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Started by Guest, January 08, 2016, 05:40:21 PM

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Welcome to the Dahamas region! This large region is naturally divided into two parts by the plain of Dahammas in the north and the mountain range in the south, the Îksars. The territory is covered largely by forests, agricultural land or mountains making unconstructable areas. The region is also well occupied by lakes, respectively, from largest to smallest: lake of Nediah, lake of Dahammas and the lake of Kör. The land is particularly fertile thanks to the lakes, but also by the two main rivers: the river Armoräth and Trüliih.

Nature is an essential thing for the people of the region, the forests have always make parts of the landscape. Just to build a highway that requires shaving a passage in the forest it takes several years to see the project materialize (10 to 15 years on average)! The urbanization of cities is often limited by decrees or laws protecting landscapes and biodiversity, cities tend to range in height as the capital of the region, Dahammas and his half-million inhabitants. Despite that, it is nice to live in the region, the multitude of parks, hobbies and green space stimulates tourism and therefore the economy!

Good visit to the region!

The characteristics of the region are:

- 0 small tile, 84 medium sized tiles and 339 big sized tiles.
- The area of the region and 72 km to 80 km long.
- The map is the reconstruction to scale of the Lucerne region and Zürich in German-speaking Switzerland.

Dahammas can be seen on:

- Simtropolis
- ToutSimCities

Aerial image of the region with legend:

(Right click on the image and "View Image" to view larger)

Census of cities

The cities are listed in multiple categories by their population numbers. For each city, there is the name of the city and the link to access the latest update, the number of inhabitants in the last census and the statue of the city. The list is sorted in alphabetical order.

Communes to 15'000 inhabitants or less:

- Harmör / 14'815 habitants / Ended January 13, 2016
- Wardruna / 2'307 habitants / Ended June 24, 2016

Communes of 15'001 to 50'000 inhabitants:

- Fanèse / 18'605 habitants / Under construction July 30, 2016

Communes of 50'001 to 100'000 inhabitants:

Courtey (International Airport of Dahammas) / 84'665 habitants habitants / Ended Mai 20, 2016

Communes of 100'001 inhabitants or more:

- Dahammas (Capital) / 533'262 habitants / Ended October 25, 2015
- Manilha / 140'925 habitants / Ended January 7, 2016


- Video of Courtey
- Video tutorial : create a river


Dahammas (Capital) / 533'262 habitants / Ended
City of Dahammas

Dahammas, major city and capital of the region, is built the edge lake of Dahammas and on the banks of river Armoräth. It thrives in its economy for decades by its international city status, thanks to its location as the economic hub of the continent.

Public transportation is highly densified in particular by several tram lines on land and underground (metro), railways lines mainly overpasses, highway crossing the city from the bottom up as well as roads with large capacities are build to absorb an increasing volume. An international airport northeast of Dahammas serves the city to other countries.

Large multinationals have settled in the capital, which have a very low tax, as for the people living in its vicinity. The low taxation of the city and offset by a greater use of public transport that lead back to the city § 25,000 over other inter-municipal agreements.


Manilha / 140'925 habitants / Ended
City of Manilha

Manilha is the continuity of the city of Dahammas, a district north of the latter extending to Armoräth river. It connects the villages and Dahammas International Airport northeast of the region to the capital.

The territory beyond the river is mountainous, it creates a distinct difference in density between Manilha and rural villages. The forest took place and the fields are significantly extend leaving only small gaps to some houses in some places. You'll find so calm rivers and forests that the infernal noise of the big cities in the territory.


Quote from: compdude787 on January 08, 2016, 06:17:22 PM
Wow, that's a lot of pictures and a big region! I like the transition between rural and urban in Manilha. Make sure to do your images like this so you don't have to scroll left and right to view them in their entirety:
[img width=1024]<url of image goes here>[/img]

Basically you want to restrict the image's width to 1024 pixels in order for them to be visible without having to scroll to the right.
You tell me to insert the code, but where do I put this code in all this?

