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ML Railway Modds and NAM 2010

Started by ebina, May 11, 2010, 03:57:18 AM

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Update for ML Japanese El-Rail Catenaries MOD is available.

moonlinghtさんのML Shinkansen MOD用に、既存のモノレール橋梁の外観を変更するパッチを勝手ながら作成いたしました。パッチを導入していただくことで、NAM Essentialsが更新されるたびにNetworkAddonMod_Bridges_Plugin_Controller.datを入れ替える必要がなくなります。添付ファイルをダウンロードし、以下の手順に従い導入してください。

1. - ML Shinkansen MOD bridge.datに含まれる橋梁が都市にあれば、念のためファイルを削除する前に撤去してください。
2. - NetworkAddonMod_Bridges_Plugin_Controller.datを公式版に交換(NAM Essentialsを再インストール)し、ML Shinkansen MOD bridge.datを削除してください。
3. - z_Monorail_Bridge_as_ML_Shinkansen_MOD_Bridge.datを/SimCity 4/Plugins/zzzz ML Shinkansen MODなど、NetworkAddonMod_High_Monorail_Plugin.datおよびHSR_Core.datより後にロードされるフォルダーにコピーしてください。


画像はML Shinkansen MOD Fence.datとML Shinkansen MOD ground texture.datをインストールした状態です。パッチ導入後もML Shinkansen MODの各オプションを自由に組み合わせられます。

- ゲーム標準のモノレール橋梁とNetworkAddonMod_High_Monorail_Plugin.datに含まれる高さ30mのモノレール橋梁にのみ対応します。
- 「橋を選択」に表示される名称とアイコンはモノレールのままとなります。
- ゲーム標準のモノレール橋梁は、スターターピース/パズル・ドラッグ式HSRをインストール後に架橋したものを除いて架け替えが必要です。

If anyone needs English translation please request here.

Edit: Patch removed. Please download ML Shinkansen Mod from moonlinght's blog.


Well, some non-Japanese people might be interested (maybe Haljackey for instance), so I request an English translation please.
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


ebinaさんこんばんは :)

これでNAM更新の度にNetworkAddonMod_Bridges_Plugin_Controller.datを弄らなくて済みます :thumbsup:

HSR_core.datの方にこれがあるという事はHSRを使用する時、仮に通常IDだった場合に直線ピースがHSRの高架になってしまうからという事ですよね ()what()
それに気付いていれば私が新規で橋を作ることもなく、ebinaさんにお手数をお掛けする事もなかったのですが :-[
早速当方のブログとReadme、MOD本体のnetwork Lotとアイコンの更新しておきたいと思います。

欲を言うとstart piceがあれば通常の直線ピースと橋ピースの境のフェンスに蓋が出来て抜群によかったんですが元々無いので仕方ないですね。
何はともあれありがとうございました! :thumbsup: &apls


This mod looks pretty interesting indeed - is that a HSRP conversion that looks like a Shinkansen line? There have been a few requests at SimForum to make the HSR looking more like a German ICE line, and the screenshot you showed would suit that pretty well.


Quote from: mrtnrln on May 11, 2010, 06:56:08 AM
Well, some non-Japanese people might be interested (maybe Haljackey for instance), so I request an English translation please.

lol, well I am interested. Looks great!


I'll clarify.
In short, moonlight has made a mod containing a visual mod that changes the look of the default monorail to a more Japanese look, as can be seen in the screenshot above. This is compatible with HSR and has track height and widths equal to that of the Shinkansen mod, so stations are mostly interchangeable between the two. Most, if not all of the puzzle pieces for regular monorail has been converted, as well as the tunnels, bridges, and double-height network. His blog can be found here; the mod can be found on the April 19th post.


Quote from: ebina on May 11, 2010, 03:57:18 AM
I have made a patch changing the default monorail bridge for moonlight-san's ML Shinkansen MOD. This patch would make the changing of the NetworkAddonMod_Bridges_Plugin_Controller.dat every time the NAM Essentials is updated, unnecessary. Please download the following file and follow the instructions below.

