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Three Rivers Region

Started by dedgren, December 20, 2006, 07:57:49 PM

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That's a nice flashback to more-or-less where this all began... it's amazing what small discoveries can/will do.


Wow Sherman David, I almost forgot about the WABAC machine.   Man oh man does that one bring back some memories, my friend.    I can even hear the cheesy circus/vaudeville music and see the little street-cleaner dude wiggle his mustache at the end of the parade.      :D   I loved that stuff.    Thanks for the smile you just put on my face David.

---Mr. Peabody Gaston

They say that the memory is the second thing that goes....
...dang , I wish I could remember the first.
WooHoo made Councilman - 05 FEB 07 Yipee made Mayor - 13 MAR 07 Hip Hip Hooray made Governor - 04 AUG 07 Rock On made Senator - 15 MAR 09


Nice shots David....I recall them at the old ST times... :)

If I remember right it was just after discovering the contour lines that all the elucubrations about scale and other things went up :)


Ahh, nostalgia. First, Rocky and Bullwinkle and then the old days of 3RR at ST. It's funny how things have changed since then, yet remarkably how they've stayed the same. Keep up the good work, and I'll be awaiting the next portion of the tutorial!


Heh!  I'd forgotten I had Teirusu's Arctic Terrain mod loaded when I started SC4 planning to sharpen my waterfront techniques this morning...



Looks cold down there.  That's pretty appropriate though- -14 F/-26 C where I live as this is written.

...glad I plugged in the car last night...


D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Wow - I just wish I had the time to read all of your posts and tutorials. Unfortunately it stays with picture lurking for me... And the pictures with snow and wintertrees are absolutely fabulous  &apls
Check my MD:               


Quote from: dedgren on February 23, 2007, 09:04:42 AM

Looks cold down there.  That's pretty appropriate though- -14 F/-26 C where I live as this is written.

...glad I plugged in the car last night...



Is that cold?  ;D Yes it is, I know that by experience, it can froze your n*** in no time :D This one could have been taken somewhere where you live and it was -31ºF (-35ºC) on that day when we took the snowmobiles for a ride. :P


Well guess what, this post had to be done on your thread ;)


This was the post I was going to put up this morning before I got distracted...

When I'm thinking about stuff, I doodle.  When I'm thinking about stuff while I'm working at the computer, I doodle in SC4.

Here's a collection of some doodles, all packed up with some comments, as another installment of

As I've worked on the ongoing seasonal tree lots tutorial [linkie to latest section], I've also been fiddling around with this and that: trying out ideas as they come to mind, seeing how things look in the game.  This is a collection of that sort of thing done in a quad that I left open while I was working on other stuff.

I wondered what a little island with seasonal trees on it would look like...




I think they're going to look pretty good.

'Thought a little creek and pond would like nice at the south end of Pratt Island, so I waved the terraforming wand...






There's a lack of small dams in the game.  I've tried different things to fill that void.

Here's the "street bridge" from the new NAM.





...looks kind of naked there all by itself...

A little stream detailing...


Some seasonal trees and mayor mode pines.


A few minutes of plopping makes all the difference in the world.



My rule of thumb is pretty much always, "if it's not OK in a close-up, it's not OK."




Fall is a nice time of year on Pratt Island.



I probably should have made this a mosaic with the previous pic.


Here's what all that comes down to- I'm doing 1,600 square miles of this, folks.


Just a few more, in case you're getting bored.  This one's a set-up for the next pic...


...which answers the question, "what would this look like if it snowed?"




So, as they say- there you have it.

Thanks so much for spending a bit of your day in 3RR.



D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Here I was going to thank you for the contour lesson, I never knew you could do that.  Then you teach me about STREET BRIDGES?  I've got the new NAM but I didn't read the readme.  Street bridges, cool.  BTW, the dam, I just stole that!  Thanks David, I'm learning more here in a few months than I leanrned in amost 3 years playing this wonderful game.  Even learned how to do transparent lots.  The folks here make things where I can understand and it's easy and fun to do.  I see things here everyday that I think, 'now how in the *&% did they do that!'  So I go off venturing to figure it out.  And you have been instumental to my education in SC4. 

I don't have the authority, but I would give you tenure at SC4D.  The only thing is, I reckon you aready have tenure here!

My hat's off to you, and I don't show my bald spot to everyone, some are too short.  Who am I kidding, this thing shines! lol!
Carolina Tar Heels... National Champs again!


Cool use of the street bridges.  Let's go to the old chalkboard... yep, chalk another innovation up to dedgren and 3RR.  :thumbsup:

The combination of mods your using has a cool effect of making that small pond look iced-over when you add in the snow mod.

Great stuff.
You're telling me I get to be home for more than 12 months?


