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Vancouver, Natrual Growth

Started by marsh, February 26, 2010, 09:24:29 PM

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Quote from: canyonjumper on April 17, 2010, 05:22:05 PM
Congrats marsh!

Thanks  ;D

Quote from: Aspirin4o on April 18, 2010, 12:33:16 PM
Congratulations, you are spreading out!  :thumbsup:
And nice update about the powerplant too  ()stsfd()

Thansk again  ;D

Quote from: dedgren on April 18, 2010, 01:47:57 PM
Hi, marsh...

...don't you mean "Natural" Growth...?

You are one busy guy- if you can keep up with publishing Vancouver in four different places, my hat is off to you.

I stopped over and registered at your new SC4 website CSGforums [linkie]- running that'll keep you pretty busy, too.

Good luck with all this.


Alright, nice to here you regestered, however its not my site, its CSGdesign's site, (Which is why he named it that :P.) Just wanted to make that clear. Alot of the members there are trying to promote the site, so Im glad I helped a bit. ;D


Busy times with that many places you're working!  Nice batch of updates!


Battlecat: Thanks man  ;D

Hi there, My name is Joseph Franklin. My wife and I recently decided that we would move from our home in Nathrop, to a peaceful town north of Vancouver called Kitslano. Its a long boat ride there since there are no roads to it. Mabey we can stop at my parents house on the way.

Our old house is a nice Victorian-style one, built about 35 years ago. I never was very enthusiastic about the color, but I still loved it either way. However Nathrop is growing too fast for me. A more rural life would be better for the family. Anyways... we left the house at about 9:00 to catch the 9:30 ferry north of Gould Park.

After we left we headed south around the bay on the main road. We passed by "Jephrey's Orange Stand. He's had the place for over 25 years now. Im surprised that he's still in buisness.

We then passed by the substation were i used-to work. It was a very short drive on a pretty empty road. A good job too!

Soon we entered "North Gould Park". Its named that because it is just north of "Gould Park". (How creative) However its not a park... its an industrial district. A very deppressing area. Perhaps that gave them the insperation for the name of that diner.

We soon arived at the "South Nathrop Ferry Dock" The recently made a waiting building for it. It was very convinent since it was starting to get cold out and we still had a 15 minute wait.

We left on time. on the way out we even got to see our old house... one last goodbye.

Passing between Dynamene Island and the mainland, i noticed it started to get colder. We all went inside even though it was pretty crowded.

The boat took a quik stop at the Dynamene Dock. Dynamene Island is where most people that work at the North Gould Park Industrial District work. Now there are only about 10 people on the ferry.

Gabriela & Quadra Island are both very small. Nobody was getting of here, so we just passed the islands.

Even smaller is Piegion Rock. I saw another yaht pass by. Mabey its the mayors? His mansion is near here.

Well, I didnt think i would ever see it, but its the Vancouver's mayors mansion. Very nice place. His family has owned the isand for a long time now.

We got off the ferry at Cortez Island. We had to switch ferry's and get on the Surety/Roubidue Ferry. We waited for about 2 hours in the islands community center. (People must get very lonley on this island)

We left the island and finaly headed torwds Roubideau. Cortez island is very long, but mostly just a sandbar.

Soon we arrived at Saftey Rock. Saftey Rock is the furthest Island from the mainland in Vancouver. Ships often crash into it, which is why a lighthouse was built on it last year.

Heading to Roubideau it got pretty boring. Just water.... yuk

We soon arived in Roubideau. Its a small quant little town, but it has some charm.

In the town center there was even an air-view of the entire town.

Since there was some time untill the next ferry, we dicided to see my parents. (Their house is very similar to ours...hmm )

After leaving Roubideau i quikly fell asleep. I didnt get to get any pictures on the way over, or during the wait in Lazier. After arriving in Kitslano, i found our car. I bought it earlier and asked it to be parked near the dock. (How convienent) When we got off the ferry i relized my map was gone. I must of left it on the ferry. I tried to get it but it alredy left. So we started to head though town.

I got to see the school that my son would be attending. Its an All-Grades school, and all it has is a small dirt field. (At least they have somthing)

Once we got out of the town I saw this big factory called the "Dao Cement Plant"... (I wonder what they make?....)

We took the left at the fork in the road...

...and soon arived in Almont. Almont lake is famouse for its suposive "healing qualities". A spa even opened up. My wife is planning on appling for a job there.

The road quikley changed to dirt soon after Almont. A small apple farm was nerby. now THIS is very rural.

Finaly we arived at the house. its very small, but its only temporary untill I finaly build our real one. At least the area has a sparse growth of trees so that I dont have to cut them all down.

I have a feeling that I'm going to like it here...


What a nice trip. It really makes your MD come alive.
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


Very nice! The maps were a great addition to the story, and I liked the lots used ;D . Any idea where that soccer field came from?

                 -Jordan :thumbsup:
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.


Yeah, very cool  :thumbsup:
I would like to ask where the soccer fiekd is from, too.
"Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā!"
"Gone, gone, totally gone, totally completely gone, enlightened, so be it!"


Quote from: RickD on April 24, 2010, 02:01:11 PM
What a nice trip. It really makes your MD come alive.

Thanks man!  ;D

Quote from: canyonjumper on April 25, 2010, 12:20:49 PM
Very nice! The maps were a great addition to the story, and I liked the lots used ;D . Any idea where that soccer field came from?

                 -Jordan :thumbsup:

Thanks man! And sorry, I completly forget were I got the field from, sorry  ()sad()

Quote from: Aspirin4o on April 26, 2010, 12:02:28 PM
Yeah, very cool  :thumbsup:
I would like to ask where the soccer fiekd is from, too.