Quote from: Themistokles on January 09, 2016, 12:21:29 AM
That's a lot of images! I like the region, especially how you manage large-scale planning, weaving urban and rural. Some of the MMP work is really good as well, especially along the river seen in picture 28. I would however recommend using the RHW instead of the Maxis motorways.
I did not use the RHW when I build my two cities. I chose the simplest, highway Maxis... But I trained to use the RHW, in the future I'll use. :)

Quote from: kbieniu7 on January 09, 2016, 01:55:46 AM
Well... that's a lot a lot of pictures! The city itself is massive, my favourite place is the stadium and plaza around it. However, what I like the most, are agrucultural areas. You make very good rivers (really!) and the organic layout of paths.

Donc... c'est beacoup beaucoup d'images! C'est trés massive, la ville elle-même. Mon lieu préferé c'est le stad et la place autour. Toutefois, ce que j'aime le plus, c'est le zone agricole. Tu fais des rivèrs très belles (vraiment!) aussi que la dispositon organique des chemins  :)

Looking for more here!
Merci beaucoup de ton commentaire et de me parler en français, c'est pas toujours évident de faire les traduction... %confuso

Quote from: Vizoria on January 09, 2016, 05:25:50 AM
I love the look of Manilha, the urban/rural divide is so clear and your style is very organic. Kudos for using so many Maxis buildings and making it look rather good.
Thank you! :)


Wow, that's a lot of pictures and a big region! I like the transition between rural and urban in Manilha. Make sure to do your images like this so you don't have to scroll left and right to view them in their entirety:
[img width=1024]<url of image goes here>[/img]

Basically you want to restrict the image's width to 1024 pixels in order for them to be visible without having to scroll to the right.
Check out my MD, United States of Simerica!
Last updated: March 5, 2017

My YouTube Channel


That's a lot of images! I like the region, especially how you manage large-scale planning, weaving urban and rural. Some of the MMP work is really good as well, especially along the river seen in picture 28. I would however recommend using the RHW instead of the Maxis motorways.
Come join me on a hike to St Edmea!

Latest update: 7

"In the end, our society will be defined not only by what we create, but by what we refuse to destroy." - John Sawhill


Well... that's a lot a lot of pictures! The city itself is massive, my favourite place is the stadium and plaza around it. However, what I like the most, are agrucultural areas. You make very good rivers (really!) and the organic layout of paths.

Donc... c'est beacoup beaucoup d'images! C'est trés massive, la ville elle-même. Mon lieu préferé c'est le stad et la place autour. Toutefois, ce que j'aime le plus, c'est le zone agricole. Tu fais des rivèrs très belles (vraiment!) aussi que la dispositon organique des chemins  :)

Looking for more here!

Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


I love the look of Manilha, the urban/rural divide is so clear and your style is very organic. Kudos for using so many Maxis buildings and making it look rather good.


Tonight I present just a picture of the village Harmör. The construction of this tile is nearing completion.

See you soon! ;)


Quote from: Vizoria on January 10, 2016, 11:10:46 AM
The lake/river is looking good. I can't wait to see what you have done in this latest tile.
Thank you very much for your comment, it's very encouraging for the future! :thumbsup:

Quote from: vortext on January 10, 2016, 11:29:04 AM
Wow that's a lot of pictures to take in at once but I really like them! The overview of Manilha is great, and you're clearly mastered both CBD and rural country side.   &apls

As for re-sizing pictures, 1024px is actually the recommended width in the site rules in order to, and I quote, 'avoid the creation of horizontal scrollbars and maintain site readability for most standard display resolutions'. (no14  "$Deal"$). Please do re-size to 1024px, people can click the pictures for their fullsize anyway. Thanks!