Doodling for you yields art for us. Your attention to detail is fascinating (a good thing for a lawyer to have). I note specifically: the underwater contours leading from the creek in pic 5 to show the flow of the stream. Also, I have seen some innovations before, but a dam out of a street bridge... innovation2. You may have 1600 sq. mi. of this to do, but keep in mind there are those of us out here willing to help by sinking our teeth into some of those quads whenever you are ready. Looking forward to the rest of the tutorial.


I really like the details!  One thing I rarely to is to zoom ALL the way in to see the close details.  I'm going to have to do it more often now, I really like these close-in shots!

Check out Abelfarei!


The contour lines was a interesting thing, I did not know this kind of information was available in the game. Thanks for putting that in 3RR.

Your last series of images are looking again wonderful. I have yet to instal the latest NAM but I am starting to look forward to doing so.

Low Light

'Dr' D.E.   :)

:satisfied: : "Zis is trés formidable!"

What a fantastic and useful tutorial. I have taken notes and have attempted to work at a few little projects of my own, but due to time and hardware limitations it's taking a while. You sir are an inspiration!

The past few eye-candy shots are beautifully constructed and really show of your awesome skills and creativity. I am intrigued with the snow-mod; It's so beautiful. I've yet to investigate how it works in SC4...something to add to the 'learn-something-new-about-SC4' list.

I too have a tendency to doodle, more so than actually work (he he), but they tend to yield some interesting results and ideas. The stream for example, though I would never have thought of using the new NAM (seeing as I don't have it yet) I was thinking of doing something similar with the ploppable logs that you have used on your waterways in the past. &idea My inspiration came to me via the humble,yet oh so useful, Beaver. I haven't tried it out in practise yet, but could one not place a series of ploppable logs 'on top' of each other to create the illusion of a beaver dam, something   of a variation and a little bit more natural? I shall be giving it a go soon. I do, however, find your use of the street bridge from the NAM a little bit more useful as it not only provides the illusion of a dam but also a river/stream crossing.

Edit: I was wondering if you had thought about putting some aquatic folliage around the edge of the lake area (there is some out there isn't there?). I find that sometimes the waters edge, when there isn't a wave/ripple seems to merge into the landscape and it makes the water look a bit invisible. Maybe it'll give the little lake an edge so the eye can make it out a little better. It's just a suggestion, it may just be my eyes playing up!

On a completely different note: I was wondering what your plans were for the historic storyline of 3RR? I have read and re-read the information you have put out already, but I was curious as to your plans about the historic development of 3RR? For example:

  • Where was the first landing or settlement?
  • How did the region develop? What are the significance of certain routes and roads?
  • What are/were the key industries and economic systems in 3RR, and how did they help to shape it?
  • How did places become named the way they have been?
  • Etc...

I'm a 'systems' man and am constantly intrigued by them (organic or inorganic). As a result I was wondering how your great region was going to grow and develop. I know all this might be a bit geeky, but it's something I am always interested in learning; why has the city grown in the way it has?

Looking forward to the next update.  :thumbsup:

Low Light $%#Ninj2 (Ruben)

"Don't take life too seriously, or you'll miss all the good bits"


Hi David-

Excellent update as always.  You are right.  That badger does look slightly beaverish.  If they changed all text that said "Wisconsin" to "Oregon" they probably could get away with it here.  (The beaver is, of course, the state animal here in Oregon.)

Those islands are looking very nice as well.  Don't know how well I could really stand the cold weather like that which you have up in AK right now.  I lived in Ellensburg, WA for 2 years (110 miles east of Seattle on I-90), and one January it went down at about 5F for a high temperature for several days.  It was the coldest temperature I had ever experienced.  I was wearing 4-5 coats. Call me a wuss.  :D  Weird thing was that the nearby mountain passes were 30 degrees warmer, despite being 2000 feet higher in elevation.  ???  Odd climate in that area.

Looking forward to more as always!



I feel like I'm repeating myself every time I comment here: but that looks AMAZING! I have nothing else to add at this time. &apls

BlackwaterEmil's inn
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio ♦ dedgren
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papab2000 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


Fantastic islands! Great pictures! :thumbsup:


Well, that batch of eye candy looks fantastic! I love the seasonal tree island, and the new creek made on Pratt Island looks great, too. But my favorite, as is the favorite of may, is the street bridge/dam that you've come up with. It looks very realistic, especially the shot with the snow. Keep up the great work, and I'll be waiting for the next update!

nova vesfalo

Wowing ! I just have that patience to all those little details (trees, ...) it's really eye-candy ! love it !


Hi David,

That is some great eye candy there. The seasonal trees with snow is a perfect match,
and the street bridge blends in well. Way to go! :thumbsup: