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Three Rivers Region

Started by dedgren, December 20, 2006, 07:57:49 PM

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This is one of the most important patches that enhances the visual quality of the game  :thumbsup:
Sorry guys, I'll be here next week, so good luck!


Quote from: dedgren on January 19, 2019, 12:03:16 AM
[...] along with underbridge roads and more realistic game water, the Holy Grails of SC4 for me.

Regarding the underbridge roads: maybe you want to have a look at this from 2017?


Hey... I hear somebody in here.

The pitter-patter of tiny feet; the tiny feet of lurkers.  Yes, lurkers.  About 3,000 (based on page views) since I posted just three days ago.

Even worse, lurkers who haven't registered for an account here at SC4D.

Now, first- no issue with lurking here.  I am a certified lurker myself, having successfully done so in 3RR for years at a time.  But please, if you are lurking, and aren't signed up to the website, please take a minute and do that.  It costs nothing and the psychic reward of being a declared member of this great community is immense.

Now, as for commenting.  I see that several 3RR Regulars* have turned up to say hi and offer some advice.  That really makes my day to see old friends come around, and I've already been floored by a couple of the links that have been recommended, as noted in my previous post.  But again, back to the site itself.  Commenting is, in effect, the heartbeat of any online community.  It's probably pretty amazing that a 16 year old PC game has such a community, but here we are.  If you are enjoying what you see here at SC4D, please speak up in the various threads.  The folks who posted them really appreciate hearing from you.  And commenting in 3RR?  I'm sure if I post worthy stuff it'll happen.

If you are really new around here since the last time I updated 3RR, please don't be a stranger.  Some of the best ideas I ever had for SC4 and 3RR came from something a first-time commenter said.  And 3RR, as I've noted in the past, is an ongoing conversation.  The more folks who chime in about something the more interesting the discussion becomes.  As I sort out what I'm going to do over the next couple of months before my summer bike ride

I'll try to be by here at least once a day or so.  I'm making no promises, but I'm really excited by the possibilities.  One thing I will do, probably in conjunction with 3RR's 13th birthday in March, is create some introductory materials about the region.  Bits and pieces are here and there, but hey- this thread is over 500 pages long.  Who has the time?

Thanks again for your interest in Three Rivers Region.


* A 3RR Regular is anyone... anyone, who has ever commented here at 3RR or over on 3RR-ST.  In other words- you drop it, you own it.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Baby steps, baby steps...

You'll remember that Three Rivers region is made up of 64 townships.  Each township is made up of four quads, designated with the township name followed by its compass direction: NE, SE, SW and NW.  I picked Acton Township- Acton NW- to start with, not really knowing what I was going to do, exactly.

Once I remembered the TerrainQuery cheat, I pretty quickly was able to begin relating the road map to the quad.  I decided to lay out 3RR Route 7, which is the only regional road in the entire quad.

It took me a while, but pretty soon I got the hang of it.  The latest NAM (37... 36, thanks pressus!) is just amazing and really easy to work with.

It looks pretty empty, but you have to keep in mind each quad is only two and a half miles/four kilometers on a side.  If I take any exception to the way most folks develop SC4 countryside, it is that it is usually way too densely developed to accurately represent a rural area.  So we'll see if I'm right once one of these gets filled in with whatever is there.

I'm blown away by the huge radius FLEX curves.  WOW!

So this is what I am going to do for a couple of weeks.  I'll make sure the basic pine forest is in each quad and then put down the road and freeway network.  I won't do anything beyond that, no matter how tempting.  There's 256 quads and I estimate each will take me the better part of an hour, more or less.  I'll check in every so often and keep you posted on where I'm at.



D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Fantastic area and these river bends ... wonderful  :thumbsup:
Can you recall what terrain and rock mod are you using?
NAM 37? I do not know about something?  &Thk/( Last was 36/2017, isn 't it?

Thanks, my friend- fixed! -david
Sorry guys, I'll be here next week, so good luck!



I thought I remembered that there was a way to get the game adjustment parameter box [Ctrl] + [X] to list SC4 Mod God buggi's extra cheats [linkie].

And there is!  Just put the mouse cursor inside the box at the far right end and left-mouse-click.

Remember, folks- when you use these you are not cheating.  You are simply fine-tuning the game's parameters.

