6:34 PM[data]thundercrack83[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 1,200th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]The Grey Mouse[/data] [data]June 28, 2007 @9:55 PM[data]Jmouse[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 1291st post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Brother Todd's Kirche[/data] [data]June 29, 2007 @12:55 PM[data]tkirch[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 1,300th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Emil's Yards[/data] [data]July 15, 2007 @11:27 AM[data]emilin[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 1,400th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Bat Article[/data] [data]July 20, 2007 @4:37 AM[data]bat[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]ALMOST posting his 2000th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Wolf Lake Fire Department and Fire District[/data] [data]August 1, 2007 @1:58 AM[data]patfirefightr[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 1,500th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Grand Valley[/data] [data]August 17, 2007 @1:41 PM[/data] [data]bat[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 1,600th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Marchand[/data] [data]September 5, 2007 @3:24 PM[/data] [data]patfirefightr (Pat)[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 1,700th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]3RR Judicial System Article[/data] [data]September 18, 2007 @9:32 PM[/data] [data]threestooges[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 1,800th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Northern Pike Article[/data] [data]October 8, 2007 @12:11 PM[/data] [data]BigSlark[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 1,900th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]3RR Military & Police Forces Article[/data] [data]October 21, 2007 @2:05 AM[/data] [data]kalanc69[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 2,000th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Black Earth Regional Technology Park[/data] [data]November 2, 2007 @3:47 PM[/data] [data]DFire870[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 2,100th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Thunder Bay EyeCandy[/data] [data]November 29, 2007 @11:46 PM[/data] [data]thundercrack83[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 2,200th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]3RR Conspiracy[/data] [data]December 15, 2007 @11:59 PM[/data] [data]bat[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 2,300th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]3RR Medallion[/data] [data]December 28, 2007 @9:29 PM[/data] [data]Pat[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 2,400th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Kitsune Center for the Environment/ Prairie - A 3RR Guide[/data] [data]January 6, 2008 @2:30 PM[/data] [data]Kitsune[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 2,500th post in 3RR[/row]
[row] [data]Truro[/data] [data]January 14, 2008 @2:48 PM[/data] [data]Rooker1[/data] [data]SC4D[/data] [data]Posting the 2,600th post in 3RR[/row]

Plus I have plans to link to each Honors post and the profile of the honored member, if everyone is okay with it.


Hey, that's close,Pat, VERY close! :thumbsup: Now it's time for the Master himself to comment. Oh, and did I ever tell ya' what a darlin' ya' are? ;)

Until March 12...


Don't mean to butt in here, but dark colours do not complement each other...the blue is in the same luminance area as the green and is fighting...You need to choose a complementary colour, like brown.

The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it


I like Pat's first try- that darkest green doesn't seem to fit, in my opinion. ;)

By the way, a fitting place to make my 500th post- made my very first one here, and likely never would have if you hadn't encoraged me to do so, David. I owe an awful lot to you. :)


The brown does look better, callagrafx, but I believe David used the blue to represent the three rivers. The "Green Thing" is just a personal aversion to the RGB hues and shades in that particular color range, so maybe a few back steps are in order. Eventually something will click, though, and everybody will know when it happens!

Until March 12...


Perhaps the old Hartford Whalers colors would work?

I like the brown, too, but as Joan pointed out, I think David wanted the blue to represent the rivers.


Here I am reporting for duty!  ;)
I'll surely need a refresher on how you want us to proceed David, while waiting for some tips I'll read some of the latest entries in 3RR.
From now on I'll drop by everyday or try to at least!

I'm back in business!


P.S. About your comment on the "happy almost spring" in ST here's some of the latest pics we took!

First one... I'm 6 feet tall, this is the entry of my driveway... I'll let you guess at the height of the snowbank, I think it'll still be there this summer!

Second one... not has bright as my neighbour, I still have to build a shed for my firewood! Having to shovel to get some wood defeat the romantic purpose of a nice fire in the fireplace.... oh well...

Take care

If you have a closed mind, do the same with your mouth


Lee (callagrafx) is right about all that color theory stuff- the problem, as Dustin (thundercrack83) observed, is that the blue is wanted as a symbolic representation of the rivers.

...'course, if my rivers were the New [linkie], the Cuyahoga [linkie], and Love Canal [linkie], that brown would be just fine...

So, with apologies to the more color conscious among us, here's the release candidate flag in Hartford Whalers colors.

Something tells me this isn't over yet.  Other designs are welcomed- I'm kind of Betsy Ross [linkie] challenged, myself.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


same as david's but with some color discrepancies fixed.


I think the Whalers' colors look just fine, David!

...'course, if my rivers were the New [linkie], the Cuyahoga [linkie], and Love Canal [linkie], that brown would be just fine...

Ahh, the Cuyahoga River. I'm always remind of the song from the beginning of Major League about the Cuyahoga catching on fire. Maybe the color for that one should be red!



LoL Joan thank you!!!  Lee I do like your flag and its does set off the green rather well....  I wonder though far as the flag is going what about breaking the mold and do a design the flag contest? Have maybe something like a total of xx amount of flags and pick a few to pool from then from there have the final one set?  So maybe to kick off the idea in anther thread or let it run in here? Whatcha thinking Boss?

John (Darmok) its great to see you back in action and im figuring that the snow bank is somewhere in the neighborhood of at least 9ft high???

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Works for me, David! :thumbsup: Guess all this excitement over the countdown has me (and maybe a few others) getting overly protective of the 3RR concept! :)

Until March 12...

Ryan B.

Our flag has put 'Brass Bonanza' in my head.  :)  Also, I know all about the Love Canal situation mentioned up there.  What a train wreck.


i think the reason it doesn't look very flag like is that the seal has writing and bits on it and as far as im aware.... no flag in the world currently has text on it. mybe the great seal could be saved for some bright spark making the 3RR dollars and a larger simpler beaver silhouette could be used....
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


I agree with mightygoose about the text...

And nice work on that flag so far and also nice work on the honors Registry! :thumbsup:

Looking forward to more...


I like what you guys have put together, but I agree with mightygoose, it doesn't remind me of a flag.  It's too complex, it would better IMHO if it were a stamp or something like that.

Robin  ;)
Call me Robin, please.


I'll weigh in on the flag flap. How 'bout the green with the three river stripes only? No seal. Here in the U.S. many of the states have their seal on the state flag. I think the more simple designs are the better ones, i.e. Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Alaska.

EDITBob, here's what that would look like.

I thought I'd also try a "beaver-only" variant.