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French and Polish Ingame Texts for my new BAT

Started by N1_2888, October 03, 2019, 11:00:12 AM

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I need some translations for my new BAT, in particular two short ingame texts. I've already made this request in my BAT thread, which is obviously the wrong place for that, at least nobody has answered there yet. :D So, again, dear French and Polish devotees, I kindly want to call for your help.

These are the two texts I'm talking about:
QuoteMayor X, Y has become a respectable city. The city council has come to the conclusion that the modest Mayor's Office no longer meets your high standards as the head of a developing metropolis and has therefore approved the construction of a representative city palace as a new residence in Y. If you want to distribute the burden of administration on several shoulders, a use as a council house for urban districts is possible because the building can be plopped as often as desired.
QuoteThe Hotel Cail is the mayor's office, but can also act as a council house for urban districts in larger cities.
I'd find it a pity if I had to drop the French and Polish translations now.

Meine Region E Pluribus Unum


Hey! Sorry, I didn't look into your thread, excuse me!

I'll send the Polish translation tomorrow :)
Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


Hello, I did not see the subject as kbieniu. Here is a translation that I propose to you (Google translation helped me):

Maire [NAME], [CITY] est devenue une ville respectable. Le conseil municipal est parvenu à la conclusion que le modeste bureau du maire ne répondait plus à vos exigences élevées en tant que maire d'une métropole en développement et a donc approuvé la construction d'un hotel de ville (EN: town hall) en tant que nouvelle résidence à [CITY]. Si vous souhaitez distribuer la charge administrative sur plusieurs épaules, une utilisation en tant que mairie est possible car le bâtiment peut être replacé aussi souvent que souhaité.

L'Hotel Cail est le bureau du maire, mais peut également servir de mairie aux quartiers/districts/arrondissements (to choose, depends on the calls in each country), des grandes villes.

The word "city palace" translates into French "palais de la ville", but the term is not really used in the French-speaking world, at least it seems to me not in Switzerland and France. As a result, "city palace" becomes "town hall", in French "hotel de ville", the (l') hotel de ville is perceived as more important and prestigious than the (la) mairie which in general is smaller.

I do not know if my translation is correct, but it seems appropriate to me and the best thing is that another francophone can correct my mistakes if there are any. I hope I have helped you at best!  :thumbsup:

Note: The word "hotel" in French is spelled with a circumflex accent. But I can not put it because otherwise the letter "o" is replaced by this: �


Quote from: 000 on October 03, 2019, 01:59:31 PM
The word "city palace" translates into French "palais de la ville", but the term is not really used in the French-speaking world, at least it seems to me not in Switzerland and France. As a result, "city palace" becomes "town hall", in French "hotel de ville", the (l') hotel de ville is perceived as more important and prestigious than the (la) mairie which in general is smaller.
This matter can be easily dissolved because city palace itself is a rough translation of hotel particulier (o with circumflex, which can't be displayed by the new board, as you've mentioned before).
Fun fact: In the German-speaking area you use another French term for this type of building: (Stadt-) Palais.

Thank you both! :)

Meine Region E Pluribus Unum


Hey! Sorry for being a bit late. Here is the translation:

QuoteBurmistrzu X, miasto Y stało się już całkiem porządnym miastem. Rada miasta doszła do wniosku, że dotychczasowy skromny Urząd Burmistrza nie spełnia już Twoich wysokich wymagań jako kierującego rozwijającą się metropolią i w związku z tym zatwierdziła budowę reprezentacyjnego pałacu miejskiego jako nowej rezydencji w mieście Y. Jeśli zechcesz przerzucić ciężar administrowania miastem na więcej bark󷬠możliwe jest wykorzystanie go jako siedziby rad dzielnic, ponieważ budynek ten może być wybudowany wielokrotnie.

QuoteHotel Cail jest urzędem burmistrza, ale może też służyć jako siedziba rad dzielnic w większych miastach.

I also have a bit of a problem with translating two words:
1. "Mayor's Office" - I see that you've written it with capital letters. Is it refers to any other bat/maxis reward?
2. City Palace - similarly to 000, I have problem with it. "pałac miejski" means literally a "city palace", but it would just mean a very representative building in a city. However, if it is to mean a specific institution, like a town hall/city hall/headquarters of city government, it would rather be "urząd miasta" (oficial name), "ratusz" or "magistrat" (more relevant to the building itself).

EDIT: Ehh, there is something with special characters on the Forum, it makes "bushes" where are the Polish letters :/ I attached the translation to the post in a zipped .txt file.
Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


Quote from: kbieniu7 on October 06, 2019, 07:49:51 AM
Sorry for being a bit late.
No worries! :)
QuoteI also have a bit of a problem with translating two words:
1. "Mayor's Office" - I see that you've written it with capital letters. Is it refers to any other bat/maxis reward?
It refers to my previous BAT, the "SFBT Mairie":

French: Mairie
English: Mayor's Office
German: Buergermeisteramt (replaced the umlaut with "ue")
Polish: Urzad Miasta (not sure, copied from the corresponding LTEXT)
Quote2. City Palace - similarly to 000, I have problem with it. "pałac miejski" means literally a "city palace", but it would just mean a very representative building in a city. However, if it is to mean a specific institution, like a town hall/city hall/headquarters of city government, it would rather be "urząd miasta" (oficial name), "ratusz" or "magistrat" (more relevant to the building itself).
The former:

French: hotel particulier (o with circumflex)
English: city palace (Wikipedia suggests "townhouse", but Andreas rightly considers that as misleading)
German: Stadtpalais
Polish: ?