And, oh my!  I'd forgotten about these.

And these.



D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


One day I heard a commotion
From a website SC4 Devotion
Oh wait could it be?
It must be David E.
And 3 Rivers is back in motion!

So great to see you back, David! It's always a pleasure 'watching' you work.  :thumbsup:


Welcome back David!  :thumbsup: Enjoy making your projects!  &apls Also, don't forget get another one here!


Anyway, keep moving forward!  ;)
I loves Sim City forever!


Looking great  &apls  Nice to see you putting the wider curves to good use!


Hi David ,

Your comeback ( even with no promises ) is really invigorating  :bnn: ...

Indeed a lot of improvements related to each and all aspects of the game have been made ( are currently in the pipes and will be made ) since your long break . It will request you some time to be « updated » ! $%Grinno$% :P . I've seen that you were requesting for trees  , with a lot of quads (!) to plant ... may I invite you to give a chance to that tree controller ( I've tested a lot of them and it's currently the sexiest in town to my eyes ) ; Central European Tree Controller from 11241036 ( a phone number ?  &idea ) , despite its name « Central European »  , I think it would perfectly depict some  Alaskan landscapes ...

Nearing 3 million views ...  :o   incredible ! &apls

( And congrats for the by bicycle trip , that's something too ! ;) )

Cheers .


°   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °


Before I get wrapped up in a dozen other things I want to take a moment to do something that I think is pretty important. 

We all know that Sim City 4 is a sixteen year old PC game in a world where the half life of new games is somewhere around a few days and where PC games are largely passé to boot.  Five years ago I would have bet even money that SC4 would not be playable on the computers we have now and that SC4D and Simtropolis would be as demised as Monty Python's parrot. But here we are.

This site, the best SC4 site there is, or ever was (and that's not a slight to my friends at ST- We have had our differences in the distant past, but ST has been doing a great job of being all things to all people over the past decade or so, and may it live long and prosper), has been around for just over 12 of the years.  I had the good fortune to be around at the beginning, back when a tight little group of folks pretty much built from scratch what you see here today.  Those were great days to be playing SC4- it seemed like every day brought some new miracle.  I think most of those came to light here on this site.  I'm proud to have been involved in a few.

In those early days, whether you know it or not, our great friend jeroni largely ran the site out of his own pockets.  He did it because he loved this game, and he cared more about the community of players, mayors, tinkerers and mad scientists who called Sim City 4 Devotion home than he did about his own wallet.  I know for a fact he put in incredible amounts of time making things as good for everyone as they could possibly be.

The site grew beyond that initial group's wildest dreams.  When the economic burden became too much for jeroni (and a few friends from time to time) to bear we set up the Subscriptor program.  This, along with a couple of other fund raising things that have been done over the years, took the site a long, long way down the road.  Took it here, in fact.  To you, reading this today.

Subscriptions were never required in order to access the site's content or the LEX, the latter of which became over the years a significant part of the expense of running the place due to the cost of server space and bandwidth.  When there were lots of active members, though, and lots of subscriptions everything was all good.  Money was banked for the future.  I'm going to tell you right here that every dime that was ever donated to SC4D by the community, ever, has been spent making the site available to you.  Nobody has ever gone to lunch or taken a cab ride home on your dime. 

Now there are far fewer active members, and a lot less daily traffic through the site.  The LEX, though, remains a high demand source for SC4 content.  The cost of running it is not materially less than it ever has been.  There are, though, a lot fewer subscribers than there were six or seven years ago.  A whole lot less.  And the money saved to be paid forward has now pretty much been spent.

It's probably a standing joke among other staff folks here about how I go out every so often to take a break and don't come back for three years.  But, and I'm a bit proud of this, I was an early on subscriber of the site and my subscription was continuous until my bank late last summer in its infinite wisdom reissued the credit card I used to pay for the subscription with a new number.  Even when I was off doing something else I was continuing to chip in, because I had friends here and because I thought doing that was worthwhile as long as the greatest PC game ever made was still being played by someone who needed a place to go hang out on the web.