Installation instructions:
1. - If there are bridges made by ML Shinkansen MOD bridge.dat in your cities, demolish them, just in case.
2. - Replace the NetworkAddonMod_Bridges_Plugin_Controller.dat with the official version (by reinstalling NAM Essentials), and delete ML Shinkansen MOD bridge.dat.
3. - Copy z_Monorail_Bridge_as_ML_Shinkansen_MOD_Bridge.dat into a folder that loads after both NetworkAddonMod_High_Monorail_Plugin.dat and HSR_Core.dat, such as /SimCity 4/Plugins/zzzz ML Shinkansen MOD.
This should be all. Like what was done with HSR_Core.dat, this patch will avoid the look of regular straight track pieces being reflected on the bridges, by setting the ID for the bridge pieces with no supports to one that is different from the regular straight track.

This image shows the monorail network after both the ML Shinkansen MOD Fence.dat and the ML Shinkansen MOD ground texture.dat have been installed. It is still possible to mix and match each option for the ML Shinkansen MOD even after the installation of the patch. (Translator's note: enabling ground textures will show a path and some fences underneath.)

Restrictions, etc.
- This patch only changes the game's default monorail bridge and the 30m high monorail bridge included with NetworkAddonMod_High_Monorail_Plugin.dat.
- The icon shown in the bridge selection screen will stay that of regular monorail.
- Default monorail bridges will need to be reconstructed in the game in order to reflect the changes. This excludes bridges made after installation of the current starter-piece style HSR mod.

If there are any points that require additional clarification, please contact me.
If anyone needs English translation please request here.

Quote from: moonlinght on May 12, 2010, 06:25:44 AM
Good evening, ebina-san :)

Thank you very much for your patch!
Now I won't have to deal with NetworkAddonMod_Bridges_Plugin_Controller.dat every time the NAM is updated :thumbsup:

So if my original mod was used the way it was, in case the HSR was used alongside my mod and the regular ID were applied (for the regular straight pieces), the straight piece (for the regular straight pieces [translater's note: ? I dunno]) will become the HSR, so it wouldn't work; would that be right? ()what()
If I had noticed that sooner, I wouldn't have had to make a whole new bridge, and inconvenience ebina-san. :-[
I shall get to work editing my blog and the Readme, as well as the icon and the network Lot for the MOD.

If there's one thing I would change, I would add a start piece for the bridge that has a perpendicular fence, for it would cap the path. Though, it wasn't there in the first place, so alas.
Anyhow, thank you so much! :thumbsup: &apls


Thanks for the clarification, Moshi! Looks like I have to examine that blog further, judging from a quick glance, there's some very nice stuff hidden there... :)


I corrected Shinkansen MOD yesterday. It can be downloaded by my blog when there are interested one in Shinkansen MOD.
There is Japanese style BAT, too :)


Well, sorry, but for me, i have a problem, i canot connect the classic rail train to this japanese elevated mod from moonlinght, what's wrong with me?  &sly
& coming soon "Sakura Republic".


Hello again Planetechef  :)

Sorry Planetechef, :-[
Would you tell me again waht about MOD you talking ?  ;D
"Japanese EL-Rail Catenaries MOD" or "ML Shinkansen MOD" ??

If it's about a MOD "Japanese EL-Rail Catenaries MOD", I think that you already could do it.
(This is Ragutarou san's slope-Lot that could connect with El-Rail and Passenger-Rail)


If it's about a MOD "ML Shinkansen MOD" (Moonlinght san's latest work),
This MOD is for change graphics from MAXIS default Mono-Rail's trail to ML's Shinkansen-Rail.
so you need LOT as I wrote above in this case.
However, I don't know a LOT which connect with Mono-Rial to other rails. &mmm
If you want this LOT, you should make it by yourself, I think so.


@Moshi san: Thank you for translating.

Subject changed, here's another compatibility update for ML's mod. Attached file is a replacement for a file of the same name in ML Japanese El-Rail Catenaries MOD. Model files for dual networking el-rail have been updated to reflect replaceable sidewalk. Also added new models for the ElRail over URail x PedMall pieces.