Looking forward to the next entry!  :thumbsup:
Thank you for your commentary. Ah, excuse me, I do not know. I had not read the conditions, which is now done.
I'll update the dimmensions, thank you for everything! ;)

Quote from: compdude787 on January 10, 2016, 09:01:07 PM
Nice waterfall! You really create some neat scenes, so much so that I can easily overlook the fact that you're using Maxis Highway instead of RHW. I can understand if that's daunting and if freeways are not something you're really that into. However, I really love freeways, so I do mine with RHW because you can do custom interchanges with them, a feature I wish this game had when I started playing it in 2005.
Thank you very much! :)

Indeed, the RHW is not easy to use a few times. But lately, I have learned to use it for basic constructions.

In a few moments I will publish photos Harmör finished, and I'll get into the construction of the Dahammas International Airport, and I intend to use the RHW. I do not promise miracles, but I will do the best for everything parraitra realistic! ;)


The lake/river is looking good. I can't wait to see what you have done in this latest tile.


Wow that's a lot of pictures to take in at once but I really like them! The overview of Manilha is great, and you're clearly mastered both CBD and rural country side.   &apls

As for re-sizing pictures, 1024px is actually the recommended width in the site rules in order to, and I quote, 'avoid the creation of horizontal scrollbars and maintain site readability for most standard display resolutions'. (no14  "$Deal"$). Please do re-size to 1024px, people can click the pictures for their fullsize anyway. Thanks!

Looking forward to the next entry!  :thumbsup:
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


Nice waterfall! You really create some neat scenes, so much so that I can easily overlook the fact that you're using Maxis Highway instead of RHW. I can understand if that's daunting and if freeways are not something you're really that into. However, I really love freeways, so I do mine with RHW because you can do custom interchanges with them, a feature I wish this game had when I started playing it in 2005.
Check out my MD, United States of Simerica!
Last updated: March 5, 2017

My YouTube Channel


Harmör / 14'815 habitants / Ended
Village of Harmör

The territory is crossed by a river flowing from the lake which flows a high waterfall of about fifteen meters. The forest, fields and pastures occupy the largest space leaving scatter some small residential areas. In the center, a village consisting often of secondary homes which come to rest on a weekend or holiday families.

In the plain, the main village is built there, Harmör. Old village of the seventeenth century, the architecture is very rustic, villagers worked the land. It is only from the late eighteenth century there are additional new classical architecture constructions near the villages by bringing its affluent wave of people particularly in love with this land.

Today, the village is visited in summer by tourists from arriving via the international airport located just near the village before leaving visited other cities in the region. Good visit with all of you!


Quote from: compdude787 on January 13, 2016, 10:26:26 PM
Great new update! I like how you made great use of CP's diagonal houses!
Thank you! :)

Quote from: Themistokles on January 13, 2016, 11:29:31 PM
The village, the river, the old houses are all very well made. :thumbsup: The mmp work is very good and binds everything together. Diagonals also give a nice touch. Where does the roadside parkings used in picture 29 come from?
Thank you very much. :)  Here the mod you're looking for: roadside parking lots pack v1.00

Quote from: Vizoria on January 14, 2016, 01:51:26 AM
A brilliant series of updates! The MMP work is really pleasing to the eye and the farms look great.
Thank you! :)

Quote from: Alan_Waters on January 14, 2016, 02:00:34 AM
Very natural! Sorry for the question: how do you build diagonal homes? And what mode was used to the river on the last picture of the day?
Thank you! Why you do you apologize? There are not any problems! ;)

To build houses in diagonals, just place the RCI zones in street/road corners. The diagonals streets/roads are made only of angles.
Then you choose the type of architecture you want, depending on the model you have downloaded. This will help them to build faster than if you have all kinds of mixed architectures.
When the diagonal houses are built, do not forget to check "historic building" in the information in the home. That way, it will never be replaced.