So yeah, I'm leading up to a request that everyone who reads this becomes a subscriber to the site.  I'll even make that easy.  Here's a

But I'll do even better than that.  When I re-upped my own subscription I thought of my SC4D friend and 3RR Collaborator ne plus ultra Joan Sherrouse (Jmouse), who also loved this site and who did so many things for its members.  Joan passed on a couple of years ago, and she is sorely missed.  Confident that she would be one of the first ones to step forward and help the site in a time of need, I took out a second subscription in her name earlier today.  Somewhere I believe she is smiling about that

But I'm not done.  Like I said, please consider subscribing.  It's easy and it's only 12 Euros a year- a little more than one US dollar a month.  It gets you a couple of benefits that enhance your visit to the site just a little bit and a small "Subscriber" label, but that's not the reason to do it.  Do it because you care about the place, and to show your appreciation for the fact that it is here.  And, for the first three folks who post here on 3RR that they've started a new subscription, I will personally match that subscription for a year.  When it comes right down to it that's not in fact a whole lot of money.  But I think that it's the right thing to do.   

Back to Joan for a minute.  We've honored her several times her at Three Rivers Region, with today's contribution in her name being only the latest.  Here's one from 3RR's heyday, more than a decade ago.

QuoteThe Pineshore-Cold Lake Short Line that the Grey Mouse once ran on has now been partially converted as a joint effort of the Friends of the Short Line and the Rails to Trails Conservancy to the J. M. Sherrouse Memorial Rail-Trail.

You might recall that, in early 2007, we were reading the following in the Gazetteer [linkie].

QuoteThe Pineshore-Cold Lake Short Line.  By the 1870s, the Cold Lake fishery had reached production levels that outpaced the ability to barge the catch south on the Cold and Grand Rivers to Pineshore during the ice-free months.  Investors, recognizing the opportunity, formed a company to construct an 11 mile/18 kilometer line from Pineshore to the south shore of Cold Lake.  By 1874, the Pineshore-Cold Lake Short Line ("Short Line") was complete and immediately attracted, in addition to freighting the fish, a substantial passenger ridership that had formerly used the riverboat system to travel south.  This had the effect of driving both the riverboat and barge companies out of business, and the Short Line had the entire passenger and freight market for about the next 50 years.  The community of Thunder Bay grew up and thrived during this period around the northern terminus of the Short Line, taking its name from the bay of the lake at the end of the line.

By the 1920s, though, the region's road network had developed to the point where it was more economical to truck the catch directly from Thunder Bay to the processing facilities and markets in Pineshore, and the Short Line's fortunes entered a steep decline.  The widespread adoption of the automobile for personal travel caused ridership on the line to virtually cease, and by 1932 the carrying of passengers was discontinued as the business fell into receivership.  The Short Line was abandoned altogether in 1954, and most of the track was taken up and sold for scrap, athough some sections still remain to reward the railfan ready to brave a bit of a hike and the area's infamous mosquitoes and black flies.

The right-of-way of the Short Line north of the DW&W Cold River bridge remains largely intact and is in the hands of the Rail Transport Division.  There has been growing discussion about turning the line into the region's first rail-trail, and bills to provide funding for this development have garnered an increasing number of votes in the 3RR assembly in each of the past several years.  Many landowners adjacent to the right-of-way, however, oppose the conversion, citing concerns over littering and vandalism, leaving prospects for a rail-trail, at least for the next few years, uncertain.

Well, as those of you who follow the Herald-Gazette know, through the tireless advocacy of J. M. Sherrouse, the paper's current owner and editor, along with a grant of 25,000 simoleans received from the Rails to Trails Conservancy [linkie], that situation was turned around within two years.  Conversion of 5.1 miles/8 kilometers of the old roadbed

west of R-15 into a gravel-surfaced public use trail was accomplished over the summer of 2009, to include construction of a two-tenths mile/one-third kilometer access corridor

at the southern terminus of the trail just north of Prairie Dog Creek.  Parking areas have been constructed off R-15 at each end.  The right-of-way between R-15 (Purley's Station) and the end of the line in Thunder Bay remains uncoverted

but it is hoped that this remaining stretch will be added over the next few years.

Here's a map.

The trail is well marked at each end.

Its decomposed granite surface is a uniform 7-8 feet/2.3 meters wide and comfortably allows groups of hikers and bicyclists to use the path at the same time.

No motorized traffic is allowed.