Similar to the base/overlay textures of Lot Editor creations, you can change sidewalk textures independently from roadway textures. You only need to create only one set of FSHs to expand your own custom sidewalk texture to these pieces.

Please note that SFBT Euro Road Textures Mod is not compatible with replaceable sidewalk at this point, because roadway textures in the old zzz1_NAM_Euro_Textures_URail.dat include built-in sidewalk.

If you found any problems post here.


 :o that's a fantastic update, just what i wanted for Sakura, well done Ebina & thanks  &hlp you just make my day  ;D
& coming soon "Sakura Republic".


@ebina san
Thank you for U-Rail replacement side walk texture. you are great work! :thumbsup:

ebinaさんが作ったML Japanese EL-Rail Catenaries MOD for NAM5.datファイルを上書きし、RemoveList_ML_ElRail_Update_06052010.txtのリストで該当ファイルをRemoveしてからNetwork Addon Modフォルダ以下をNAMフォルダに入れれば宜しいでしょうか(NetworkAddonMod_Light_URail_Puzzle_Plugin.datファイルよりも後読みさせる)()what()
今回のebinaさんのファイルで気付いたんですが、NAMのpathが入っている歩道とダブルデッカーの歩道は別のFSHなんですね &idea

素早い対応パッチの作成と歩道テクスチャ入れ替えMODの製作、重ねて御礼申し上げます ;)


Looking very good, keep it up! I like the development pictures!  :thumbsup:


@planetechef and @Haljackey : Thank you.

I forgot to mention that sidewalk textures can be combined with Maxis version of el-rail models too. Complete set of sidewalk textures will be uploaded when I finished writing a readme.

Quote from: moonlinght on June 08, 2010, 06:23:17 AM
ebinaさんが作ったML Japanese EL-Rail Catenaries MOD for NAM5.datファイルを上書きし、RemoveList_ML_ElRail_Update_06052010.txtのリストで該当ファイルをRemoveしてからNetwork Addon Modフォルダ以下をNAMフォルダに入れれば宜しいでしょうか(NetworkAddonMod_Light_URail_Puzzle_Plugin.datファイルよりも後読みさせる)()what()
それでOKです。Network Addon Mod/z_Optionalフォルダー内のファイルはオプションなので、必ずしもインストールする必要はありません。歩道テクスチャは後日単独のModとしてアップロードしますので、和風高架鉄道Modとは別にしておいてください。

Moonlinght told me that he has incorporated the patch file for ML Shinkansen Mod into updated version of the mod. So I'm going to remove the patch in a few days. Please download updated ML Shinkansen Mod.


Hi all :)

The file for NWM was added to my MOD(ML Shinkansen MOD).

Please update the file if you are using NWM. :thumbsup:

Download(my blog): http://blog.livedoor.jp/moonlinght/archives/cat_59226.html


Awesome! I just love your Monorail Replacement mod.  :thumbsup:

One question though, are Monorail over Tram-in-Road and Tram-in-Avenue going to be done in the future?  ()what()

"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley


Awesome! I just love your Monorail Replacement mod.  :thumbsup:

One question though, are Monorail over Tram-in-Road and Tram-in-Avenue going to be done in the future?  ()what()
I did not notice it :-[
The file for the tram was added, and download it again, please :thumbsup:
(Added file name:ML Shinkansen MOD for NAM-GLR.dat)


Are the catenaries in the pictures above also from Moonlight's site? Or are they from plunderer?
There is a catenary mod of some sort on Moonlights great site, but as I don't read Japanese too well (actually, I can't read it at all), I can't figure this out.
Any help would be appreciated  :)
Nemo sobrius saltaret


Hello :)
Shinkansen MOD download is here  "$Deal"$

The file necessary for this MOD is two MOD file of plundere.
Dependencies:1.Catenary_Essentials http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/details.cfm?id=21934
                    2.ELR_Catenary_Mod http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/details.cfm?id=21955
                                  (Necessary file name is "Catenary_prop_exemplar_for_ELR.dat")
                   3.Of course, NAM also!