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AntigOne's Projects: Elsewhere.

Started by Badsim, January 17, 2007, 02:14:19 PM

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 :o Incredibly realistic... wow. &apls


I have stopped playing SC4,
because I am waiting for the trees and flowers!


Bridges over kanals that can be crossed by barges are indeed missing in almost all sets (except for PEG'S draw bridges and that nonfunctional(?) street bridge for the SG set).

HOWEVER: just looking at the RL pic tells you the solution: build some embankments and raise the support. Then all you need is "just" a bridge that is lower then our 15m NAM overpasses to cross the kanal - exactly as shown in your picture.

Good luck on that - I would really appreciate such a solution!

Take care my friend!

Bernhard  :thumbsup:


Beautiful, Badsim! This TSC Ruralpack is going to be yet another revolution for the game :)


All your projects looks really amazing. Good work  &apls

about the bamboo: I believe I have seen them once on a japanese site. I will go explore now...

EDIT: I believe the bamboo was made by the japanese modder Moonlight, but I can't seem to find his site anymore  %confuso
I could be wrong about this, though.
Nemo sobrius saltaret


Ahhhh, canals with that straigth grass edge! That would be great, because the Netherlands are full with these kind of canals and I'd like to try some Dutch landscapes in my game...



I am totally at a loss for words with the incredible things you've done recently, the amount of modding, those amazing pictures, is this really the same game I bought in 2003? I love all the seasonal stuff but what really caught my eye was the fields and the tracks from the tractors as they turn at the end of the fields. Thats something that for years I been trying to figure out a way to do ::)

You have raised the bar so high that the rest of us mere mortals cannot even dream to achieve such standards. Just looking at your pictures gives me so many ideas that by the time I've fired the game up I've forgotten half of the stuff I was gonna do :D

Oh my what a surprise it was too to see one of my bats in your pictures. I am so glad you have the model for it as I lost all my files relating to it a while back when my pc went  &hlp

Oh I shall be getting all those files for your rural pack once they are ready  :thumbsup: And then it will be lots of experimenting.

Looking forward to what you have in store for us next :thumbsup:


ps I try to not let soooo much time pass before my next comment :D
Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - If you're not part of the solution , you're part of the problem!
"Never knock on Death's door: Ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!"
Tales at TeaTime      Now A proper NUT      TTC plays GRV II


Hello my dear friends !  ;)

Quote from: Flatron on March 15, 2011, 09:01:16 AM
Oh, le canal de la bourgogne ca me rapelle de mon échange scolaire avec Montbard en 2007.
this pictures remind me of my scolar exchange at montbard in 2007

Merci de ces quelques mots en français !  :thumbsup: Montbard is a city I know very well and , indeed , all that country is inspiring me there a lot ...

Quote from: Biriali on March 16, 2011, 12:34:07 AM

I believe the bamboo was made by the japanese modder Moonlight, but I can't seem to find his site anymore  %confuso
I could be wrong about this, though.

Thanks ! I've found it back at Simcity Force indeed : http://itmedicine.s80.xrea.com/simedit/lev-bbs.cgi?bid=SC4=2-3&skin=skin/config/=/simedit/skin/config/&style=1&page=0&ppid=1221926631317306#1221926631317306
, Google translation tells me that the author is named Black Spider ...

Quote from: Nardo69 on March 15, 2011, 05:34:05 PM
Bridges over kanals that can be crossed by barges are indeed missing in almost all sets (except for PEG'S draw bridges and that nonfunctional(?) street bridge for the SG set).

HOWEVER: just looking at the RL pic tells you the solution: build some embankments and raise the support. Then all you need is "just" a bridge that is lower then our 15m NAM overpasses to cross the kanal - exactly as shown in your picture.

Good luck on that - I would really appreciate such a solution!

Thanks , Bernhard for these good advices !  :thumbsup: In fact , Orange_o_ is currently studing the possibility to BAT a new canal set , something definately closer to the Burgundy canal ... I can't show there the first pictures ( too early ... ) but I can say his work is very promosing !  $%#Ninj2

Derry I'm so glad to see that you're back  !  :) No cup of tea instead of these touching praises from you ?  :P 

I was here ...

... I was here when the curtain fell down for the six next months on AntigOne's stage . Such a sadness for me to leave you there ...  %wrd

Due to the time it takes from the SC4Devotion admins to allow our team to get a devoted board here at Devotion , I'll not be able to participate at its launch as I would have liked to , ... bad timing , once again !  $%Grinno$%  This team should be named V.I.P. :

We know it could sound pretentious if not arrogant , but in our minds , V.I.P. means Very Important Pintades. "Pintade" is the french word for "Guinea-fowl" so , even if this french pun isn't translatable  in english , be sure this is only self-derision ! Guinea-fowl is an usual word in France to speak about a quite stupid & overproud person ...

Well , the V.I.P. RuralPack is in Orange_o_'s hands ... which means in good hands ! So , stay tuned ...  ;D

Take care , make backups and have fun . Bye-bye ...  :thumbsup:


°   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °


Very dramatic with the closing curtains.
It has been very nice having you around and I count down the days until you are back again.
Take care my friend and I'm sure we'll all be here when you are back.

Robin  &apls
Call me Robin, please.


I just wanna cry as it's wonderful &apls &apls :o I recognize here OUR France, our typical and rural France... But when will you do the Lorraine? $%Grinno$%

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


Beautiful!  Those images are simply breathtaking and I'm really looking forward to seeing the release of this pack.   &apls &apls

I'm looking forward to your next return!  Take care!


Wow. Very nice bridges and road textures, and as always, amazingly realistic.


Bye my friend, but don't worry we have a lot of work on hold. Your return will be expected.


Those canal's are beautiful. :) I am anticipating more. :)



JAW ON THE FLOOR for the lake.

And the tractor and stuff are awesome too (green with envy, here)


Still an excellent update, Cédric. The road texture looks nice also as the canal with its barge. The set is well done, bravo.  :thumbsup:
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


On  January 17, 2007, 04:14:19 PM Badsim began this thread. . . I have been reading this thread for over a week. . .savoring every page, . . . pouring over the photos and comments, . . .  drooling over the desire to learn all this at once. . . .

So much superb work has been done and you have left footprints for us to follow. . .Thank you!

Seems ever inadequate to express such simple words for such a brilliant work, . . however I do really thank all here who have for so long laid a solid foundation.


oh boy oh boy oh boy &hlp ! I can hardly wait for this project to be finished and the stuff available ! It's amazing.

BTW, how do you control  Heblem's sands to make paths ? They tend to spread all over the place (for me, at least...)


This is really beautiful!
Wonderful work there. :thumbsup:


OMG. I do hope you will upload all this somewhere soon !

Are the cars ploppable ? I'm looking for small ploppable cars...