There is less than 100 feet/30 meters of elevation gain over the course of the trail (south to north) and there are no grades in excess of one percent.  There are several rock cuts near the Purley's Station trailhead.

There are several outstanding views of the Cold River, and benches have been placed at several for those who just want to sit and let the current flow by.

The trail is intended for all-weather use, and while bicycling is paramount in the summer and fall.

Cross-country skiing is almost as big in the winter months.

There's also, of course, plenty of railroadiana to look at along the way.

The J. M. Sherrouse Memorial Rail-Trail is one of the region's jewels, just like our friend Joan was.

Now back to building some roads.


D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Thats interesting ... we have a similar setup in Ontario that is slated to be reactivated for a new Toronto - Ottawa - Montreal passenger train route.
~ NAM Team Member

Ryan B.

Three Rivers Region!? 

That's a name I haven't heard in a very long time.  I was cleaning up this evening and found a old, dusty hat that said '3RRDOT' on it.  I think it had something to do with this:

Any service I am still able to provide is nothing less than an absolute pleasure, David...and I trust that you'll let me know when you'll be in my neck of the woods this summer?


Quote from: dedgren on January 15, 2019, 10:08:58 AM
Aten't dead yet.

Well, not bad for being dormant for close (very close) to three years since the last post.  Another million views, and three million is in sight.  I was amazed.  You folks are the best.

  In the past two and a half years I have put over 12,000 miles/almost 20,000 kilometers on my bike; probably more than I've put on my car.  This summer I will ride from Seaside, Oregon across the United States almost 5,000 miles/8,000 kilometers to Seaside, New York, a neighborhood of New York City.

One of the things that has kept me away has been the passing on of several SC4 players who I had become very close friends with and the disappearance of others from the community when they moved on to other pursuits.  I am very much aware of my own mortality these days and thinking about folks like John (Darmok) and Barby (BarbyW) is pretty painful.  In the end, though, their creations and contributions to this community live on, much as 3RR has appeared to.  I'm honored by that, and feel like the least I can do is wrap things up a little bit more neatly even if I no longer am playing SC4.

So, more to come.  Stay tuned, and thanks for stopping by.



Nice bike. But did someone tell you that Mr. Proppox was shot last year? I know, losing friends ain't easy and the community became like an old cuddly toy, the teddybear already lost one eye and partially the fur - but still he's ours. I became member in 2009. By this time many names were alredy history, legends - they were talking about bixel and simgoober and you. I have to admit that it's much easier, more bearable when you come in later - you can watch back on history but you aren't part of this history you're looking back. My mother is almost 90. When she goes visting friends and family she goes visiting graves. It's no good, talking to them, talking to graves, to the dead. And her thoughts and her mind changes much when her grandchildren are visiting her. The same are we. We lost friends but also we lost some enemies, like evil Mr. Proppox. Time isn't good or bad. Still it's an open book with many pages to be written.

So as soon as it's getting warmer I'll take my bycicle too. A friend of mine crossed the Alps with his bike. I never could do that. But it's a little bit like setting sails to mount a bike and going for a ride. A very good idea when you feel stuck in the past. May I ask: in Alaska, isn't it extremely cold in winter? So you ride your bike even then?


Subscribed. Thanks for reminder and all you guys do.

I'm a lurker: 'nuff said.

Hi YouBet.  Well, your cover's blown now, sir.  Appropriate recognition will come shortly, but I want to confirm that I entered a 12 Euro subscription to match yours just a few minutes ago.  Thanks for supporting this great site! -David


So, before the mailbox gets any more full than it is right now, let's go back and take a look at the comments from the past few days.  This isn't as much work as it used to be- some days I'd be ten or 15 new comments behind by the time I got my computer fired up.  The pace now is a lot slower, but then I'm not near as fast as I used to be myself.  That said, let's look at what we've got.  But first a few

Notes and Asides

-ImageShack I was pleased to see that paying $3.47 a month to ImageShack for all these years- more than five hundred bucks over the lifetime of 3RR to date- seems to have preserved most of the images I've posted on the site.  I am noticing, though, that images do appear to load sometimes more or less randomly, with some appearing and some not, and then different ones appearing the next time.  Refreshing the page doesn't seem to make much difference.  Anyone else noticing this behavior.  Is it ImageShack, you think?  Or the site?  Your thoughts and suggestions are welcome.

