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Dragon Islands Cities

Started by Skimbo, June 06, 2010, 10:34:49 AM

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Welcome to page 5!

Your pictures of your nice city are really good! Great work on your MD! :thumbsup:



@Red Zone: Thank you :)

@travismkink: Thank you, I love to build rail networks, and I love it to show them too  ;D

@Battlecat: Thank you :)

@Bat: thank you too :)

Update 25 "Mind the Gap"

Heyho and welcome to the twentyfith update of my MD Dragon Islands. Today I'm going to show you pictures of various places around Lòng Chèng that are part of the rail transit system.

First some pics along the line U3 Due it is not a "complete" rail line (A tram line which has been layed on everlated tracks during the expansion of the city) I do not want to make a "complete" update about it.

The first pic shows the station Huìsuo lù, located at the south end of the line.

Shortly after the station Shuixi chedào the line passes a double track rail that leads to the "big" LCRT train depot (Shown later in this update).

This pic shows a downtown area station of this line, Yinghua guangchang. This is the part of the line that was first layed on evelated tracks.

Shìzhèng ting is the last not modernised station but an important one, at least U2 crosses aboth.

And the last pic of the line U3 shows the station Dà Nàng yi nán, the northern end of the line.

Now I will show you the two depots of LCRT, first the "Big one" which has been rebuildt in the late 1980's The prior depot has been a victorian one, it just got too small. No wonder that there are no trains to see at this picture, the pic has been taken at rush hour.

And this is the small LCRT depot located in the downtown area.

Oh.... what's that for a train hideing behind the shinkansen tracks?

It stops at the new TDRC terminus next to Xin shìchang (the station with the shopping center)

It's the Trans Dragon Supra express... or at least a train of this cooperation. It provides a non stop service to Shì Luna, the city at the dragon's tail.

And here I've got a special for you ;) :

>>(Click for full resolution)<<


LCRT (Lòng Chèng rapid transit. Lines 1,2,3,4,5 and 6)
LCU   (Lòng chèng Underground. Lines U1, U2 and U3)
TDRC (Trans Dragon Rail C. Trains and express trains to Shi Luna & other cities on the Dragon)
DSE   (Dragon Islands SUPRA Expres. Nonstop trains from the TDRC terminal to Shì Luna and Shì Shuixi)
DISC  (Dragon Islands Shinkansen C. Trains to Shì de Lònghù and to other cities out of the region. In future maybe trains to Dragon Islands International airport too.)

I hope you've enjoied this update, greetings from Lòng chèng, Skimbo :)

The Dragon Island Cities journal at SC4Devotion

For a Dragon Islands video click here


another excellent update :) is that a dragon in picture 8??  :D



@travismking: thank you :)


(Sorry if my english isn't correct sometimes, I wrote this at 0:20 AM)

Heyho and welcome to the twentysixth update of my MD Dragon Islans, Today you will see some pics and a route map od the TDR "C" line between Shì haiwan and Shì lóngwan. The "C" line is a minor important rail line, TDR uses two of it' three X-TER trains to provide a easy and (more or les) fast service to the indutrial areas and between some small cities and villages. It crose the main line two times and the departure plans are syncronised with the main line express trains to provide an optimal service.

The first pic shows a X-TER train at plattform 1 of the rail station of Shì haiwan. The line will be lenghened to Shi dàotiàn as soon as the rail station of this city has been whidened to a four track station and the last olt STR piece of the main route has been replaced by a modern 2-track- sollution that allows 160km/h(100mp/h) instead of 100km/h(60mp/h)

The "new" Trans dragon rail has different route includeing tracks that allow 200km/h(125mp/h) and a long tunnel, shortens the travelling time about 20 minutes between Shì haiwan and Yán wan. The old track leads along the bay, meanwhile the "new" route crosses the dragon and dissappeares in the tunnel.

Yust a motive I liked...

And a second one...

This is the station "Zài cun miào" I've gotta provide a pic of the temple in the next update.

The old route is curvy...

We now reach the industrial center of Shì hàiwan.

2 stations in here provide a short walking distance and as a result higher attractivity of the line.

The next stop is at a small worker'svillage that grew around a small fishing habour.

Back on the main line.... Oh, a nice motive. Here we can see a cargo train with an ED-75 as engine.

This is the old colonial 4-track railstation of Yán wan, the biggest city. A TDR Supra express is passing through, the only train that does not stop here.

A X-TER follows the track through the city, we've left the main line again.

Another colonial station at the eastern part of Yán wan.

Now the line passes an area with absoluteley untouched nature, Places like this provide a conflict free coexistence with the dragons of the island because they've got space where noone disturbes them.

And out of the forest again, now we reach Shì lóngwan, the end of the line....

Ad here we are....

Of course I provide a line map again, in TDR syle, not in the one of LCRT....

I hope you've enjoied this update :)
Greetings from Shì haiwan, Skimbo.

Please ignore the spelling misstake below, "anf" means "and"
The Dragon Island Cities journal at SC4Devotion

For a Dragon Islands video click here


Another interesting journey along the rail lines. I really like this.  ;)
160 km/h, I didn't think the trains would go that fast through the city.
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


Excellent update ! Very very good use of the STR, I love it ! :thumbsup:


This is probably the most realistic railway/el rail layout I've ever seen. Great work! &apls
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November



@RickD: Thank you, 100mp/h not through the city, but there are some long and straight pieches outside.
@Yan: Thank you :)
@io_bg: thank you too :)

Update 27

Heyho and welcome to the twentyseventh update of my MD Dragon Islands, Today I will show you some pics of the villages and small cities located next to TDR C line, the "bigger" cities Shì haiwan and Yán Wan will get their own updates.