Thanks! And sorry again, i forget were i got it from.

Very recently the towns of Galifrey and Nunr have voted on a Bill. this bill incorperates the two townships into a single one. These two towns have been growing closer and closer together, and the border of the two towns is very ill defined. It would be easier for the goverment, law enforcment, and even the citizens themselfs, if both towns would become one. Both towns have a very significant amount of funds. The two pools of money made the new town amoungst the richest in Vancouver. The new goverment decided to put some of the money twords a new City Hall. The land has already been cleared, and ground breaking is to be commenced on January 1st, 1930.

An artist's impression of it was recently made. The design includes a park, a parking lot, The town's first clinic, and also a few shopping stores. The official name of the town, wether it be Galifrey or Nunr, (prononced noon-er) is still being discused. Other cities in Vancouver are also taking this idea. Two towns which also merged recently are Aroura and Keensbug, and Vancouver and Larimer may also take this idea.


It's great to see that the towns of the region are growing so fast and nice. I propose the name of the new town to be Galifrunr  ;)
"Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā!"
"Gone, gone, totally gone, totally completely gone, enlightened, so be it!"


Great stuff marsh! I think Gorbag is now irritated because you achieved Synoecism before he did ;D

            -Jordan :thumbsup:
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.


Quote from: Aspirin4o on April 28, 2010, 01:11:17 AM
It's great to see that the towns of the region are growing so fast and nice. I propose the name of the new town to be Galifrunr  ;)

Thanks man!  ;D I still dont know about the town name though. Im thinking about keeping it Nunr

Quote from: canyonjumper on April 28, 2010, 05:56:48 PM
Great stuff marsh! I think Gorbag is now irritated because you achieved Synoecism before he did ;D

            -Jordan :thumbsup:

lol, yea   :D

     Well, Horsefly Speedway is amazingly close to being up and running. I bought the property for almost nothing, so it was a realy dood deal, especialy due to its proximity to Cedar, as well as Beaton.

Beaton is a run-down ol' town. Many of the residents are happy about the Speedway since it will definitly get visitors to go into town and buy stuff while their there.

My brother is a construction worker, and is still building the Pressbox, (Hes doin it for free!), and that fella who jumps canyons is gonna be building the grandstands for the track.

Earlier today was the first official test of the track. I was very exited. The race testers realy loved it, and said it was the best track in Canada!

The Track Runs straight through this area, and the pit is adjecent to it nearby the Grandstands. Some Garages will soon be built also.

(A car in the pit)

Out of the pit, the track quikly starts to curve around the trees and up and down some small hills...

And the track also has a nice straight away too...

I payed a cheap price for this land, id say it was a good investment.


Stunning O.o
I don't think I have ever seen someone building a race track before. Very, very good Idea :thumbsup:
"Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā!"
"Gone, gone, totally gone, totally completely gone, enlightened, so be it!"


Quote from: Aspirin4o on May 01, 2010, 08:38:16 AM
Stunning O.o
I don't think I have ever seen someone building a race track before. Very, very good Idea :thumbsup:

Thanks. and actualy, I stole the idea from emgmod. Dont worry though, he said it was ok  :P

Alright, ive decided that I liked the first mosaic i did, ( http://www.simtropolis.com/cityjournals/?p=view&id=1319&page=4 ), so I am going to make one every few (SC4) years. Mabey every 5, but im not sure. Im kinda judging it by how much its grown so...


Nice mosaic! I like the terrain you are using...
Funny - I'm playing on the same map at the mo as well so the pics and land area I know quite well!



I am sorry to inform that Vancouver has met the same fate as all my other cj's. I am pretty sure that this is because of a combination of regions being too big, and my computers all sucking. I will probably start a new CJ. I wouldnt bother, but I like to here peoples comments and input about my cities. It makes me happy. You can all asumme that the CJ will probably not last long, so try to enjoy it anyway. Im sorry all....

The CJ had a good run, and in my opinion was the best to-date. On the CSG forums it was the most commented on and also most viewed journal. On Simtropolis it got me to be the 12th highest journaler in the new CJ section.

Do not despair though, I will make a new one. This time not Natural Growth, but a journal on a large island, with many different cities. This will enable me to continue on the journal, even if I loose a region. So for now.... farewell...


SC4D mods: please do not send this diary to the inactive thread YET. Let some people know that this happened first. Im only saying this becaues I do not know what your policy is on a closed journal. Im not trying to be a jerk or anything by asking you to keep it here.


Ohh, that's a pity. I had big hopes about this MD, and was thinking it will reach at least 500,000 residents before any talk of closure come into play :/
"Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā!"
"Gone, gone, totally gone, totally completely gone, enlightened, so be it!"


Oh no! Everything was coming along so nicely.  :(
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


great update, i'm late  ::) but i really enjoy the ferry trip few update before  ::) the last update is also very interesting with a nice mosaic, not really easy to do, i made only one, few hours and with my wife help on gimp and i already forget everything  :D take care my friend  :thumbsup:
& coming soon "Sakura Republic".


 The drive around the islands was very cool, especially the way you had done it.
It really is a pity to hear that you are having some problems with your computers and the size of your cities, but let me suggest that you just continue on with your next city.  Too many members think that a new MD has to be started when a new idea comes up or something drastic happens to thier old one, like in your case.  You already have a good following and you are on your 4th page already, I would suggest you just continue on with your next new idea/city. 
But this is just my opinion.....
Robin  ;)
Call me Robin, please.