-Mayor's Diaries OK, I'll say it.  I'm really disappointed at the decline of SC4D's Mayor's Diary section.  Maybe even heartbroken.  All the custom content in the world, folks, don't mean nothin' if you don't put it to work.  And, like they say, if there's no pictures, it didn't happen.  If you play the game any amount at all I'm here to tell you that creating a Mayor's Diary adds a whole new dimension.  Doing one adds direction and discipline (two reasons why 3RR has never pretended to be a Mayor's Diary) to playing SC4.  Showing everyone your stuff means you can't just give yourself a pass when something you do in the game doesn't measure up.  The best MDs rise to the level of being an art form in and of themselves.  The less than best only get better through repeated practice.  So come on- you are among friends here.  Show us what you are doing with the game.  Please?

-Commenting In a world where the average person sends out something like 22 texts a day you'd think that the SC4D threads would be full of comments.  I don't need to tell you that, these days. they are not- maybe everyone is too busy sending out all those texts.  I don't know.  But it would really be great if, when you see something that you like on this site in a thread, you would speak up.  Vice-versa, if you see something that you don't particularly care for, don't just grumble and wander off.  Speak up about it, and hopefully leave a suggestion about what you'd do to make things better.  Oh, and just so everyone is clear.  I'm not soliciting or otherwise trolling for comments here at 3RR.  I'm very secure in that regard- I've been blessed with more comments than are my fair share, I'm pretty certain.  If you are even inclined to comment here, please take a moment to think about other threads- Mayor's Diaries in particular- where you might leave a comment first.  Then, if you have time, I'd be truly jazzed to see you come back here and say something.

On to the mail.

* * *

So on the 15th of January, the day after SC4 turned 16, I came wandering in after a three year hiatus and posted.  Within short order my old friend and 3RR Regular* Silur posted:
QuoteIt's great to see You here again!  &apls &apls &apls :thumbsup:

Well, thanks!  It's great to be back.

A bit later my comrade and long-time 3RR Regular from the Great White North Fred (mrbisonm) showed up and said:

QuoteAnd I thought to never see you again here in your MD, David.  Me too I've had enough from Cities:Skylines and I am back playing with SC4. Even more interesting now with all these novelties........

Man, where do I begin?  Suffice it to say that I was both tremendously amazed and terribly disappointed by Cities: Skylines.  The disappointment finally won out.  And there is no real community that plays the game.  The online activity and interaction over it is pretty much lifeless, even at ST.  And I tried, because I really, really wanted it to work out.

The next day Seaman, who is now a 3RR Regular (my memory may be rusty, my apologies in advance to anyone for not recalling if someone has commented here previously), very kindly said:

QuoteThank you for the update. When you are referring to the unique community here on SC4D, I can assure you that I feel the same way and that posts like yours are the very essence of that.

I am deeply impressed to see you piling up miles like that on your bike and I do envy the multitude of impressions you doubtlessly got on these trips. It is a wonderful country you're traveling, if I can extrapolate from the glimpse I was able to see.

When resting is rusting, you definitely do not have to worry about that. Please enjoy your time back at university ;)

Thanks so much for the comment, my friend, and welcome (again, if I'm not mistaken) to 3RR.  The sense of community here is truly noteworthy.  As far as my bicycling is concerned, I've had the good fortune to ride over 12,000 miles/19,200 kilometers since the summer of 2016 on a series of long trips.  I journal these rides- my 2017 ride down the length of the Mississippi River from Lake Itasca in Minnesota to Venice, Louisiana out on the delta in the Gulf of Mexico is here [linkie].  And yes, I plan to very much enjoy being a student again.

Also on the 16th SC4 Legend and 3RR Regular Matt (mattb325) commented:

Good to see you back.  :thumbsup: I see C:S was a fickle, though beautiful, temptress after all. Give me reliable old SC4 any day.  :laugh:

Thanks, Matt.  As noted it's great to be back.  As far as SC4's reliability is concerned, it is the gold standard for PC games that can be modded.  It seemed like something was always breaking Cities: Skylines, and that became very, very frustrating as invariably the fix involved the loss of work to date.  Who has time for that?

