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Zakuten's Maps

Started by zakuten, September 14, 2010, 01:51:49 PM

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All right, so I made a map a long time ago, and so now that I have time, I'd be wanting to start mapping again. Basically, what I'd like here is criticism of both the pro and con kinds, if you guys can spare the time to do so. My first map is Karai Shores, up on the STEX. Feel free to play it and tell me your feelings too, as I'm really quite a newbie even though I've been playing forever. (I'm too ADD to make my cities uber-massive). Admittedly, the mountains are too big for realism, --at least not crazily challenging, but I'm looking more for technical input there. However, please, feel free to say anything. Here's a shot of the Mapper output, and a rendered-but-not-all-developed game shot. Thanks again!

And the download link:

After I get some input, I hope to have a new region made in a week or two, and I'll put that up for you all to see too, of course!
Visit my MD Respublikii Anaksii , or the reboot CJ "Kara`i Shores" since the region wiped, at http://www.simtropolis.com/cityjournals/?p=toc&id=919 !
All comments are welcome! (Hopefully someday I can re-splice 'em together, but we'll see)