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.:The Imperial Kingdom of Royal Collanden:. Newspaper 12/6

Started by Albus of Garaway, November 08, 2008, 05:46:42 AM

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Hi there!
You have produced a very nice update there. The effects on the pictures are nicely done. I think, that "Collandeen Military Command Center" would be the favorite of mine. Looking forward to see more.

Have fun,

Visit my MD Rainbow Falls or check Rainbow Falls Out of the Box or maybe check on my bats&lots visiting Lilojame´s Corner or if you wish go to Lilojame´s Candidacies.

"Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray."  (Byron, 1788-1824)


Hey Albus nice new start here and sorry to see Port Icewater gone  :'( But I guess stuff happens and well if it must be that way and no matter what I will follow along here in The Imperial Kingdom without a problem and I cant wait till the next update....


Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Hi Albus,

I'm enjoying your new MD. The pics are looking good and I have a feeling there is more to come.

Good luck with the next stage of development.



Nice atmosphere you have created in your pictures, this will be interesting to follow further.

Albus of Garaway

Hi! Just some replies and a newspaper I put together a while ago that I thought you'd enjoy.


kwakelaar: Thanks! Hope to see you again here.

paroch: There you are! I was waiting to see when you'd post here! Glad you've returned to my MD, and hope to see you again.

pipishere: Hey pip! Thanks!

Pat: Yes, it is said that Port Icewater left us. But now we have something new, so I suppose we must forget Port Icewater...for now.

Lilojame: Oh good, I was hoping someone would say they liked the Military Command Center. It was a difficult area to produce, because it was smashed between rail, a highway, and elevated roads to get over the rail and the highway! Glad you liked it!

flyinbird93: Thanks! I think adding weather effects on pictures is a necessity, because without weather, the world would be quite bland.

projectadam: Thanks! Those are my favorite pictures, too, but being the complete train geek that I am, my favorite is the bus terminal outside of the train station.  ;)

A November 30th issue of Her Majesty's Harold, a week after receiving its new look.

(Click link above to view image. It's a bit too big to post without messing up the page layout, I think)

I added your picture in, it's the width that can't be more then 1024, the length doesn't matter. Robin  :thumbsup:


haha that newspapers awesome!  im glad you made a link to the actual image so i could read it on my phone :D 

also, you can edit the size of a image like this and link it at the same time to a larger file like this.  just put a command like this in to start and make sure you close it to finish.  i didnt finish it so it would show

[img width=600]image link here

cant wait to see more!


Nice newspaper there Albus - certainly PLENTY of snow in the area!   I hope your sims have big shovels to dig it out!



L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


Call me Robin, please.


Hey hey hey!  Collendan looks awesome!!!  Sorry I've missed so much!

Great newspaper!  Ooh, and Vivini Pianos looks like a very good brand!  That name sounds very exclusive... ;)
Sorry I missed the last update, it looks so cool!  I like the variation with different buildings.
Keep it up!


yes it's a good news paper but I would like to see the city  ;D


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Nice newspaper.  :thumbsup:
I like the newspaper quite a bit. ;D
I will be waiting for more.  &idea



"Amazing" - Yoder7652 | "your citybuilding is outstanding" - Sebes | | "Absolutely Fabulous" - M4346 | "Wonderful" - threeswept | "Excellent" - Kimcar | "A treat" - dedgren | "A great source of inspiration" - mbsimcity | "Very Impressive" - Paroch | "Mindblowing" - metasmurf | "Fantastic" - bat | "truly deserved the Trixie Awards" - Sheep49... So, why not visit?!

Albus of Garaway

Unfortunately, this is going to be the official announcement of this MD ending. Yes, that also includes the SCJU. I'll still be around the site, but things have become too busy to support a massive nation such as this. So long, farewell, and au revoir! :)