The 17th starting with fellow SC4D Administrator and long time 3RR Regular Noah (noahclem) commenting

QuoteSuch a pleasant surprise to hear from you! Best of luck in your current endeavors and would be great to see you around again :)

Heh!  "...would be great to see you around again."- you know me too well, Noah.  But I can give everyone this time around a pretty firm commitment to being on more or less daily through the first week of June or so.  I'll then be off to a grandson's graduation from an honors high school program in Edmonton, Alberta and then on to my cross-country bicycle ride, which at last count will be 4,954 miles/7,973 kilometers long and will take 88 riding and 14 rest/slack days.  I'll then see you all again in October of this year, full of new fresh experiences and other things to incorporate into 3RR.

After I posted on the 17th my great friend, 3RR Regular and freeway geek "Full Resolution" Ryan (haljackey) showed up and answered part of a question I'd asked:

QuoteWelcome back David!

I can answer question #1. You can find that file here: https://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/20092-god-terraforming-in-mayor-mode/
-If you have any in your plugins folder, simply replace anything there when prompted. That way you will have all the files and no duplicates.

There is a thread on Simtrop about the file not working. It may help you out: https://community.simtropolis.com/forums/topic/74708-god-terraforming-in-mayor-mode-mod-doesnt-work-why/

As I've noted many times before, I see 3RR as an ongoing conversation.  It is so great when folks participate in it in that spirit, adding their knowledge and input to a subject that has been raised.  Thanks, Ryan, and you are still on my list to design and supervise the freeway work in Pineshore.

Later in the day another longtime 3RR Regular and site Administrator, my friend Art (art128) came by and responded to a couple of other things I'd asked:

QuoteThe steam version of the game is indeed properly patched. I have been playing that one for years and never encountered any issues.
As for the trees, Cycledogg's trees are still excellent but in the recent years Girafe has been releasing a lot of HD trees that are absolutely beautiful. Take a look at what he has to offer on the LEX.

I wound up buying the game from Steam.  The DRM does not appear to be intrusive and it's no difference than carrying a disk around.  And, what the heck, $19.99 appears to be the new five dollar bill.  I remember paying $49.99 (in 2003 dollars) for my original copy of SC4 and a similar amount a year and some later for Rush Hour.  So it's all relative.  And the Steam version does appear, at least so far, to be doing all the right things on my current desktop.  I know it's like comparing an apple to a horse chestnut, but I can't get over how much snappier SC4 is than Cities: Skylines.  More time to enjoy the game, eh?  And trees... ah, we'll get there.  I'm still me, and trees are where its at in properly detailing a region.

My new friend and now two-time 3RR commenter Seaman advised on the 18th:

Quotedo not know, whether some of your cities were plagued by the prop pox or not, but it might be of interest for you that simmaster07 over at simtropolis has solved the problem (for real!). The best is, that you can cure old infected cities and bring them back to their former brilliance.
Look at this:
SC4Fix: Third-party patches for SC4 1.0.7

Maybe this is of help when you are going through your old savegames...

Thanks so much for the tip!  I had heard that the dread Prop Pox had been wrestled to the ground and whipped, but this was the first concrete thing that I'd seen as to where to find the cure.  I am fortunate- I never over the course of playing the game- ever had a quad affected with Prop Pox.  That's probably because I was too busy terraforming and superdetailing the rural stuff...

...uhh, what's a bill-ding...

...to ever get far enough into the game to catch it.  But now 3RR is properly immunized.

I commented late on the 18th about my complete amazement over true seasonal foliage in the game and Art (art128) returned the next day to note:

QuoteAh yes, Lowkee33's seasonal flora patch is really indeed awesome.

Carl [lowkee33], old friend, I hope you are out there somewhere.  Hat's off to you, sir!

Then on the 19th new friend and 3RR Regular Pressus left a first comment, remarking

QuoteThis is one of the most important patches that enhances the visual quality of the game  :thumbsup:

Pressus is referring, of course, to Carl's [lowkee33] patch, and is absolutely correct.

Later in the day Seaman returned with yet another recommendation:

Quote from: dedgren on January 19, 2019, 12:03:16 AM
[...] along with underbridge roads and more realistic game water, the Holy Grails of SC4 for me.

Regarding the underbridge roads: maybe you want to have a look at this from 2017?

Oh yeah!  That's something I'll be getting to for sure.  I took a peek and I can hardly wait to check it out further.