The first picture shows a small temple located a bit to the north of Zài cun miào.

That's the main part og Zài cun miào, The government tried like nearly everywhere in this region to make some cheap places to live, in this case for the workers of the industrial area of Shì haiwan.

A pic of the coast shortly before the industrial area, the ferry passes to the other side of the bay.

This is a bit more zoomed otu vew of the industrial area of Shì haiwan.

That's the worker's settlement next to the small stop Yú lù and to the small fishing habour.

The habour is not only used for fisher boats, the small wharf repairs every cind of small ships....

Old track mees the new one, this time sadly no automata was so cind to appear -_-

Now a big jump - to the nd of the line - to Shì Lòngwàn.
The city has the luck to be at one of the few places in the south of the dragons where some beaches exist, just gravel, but that's enough.

Another view of the beach... It's empty because the water is too cold in spring.

A small nightview...

Another fishing habour with a small wharf, but this one has it's stone freed beach only. We will follow that ferry that heads to the other side of the bay.

It heads to Júhua dì dìfang on the other side of the bay.

This road with heavy traffic (no, I did not use generators) leads to the south, some of you might remember it's number from some prior updates: B21.

This pic is a zoom out view of Shì Lòngwàn.

And finally I've prepaired a small overview of most of the central Dragon Isle.

BLUE: TDRC main line, The train line between Lòng Chèng and Shì Luna. (Stations are white, bigger white dots show more important stations)

ORANGE: TDRC C line, the line of update 26.

DARK BLUE: Hydra Rail main line (HR) The main train line between Shì luna and Shì Shuixi.

RED: A2, the trans dragon highway (Exits are marked with yellow dots)

GREEN: Protection areas, theese areas are reserved for the local population of small dragons (to avoid conflicts) And also are important places for the protection of other red-listed animals and plants.

PURPLE: Ferry routes.

Greetings from Shì Lòngwàn, Skimbo :)

The Dragon Island Cities journal at SC4Devotion

For a Dragon Islands video click here



The beaches there are closed when the water's cold? Here in California, the water's FREEZING but the beaches are still open.


Wow what amazing updates here!!! Your rural areas and railways looking spectacular and your coastlines are a pleasure to look at




@travismking: Thank you :)
@daryl7478: No, the beaches ain't closed, but they are very empty because noone feels to go on them at 12°c.....
@penguin007: Oh, thank you for thoose motivateing words :)


Heyho and welcome to the twentieight update of my MD Dragon Islands, Today I will show you some pics of Yàn wan and it's next by sourroundings.

We'll start up with some pics that show the region in late spring, the trees already have there leaves and the rice is planted and begins to grow. At this time the entire region looks a bit strange, nearly every field is covered by water, sweet water of course, that allows the rice to grow.

Here we see a small land tounque and it's rice fields.....

This pic shows B21 heading south, direction Shì Luna.

Here we see some houses in he rice filds.... i cinda liked this motive....

That's another B type road.... gotta look up it's number, not shure about it now...

This island is under protection, like a lot of things here in this region....

Hehe, they're playing...

I've made te following pics of the A2 a long time ago, before it's completition, so please don't wounder why there is so little traffic.....
(Damn grid, why do I always forget to turn it off?)



That's the  highway exit of Yàn wan....

You can find two temples at Yàn wan. This one located next to the bay(It has been rebuildt after the demolition of the old port and it's wharf)

And the old city temple....

It looks great.... especially at night....

I hope you like the following imressions of the city....





Overview over the city:

And a small zoomout....

I hope you've enjoied this update, greetings from Yàn Wan, Skimbo :)

Sry. no nextup pic this time, I don't know exactly what I want to show you next time....

The Dragon Island Cities journal at SC4Devotion

For a Dragon Islands video click here


I love this update. Nice transport system. And everything is so green.
Visit my MD, welcome to Archipelago



There are quite some interesting images here, nice to see that you are using all the Asian fields and buildings. Great work.




@kodlovag: Thank you!  :)
@travismkint: thx for thoose positive words! :)
@kwakelaar: Thank you too! :)


Heyho and welcome to the twentyninth update of my MD Dragon Islands
Today I'm going to show you some pics I took around Shì Haiwan,  taken in spring and early summer.

This road,  you're right, the 21 again.

This village grew during the opening of the industrial area of Shì Haiwàn. A ferry connects the village with the industrial area, B road 23 leads along the spike to shì Haiwan.

A motive along B23 I liked....

This local radio station tries to establish jazz....

It's located at the small city Ruiliang (B23 comes from the top and leads to the left.

This pond is a water reservoir...

TDR main line and B23 leading through the rice....

A2 leading through the fields, this pic is made in the afternoon, most of the traffic heads away from Lòng Chèng...

I liked this motive....

That's the village Yiwei, located along B21.

B21 again....

The last piece of B23

Next pics are just motives I liked....




TDR main line, the next update will face a part of it...

That's the biggest fishing habour on the main islands...

It's at Shì Hawan....

And last but not least, a zoomout view of the city area...

I hope you've enjoied this update, greetings from Shì haiwan, Skimbo. :)

Btw: I hope this is the last update in the recently published section =)
The Dragon Island Cities journal at SC4Devotion

For a Dragon Islands video click here


I can't stop to love the rice field here ;D
A lazy fox (=^ω^=)

Canidae Inu Republic League


I love zoomout views, and this is definitely a great one.
You are ready to become Best Seller.  &apls
Visit my MD, welcome to Archipelago


Haven't seen this fishing harbor used in a long time. It looks very good there.
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


Very nice , i like how realistic this is  :thumbsup:
Ps.  Where did u get those farms?