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The Winding River Project

Started by mrbisonm, March 08, 2009, 03:11:05 PM

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Y'know, it's updates like these that really show why this MD is so good. We're focused on Access and Phlox and the surrounding area, but new characters are introduced from far flung cities and, not only do we get their back story, we get pictures of whole cities developed to show their hometown. Cities we may not likely see again, yet have details and distinct personalities. Nice work Fred.

Now, as far as Slye's activities, if it takes you as long as an hour to count the trees, I think his crews were slacking off when they went through there, heh heh. It'll be interesting to see what the demand for wood does though as growth begins to move upward instead of as much outward.

Also, looking forward to the airport. Interesting how it is that some places tend to be named for what used to be there. Roads like "Quail Glen" named for the birds that used to be there before the area was paved. However, in this case, I think "Low Forest" may be accurate as the forest has indeed been cut low.

Looking forward to the next update.


Quote from: mrbisonm on September 08, 2011, 07:23:24 PM
... When having lost his job with the local phone company in Bordertown,( http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?board=326.0 ) of his hometown, Bob Mangarten, born in 1921, decided to move to Access Center with his family and start a new life. His wife Rose, since 1944, gave birth to his daughter Brooke in 1951 and his son Brett in 1955....

Hey Fred. I know what you mean about Bob's job in Bordertown. It became utterly unfulfilling in such small increments that he almost didn't notice.

First there were the policy changes. Mandatory use of road cones when working near busy intersections. Then the safety glove rules to prevent shock. I mean, the unexpected shock was one of those things that kept him on his toes for those 20 years of fixing phone circuits. The ability to determine the difference between wire colors as a required skill? So who cares if one connects the black wire where the red wire should go. Give me a break.

Then the separatist phone company reduced his lunch hour from 60 to 30 minutes last October. In and of itself I suppose that wasn't really terrible. Until they considered the five different job title changes. 'Phone Technician' – 'Audible wired circuit engineer' – then came 'Voice over Internet Protocol Specialist' as the analog phone circuits got replaced by digital. This meant that he had to buy his own computer for work. The only enjoyable part of his job after that was surfing around SC4Devotion while waiting for the central office to send ring voltage down the line. Then Bob got roped into doing expense reports when his supervisor discovered that he had computer skills. Can anyone say humdrum?

Bob has a great job now working in Access Center near Three River Region. He'll share some of his experiences in the near future (whenever Fred thinks them up, that is) ...

- Jim

Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)

KoV Liberty

My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


What a great update this is!! I like how the simpulation is beginning to become aware of the environmental issues that are slowly taking root. And will do more as the simpulation goes up.

Kujit Island is just wonderful. Perfect setting for a fishing village  &apls Kujit needs his instruments all the time, or he even could manage to get lost in his own house  $%Grinno$%

Looking forward to the Ganoga boys story.


Nice introduction for all of the new characters.  The new regions...well, they're astounding!  I really like Trent's hometown in Chadelaine, Baykersfield, and Kujit Island, of course.  I love all of the detailing and the multiple regions you do.  That is what makes this a great MD, without a doubt.


LOVED the update, and its soooo good to see you back and updating!

Cant wait to read more about our local mobster! ;)


I'm still pretty stunned by all the back-work... creating extra regions for where the new people are from?  Crazy!

But we're not complaining  ;)

Check out Abelfarei!


Hey Thanks everyone, it is comments like this I like. Thanks.

I have been busy rendering my farm buildings, half of it is finished and the other half is started. You can see more details in my Nexis Works BATthread. That is why I have been absent for awhile in this section.
Give me another week or so and the story will continue with some more interesting facts, another mystery and some nice pics. ;)

Thanks again for the interesting and encouraging comments you all have given. Be back soon. Meanwhile have a look at the new modern barns coming soon.


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


... heh heh.. I have arrived!... :thumbsup:

Looking forward (as always) to your stories as well as your latest custom content...

... as well as hooking the next 'big one'!  ;D



I don't really have the time, nor the courage to explain this in details, but here is my message which I sent by e-mail to all my family and friends...take care, be back soon. ;)

«« To my family and my friends on facebook: This weekend I was diagnosed with a severe case of "Acute Pancreatitis" and spent a few days in the hospital for stabilization. Now I am temporarily back home, sick as ever, until they can find place for me for the long testing and "healing" of the attack. These days we have a sloooow action time in our hospitals in Quebec. So, it could be that I will be gone for some time from the internet, but don't worry, I will survive this also, just as I did the Streptocochus A type, my heart-attack, the asthma attacks, the diabetics and all the other stuff I experienced in my little lifetime. Don't foget, I'm a purebred ********* (Falconheart translated from the Viking origin) and we've been around since 1162. I should be back online soon enough and stir up some fun together with you all. Oh....btw, please do NOT do anything that I wouldn't do while I'm gone , ye hear? Take care.
Please do not overfill unnecesserily my e-mail address with your funny and interesting things you send until I'm back. Thanks.

....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


Very very sad to hear. :( I hope you get back on your feet soon and that everything goes well. I honestly don't know what else to say. So I'll end with a cliche', Get well soon. :) Please.



Yes, very sad to heat this  :( Hope to see you back soon. Get well soon. You will be mist.



Quote from: mrbisonm on September 27, 2011, 08:40:11 PM
Please do not overfill unnecesserily my e-mail address with your funny and interesting things you send until I'm back. Thanks.
Can we fill your MD here with posts instructing you to take care of yourself and to get well soon?

Thanks for letting us know Fred, and please keep us posted.


Wow, no one would hope to hear anything like that. I wish you good healthcare and a speedy recovery!

All the best,


Ho Fred,

This comes as a kind of shock.

Well, what can I do, sitting here at the other side of the Atlantic?
I'd say: play around with your models a bit more and especially: wishing you a very quick and good recovery. I hope there are people around you who can actually help you with spending your time and making the best of it.

We will wait until you feel better again. All the best from the Netherlands. And a ()flower()

Best regards,


KoV Liberty

Wow, I wish you a speedy recovery Fred. Hope you get well soon!


My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.


Quote from: mrbisonm on September 27, 2011, 08:40:11 PM
Don't foget, I'm a purebred ********* (Falconheart translated from the Viking origin) and we've been around since 1162.

With that in mind, you'll be back on your feet soon I am sure!  ;D

Take good care Fred... you are missed already!  &bis&


I hope your recovery is short and that you return quickly to live with us here in SC4 "


Woah Fred!! Take care. Get well soon! :) :)


take care of yourself, fred. we'll be here when you get back