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RHW (RealHighway) - Development and Support

Started by Tarkus, April 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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I'm in favor of any amount of expansion, however unrealistic - IMO the more options, the more possibilities.
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


I'd think that we should stick to realism... rarely have I seen freeways that wide... in fact... the widest i've seen is probably only max 16 lanes wide in a express-local configuration (Ontario 401).

- Allan Kuan


Well, I know there is at least a 22 laner in the States somewhere on New England side of the country. This is great idea, and great addition though.


i'd be for it, if it isn't too much trouble for the nam team. those who don't think it's realistic can always opt not to have it in their city


Quote from: j-dub on April 02, 2009, 07:36:47 PM
Well, I know there is at least a 22 laner in the States somewhere on New England side of the country. This is great idea, and great addition though.

There's a freeway near Oakland, CA that is supposed to be 20 lanes wide, likely on I-580, and that is without express lanes or local/express lanes.


I think we don't need these, I think we need more MIS exits (especially type C), curves and other similar things.
P.S. my 300th post! ;D
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


its all very well and good, but hell, how do they turn corners???? there are plenty of other things that would be much more awesome, and far more practical to work on before these....
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


I say we do need those, so go ahead... Even if it is unrealistic, there are a lot of unrealistic stuff already so why not this. But it's not unrealistic. I like it and will use it if made. :thumbsup:


might be a good thing, means wide intersections only need to be the coresponding outside piece.

though I am not going to be using it so hey... whatever goes.

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


At the same time, mightygoose does make a point about the wider setups needing more curves established such as corner tile diagonal pieces instead of straight tile diagonal pieces which only allow a limited s-turn set up. Since all that extra work was done in 3.0 compared to what you got in 2.0, its all possible features could be worked on the next decade.


Quote from: j-dub on April 03, 2009, 10:17:03 AM
its all possible features could be worked on the next decade.

Indeed it could. :D  There's really a million different ways things could go with the RHW in terms of expansion--the potential here is absolutely amazing.  It's also overwhelming, in terms of deciding what to focus my energies on.

If there were to be "Ultra-Wide RHWs" (that's the "official" term I've used for anything beyond RHW-10), unless I can figure out a reliable way, there'd be no curves or diagonals.  It'd basically be like the RHW-10 is now. 

The actual modding required to make an orthogonal version of what Xyloxadoria has proposed, though, is actually not very difficult.  The key to making it work is more modularity.  The way I've designed the regular "wider" RHWs with the ramp interfaces, so they only cover one tile of width, would actually allow those same ramp interfaces to be used on the Ultra-Wides without modification. 


Ryan B.

I move we replace the word "Ultra" with "Über".

It sounds so much cooler, and makes this whole project unböring.

Patricius Maximus

Perhaps Über-wide could be 20-lanes and up  ???. Anyway, I'm for modular-width RHWs, as it wouldn't be too much work for the NAM team, and existing ramps could be used with it.


Well... in that case... we'll stick to a 22 lane limit (depending on tile capacity). But seriously... do you really need a freeway to take up that much space? Mass transit would work a lot better in that situation.

- Allan Kuan



Not to be impatient, but it seems my last post has been ignored amid the excitement caused by the new Euro textures and the Ultra-Wide RHWs. To bring it to the team's attention again:

Quote from: woodb3kmaster on March 30, 2009, 11:04:31 AM
I like what I see so far! Good work, folks!

In preparing for my next Nyhaven update, I've come across a couple more situations where I need more diagonal possibilities that don't exist yet:

As you can see, I can't yet complete these interchanges because there are certain Diagonal-over-Orthogonal and Orthogonal-over-Diagonal situations that haven't been defined. (I tested these same situations in isolation and found that they cause reversion to RHW-2.) I don't want to ask for too much too soon, but if you guys have already created RULs and models for these situations, I'd love to get my hands on a little update. If this isn't possible, I understand.

In any event, keep up the terrific work!

While I would normally snip images from quotes, I feel they need to be included here to show what I need. In particular, the images show that I specifically need the following pieces:

Diagonal Elevated RHW-4 over Orthogonal RHW-4
Orthogonal Elevated RHW-4 over Diagonal MIS
This may not be the place to make this request, but I also need a basic set of RHW-4 FLUPs.

Let me just reiterate that I do not in any way mean to pressure you folks into making these pieces ASAP. After taking those pictures, I built a temporary diagonal overpass at the site of the first image using OWRs. Nevertheless, I'd be happy to sign up as a tester if it means getting the newest RHW features sooner.

Feel brand new. Be inspired.
Nuclear City - 5/8


Zack, sorry for missing you there earlier.  :-[  At any rate, all of the things you've suggested are actually in the works in one form or another, and will be coming soon to an RHW near you. :)



Great to hear, Alex! Thanks for the speedy reply.

Again, if the RHW team needs/wants another tester, I'd be happy to sign up.

Have a nice day!

Edit: 100th post! Yay!

Feel brand new. Be inspired.
Nuclear City - 5/8


Oh Alex,

That get your attention?  If so you might want to read more hereYou may very well have helped to inspire it.

It seems as though the RHW project has spanned beyond SC4.  To what extent however I do not know.  I'm sure we will see more detailed pics as its development continues, just like you are doing for RHW 4!

All the best,


Hello everyone,

The second and final version of the RHW-8 to RHW-6C transition with a MIS entrance and a MIS exit lane Puzzle Piece is completed now. Special thanks to Alex (Tarkus), who made its wonderful North American textures. Here are some pictures:

My "to do" list is a little bit shorter now:
- A RHW-8 to RHW-6C transition (left and right puzzle pieces)
- A RHW-6C to RHW-4 transition with a MIS entrance and a MIS exit lane (left and right puzzle pieces)