Does my explanation is accurate enough? It is difficult for me to speak english ... :/

This is the mod for the river: RFR Plopwater Pack 1

Quote from: kelis on January 14, 2016, 03:34:16 AM
Fantastic pictures here ! I like your region, keep up the good work  :thumbsup:
Thank you. :)

Quote from: kbieniu7 on January 14, 2016, 11:27:14 AM
Chouette  :thumbsup: As previously said, I like your road layout. The use of diagonals, FAR combined with farm fields house (even diagonal ones) is really good!

What I would change is not to leave dead walls without windows (at least in such place). And to try to use similiar size w2w's. *


*Ce que je changerais c'est de ne pas laisser des murs sans fenêtres (au moins dans le situation comme ça). Et essayer d'utiliser des immeubles taille similaire.  :)
Thank you, this is the first time that I start the construction of an old village and I miss him still many mods to add old buildings and thus create realistic old villages. I continued to look for mods and see the link you gave me on the TSC! :)


Great new update! I like how you made great use of CP's diagonal houses!
Check out my MD, United States of Simerica!
Last updated: March 5, 2017

My YouTube Channel


The village, the river, the old houses are all very well made. :thumbsup: The mmp work is very good and binds everything together. Diagonals also give a nice touch. Where does the roadside parkings used in picture 29 come from?
Come join me on a hike to St Edmea!

Latest update: 7

"In the end, our society will be defined not only by what we create, but by what we refuse to destroy." - John Sawhill


A brilliant series of updates! The MMP work is really pleasing to the eye and the farms look great.


Very natural! Sorry for the question: how do you build diagonal homes? And what mode was used to the river on the last picture of the day?


Fantastic pictures here ! I like your region, keep up the good work  :thumbsup:

                                                                                     || Benelux Team || Windows on the World || My Photos on Flickr || Kelis BNL Projects ||


Chouette  :thumbsup: As previously said, I like your road layout. The use of diagonals, FAR combined with farm fields house (even diagonal ones) is really good!

What I would change is not to leave dead walls without windows (at least in such place). And to try to use similiar size w2w's. *


*Ce que je changerais c'est de ne pas laisser des murs sans fenêtres (au moins dans le situation comme ça). Et essayer d'utiliser des immeubles taille similaire.  :)
Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


Hello everyone,

Here is a small update to show you a small part of the airport. There is still much to do work, and RHW takes me a long time ... It's the first time I build it!

The tracks are finished and also the airport. It remains the car parks, the RHW, train and some small traveaux to do, it will be long, but I like it! ;D


Quote from: kbieniu7 on January 17, 2016, 01:05:44 PM
Looks very nice! Airstrip and taxiways seems quite well planned. Just... isn't the terminal a bit too long? :D

P.S. "traveaux" in English is "works" ;)
Quote from: compdude787 on January 17, 2016, 02:36:50 PM
Looks nice, but yeah, that is a pretty long terminal.
Thanks for your comments!

I see that the length of the airport disturb you! :P
But that's okay do not worry, I have not been able to construct terminals that were going in the direction of the track, because not enough space. So I make the terminals on the length of the tracks...

It's that simple! I need lots of space to construct RHW, parking and everything else, and I can not terraform excessively in the mountains either... I have to find a solution...

...Can be put elsewhere airport! :D

Your remark is good, next time I'll be more careful, thank you to you both! :)

Quote from: Nanami on January 18, 2016, 12:59:03 AM
Nice airport! maybe I suggest to make the terminal a bit deeper instead of longer (put some branch like those 2 instead of built pararelly with runway) it might give more spaces for planes. more or less nice work! :)
Thank you, i draw inspiration from what you called me! :thumbsup:

Quote from: Swordmaster on January 18, 2016, 09:14:01 AM
Hey, this is nice. I was first put off by the supertall CBD in the middle of nowhere, but your rural/suburban expansion is very appealing!

Tkank you. :)


Looks very nice! Airstrip and taxiways seems quite well planned. Just... isn't the terminal a bit too long? :D

P.S. "traveaux" in English is "works" ;)
Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!