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Displaying Japanese Lot Name and Description in Other Language Versions

Started by ebina, October 05, 2008, 05:55:31 AM

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This is a tutorial for members who want to see Japanese lot names/descriptions in your game instead of blank space.
This time I have used English version of SimCityLocale.dat included in the Left To Right Hand Driving Switch, to change the game's behavior to the same as English version. Registry value is set to US English.
I have chosen one of SOMY's lots as an example. I'm not trying to blame him and his creations for blank text since it is not his fault.

Tutorial Start:

First of all, please check whether you have necessary font file or not, for I don't know whether overseas versions contain the same font files as Japanese version. Go to where you installed SC4 and open the Fonts folder. Required font files are HG-Gothic.mxf*1 and HG-Gothic (Bold).mxf*1.

Fonts available in Japanese version:
Arial MT (Bold Italic).mxf
Arial MT (Bold).mxf
Arial MT (Italic).mxf
Arial MT.mxf
Arta (Italic).mxf
CordiaUPC (Bold).mxf
Courier LD (Bold Italic).mxf
Courier LD (Bold).mxf
Courier LD (Italic).mxf
Courier LD.mxf
HG-Gothic (Bold).mxf
Hy Round Gothic (bold).mxf
Hy Round Gothic.mxf
MHei B5 (Bold).mxf
MHei GB (Bold).mxf
Stoclet ITC TT (Bold).mxf

Next, you need to edit an INI file manually. In the Reader, open the simcity_1.dat*2 and find an INI file with this TGI.
00000000 / 4A87BFE8 / 2A87BFFC
Right click on it and select Copy file(s). Then paste it to blank dat.

Codes used in edited lines are in the INI file included in Japanese version of SimCityLocale.dat.

To edit INI, click "Edit" button located at the top of right pane. First, find Generic Panel and Dialog fonts section and edit GenHeader line. GenHeader line defines top of lot query dialog where the name of lot appears.

GenHeader     = "StocletITC TT",    "18",  "bold|aa=bg|linespacing=2|xscale=1.2|xadvancescale=0.99",      0x4a809916

GenHeader        = "HG-Gothic",   "14",   "bold|aa=bg|linespacing=2",   0x4a809916

You'll notice that other headers(Monthly Budget, Graphs, etc) are changed as well.

Second, find another section named Fonts used for Widgets:, and edit ToolTip and ToolTipTitle. ToolTipTitle defines lot name in the menu, ToolTip defines lot description.

ToolTip       = "Arta",          "13",   "italic|aa=bg|linespacing=2|xscale=0.95|xadvancescale=0.99",     0xa85f1a83
ToolTipTitle  = "StocletITC TT", "14",   "bold|aa=bg|linespacing=2|xscale=1.2|xadvancescale=0.99",       0xe9c86c9d

ToolTip          = "HG-Gothic",    "13",   "aa=bg|linespacing=2",           0xa85f1a83
ToolTipTitle     = "HG-Gothic",    "14",   "bold|aa=bg|linespacing=2",    0xe9c86c9d

These may change other places like GenHeader line.

After editing INI, don't forget to click "Apply" button. Otherwise you will lose your modification. Finally save .dat file and copy it to Plugins.

*1 - Font files used to display Japanese texts may not include characters of your language. Your language might not be displayed in game correctly with INI that specifies different fonts from original settings. So you should use modified INI only to display Japanese lot names and descriptions when you need to check what the lot is.
*2 - Before opening SimCity_1.dat, it would be better to open your language version of SimCityLocale.dat first as it may include optimal INI for your language. If you found it, you should edit that INI rather than one in SimCity_1.dat.

What mentioned in this tutorial have been included to attached INI file. Simply copy it to Plugins. If you could try this method, please show me what happened in your game.

January 10, 2009 - Added a few notes, and replaced a list of fonts with text based version.


Hey Ebina, thanks very much :) thats an ace fix, I will be sure to do it if ever I go back to windows :D

Though I think this should be coppied/moved to the Tutorials section also :)
Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


This is a very interesting finding, ebina. :) Does anyone remember that the vanilla version of SimCity had smaller UI text than Rush Hour? This was a lot better because longer lot names still were displayed properly in the UI windows. Maybe we can get this feature by editing that INI file as well.

SC4 Vanilla UI font:

SC4 Rush Hour UI font:



New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio ♦ dedgren ♦ emilin ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley
M4346 ♦ moganite ♦ Papab2000 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
Divide wouanagaine by zero and you will in fact get one...one bad-ass that is - Alek King of SC4


Hi Everyone,

What software and methods do I have to use to open the .DAT and find the .INI file? I don't really know much about computers, sorry for the trouble...


私はコンピュータを使うことはあんまり知りませんから、.DATファイルを開けて.INIファイルを探しての方法を教えて貰いませんか? お手伝いにありがとうございます。



Quote from: Vegantor on June 18, 2009, 04:11:44 AM
i cannot find th TGI
Could you try this? After opening the SimCity_1.dat in the Reader click the "Filters" button on tool bar (Or "Tools > Filter" from menu bar).

In the "Filters" dialog, click "Uncheck all" and recheck only "Ini" like the image below, afterwards click "Refresh".

In the left pane only INI files should be displayed. You would be able to find needed INI easily.


Thanks very much! I'm going to play with this to change some other fonts as well..