Modding the Hotel Cail is altering the Modding of my Mairie to a very large extent. There are two further LTEXTs, which need to be changed. I just know, how to change the respective French texts. &mmm
(To prevent further confusion: Hotel Cail is the name of a specific hotel particulier in Paris, which acts as mairie/mayor's office of the 8th arrondissement, and was model of the BAT, I am talking about all the time :D)

Mairie (example; no translations needed, as they already exist):
QuoteA Mayor's Office for #city#
QuoteUrzad Miasta #city#

QuoteThe Mairie is not available.
Requirements: . . .
QuoteUrzad Miasta niedostepny.
Wymagania: . . .

Hotel Cail:
QuoteThe Hotel Cail for #city#
Quote[Polish translation required] #city#

QuoteThe Hotel Cail is not available.
Requirements: . . .
Quote[Polish translation required]
Wymagania: . . .

These are the French texts of 000. Dear French native speakers, I guess, you're content so far? Silence equals consent! ;D
QuoteMaire [name of mayor], [name of city] est devenue une ville respectable. Le conseil municipal est parvenu à la conclusion que le mairie modeste ne répondait plus à vos exigences élevées en tant que maire d'une métropole en développement et a donc approuvé la construction d'un hotel particulier [this will link to the building] en tant que nouvelle résidence à #city#. Si vous souhaitez distribuer la charge administrative sur plusieurs épaules, une utilisation en tant que mairie est possible car le bâtiment peut être replacé aussi souvent que souhaité.
QuoteL'Hotel Cail est le bureau du maire, mais peut également servir de mairie d'arrondissement des grandes villes.

Meine Region E Pluribus Unum


Ah! I remember now, I was translating your Mayor's Office as well, I believe  ;D The trouble is that I translated it to "Urząd Miasta" which is actually translated to "Stadtsamt" (let me use German for more accuracy) or a city-government-office literally. I did it because in Poland there is nothing like a specific Mayor's Office, a Mayor (Burmistrz) works and resides in this Urząd Miasta with all of his administration. And now we have a clash :x

In such a case, I would probably go for "Magistrat" as the equivalent of city palace. It means the same as Urząd Miasta, but it's no longer a legal name and sound a bit more representative and archaic. In some Polish cities it is called like this, for example in Krakow. While "pałac miejski" (city palace) doesn't quite mean anything...

I'll soon attach a new txt with a corrected version.

---------------- EDIT: ----------------
I attach the zipped .txt with a corrected version. Now the description is:

QuoteBurmistrzu X, miasto Y stało się już całkiem porządnym miastem. Rada miejska doszła do wniosku, że dotychczasowy skromny Urząd Miasta nie spełnia już Twoich wysokich wymagań jako kierującego rozwijającą się metropolią i w związku z tym zatwierdziła budowę reprezentacyjnego magistratu jako nowej siedziby w mieście Y. Jeśli zechcesz przerzucić ciężar administrowania miastem na więcej barkO*w możliwe jest wykorzystanie go w roli siedzib rad dzielnic, ponieważ budynek ten może być wybudowany wielokrotnie.

Replace " O* " with Polish o with slash /

QuoteHotel Cail jest urzędem miasta, ale może też służyć jako siedziba rad dzielnic w większych miastach.

"The Hotel Cail for #city#":
QuoteHotel Cail dla miasta #city#

"The Hotel Cail is not available.
Requirements: . . ."
QuoteHotel Cail niedostępny.
Wymagania: . . .

I decided to translate "City Palace" as Magistrat to give it more sense and avoid clash with already used "Urząd Miasta". Watch out the little tail (ogonek) under letter e". :)

Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


Thanks a lot! :thumbsup:

Just one fly in the ointment: I've copied and paste the texts directly from yout text file, but the ogoneks don't show up in the LTEXTs. Is there any way to replace them with a kind of code e.g. like German Sharp S with ...

EDIT: Switched to another modding tool, works now. :)

Meine Region E Pluribus Unum


Can we move to emails. With all this diactrics problem at forum our discussion is quite hard. For some reason I can't even send a PM  &sly My email is kbieniu7(at)gmail.com

Could you describe me in email what is exactly problem with Polish diactrics in LTEXT? In your quotstion I can see just a "bush".

EDIT: Ok, I've managed to send a PM. The site crashed as long as there where German diactrics in the text...

Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


Meine Region E Pluribus Unum


Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!