I then posted about Lurkers and showed some initial road work in Acton Township.  When I referred to NAM 37, our friend Pressus was right on top of that:

QuoteFantastic area and these river bends ... wonderful  :thumbsup:
Can you recall what terrain and rock mod are you using?
NAM 37? I do not know about something?  &Thk/( Last was 36/2017, isn 't it?

Thanks, my friend- fixed! -david

Well, how about that? A brand-new 3RR Fact Checker!  Pressus has joined the small but dedicated company of those who have spotted one of my mistakes...

...hmmmpf- not hard, eh...

...and called me out on it.  The usual reward for hard work, of course, is being given more work and I can promise Pressus an unending supply of it in the future.

I built a culvert on the 21st and then Charlie (CaptCity) showed up.  With poetry:

QuoteOne day I heard a commotion
From a website SC4 Devotion
Oh wait could it be?
It must be David E.
And 3 Rivers is back in motion!

So great to see you back, David! It's always a pleasure 'watching' you work.  :thumbsup:

Well, it had the virtue of being brief, in any event.  Somewhere a Vogon is green with envy, though.  Charlie, old friend, thanks as always for hanging out at 3RR.  Please come and watch me work any time.

Another new 3RR Regular was minted on the 21st.  Our friend AsimPika3172 tossed in another helpful recommendation:

Welcome back David!  :thumbsup: Enjoy making your projects!  &apls Also, don't forget get another one here!


Anyway, keep moving forward!  ;)

Thanks so much.  You can never be too thin, have enough time to ride your bicycle or install too many SC4 Game Adjustment Parameters.

Noah (noahclem) popped back in on the 22nd to observe:

QuoteLooking great  &apls  Nice to see you putting the wider curves to good use!

Yes, Wide Radius Curves have come a long, long way.  I had the pleasure of being involved way back at the beginning of that, and if I'm not remembered in the community for anything else I hope people will consider me one of SC4's pioneer gridbreakers.  The NAM is about as comprehensible to me these days as quantum mechanics, but back when an ordinary guy could take an idea, some pixels and a few lines of code and literally reinvent the game, ahhh... those were the days.

God, I do sound like a geezer.  Enough of that.

3RR Regular Cedric's [Badsim] comment on the 22nd was really gratifying to read, as well as pointing out one more thing  yet unknown to me.  It was like having my very own personal thunderbolt from Mount Olympus.

QuoteHi David ,

Your comeback ( even with no promises ) is really invigorating  :bnn: ...

Indeed a lot of improvements related to each and all aspects of the game have been made ( are currently in the pipes and will be made ) since your long break . It will request you some time to be « updated » ! $%Grinno$% :P . I've seen that you were requesting for trees  , with a lot of quads (!) to plant ... may I invite you to give a chance to that tree controller ( I've tested a lot of them and it's currently the sexiest in town to my eyes ) ; Central European Tree Controller from 11241036 ( a phone number ?  &idea ) , despite its name « Central European »  , I think it would perfectly depict some  Alaskan landscapes ...

Nearing 3 million views ...  :o   incredible ! &apls

( And congrats for the by bicycle trip , that's something too ! ;) )


Wow!  To come back from a three year walkabout and have that comment made, as well as all the others I've noted- what a great place SC4D is.  I now have a bunch of new stuff to look at, I've gotten some updates about the current state of the game, and a lot of kind words.  I'll work hard to deserve them, and that's a promise.

I'm at a logical stopping point.  I know there are already new comments, but I'll stop here and return to them next time we check the mail.


* Remember, a 3RR Regular is anyone who has ever...


...left a comment here or over at 3RR-ST.


D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Quote from: dedgren on January 23, 2019, 02:34:05 PM

-Mayor's Diaries OK, I'll say it.  I'm really disappointed at the decline of SC4D's Mayor's Diary section.  Maybe even heartbroken.  All the custom content in the world, folks, don't mean nothin' if you don't put it to work.  And, like they say, if there's no pictures, it didn't happen.  If you play the game any amount at all I'm here to tell you that creating a Mayor's Diary adds a whole new dimension.  Doing one adds direction and discipline (two reasons why 3RR has never pretended to be a Mayor's Diary) to playing SC4.  Showing everyone your stuff means you can't just give yourself a pass when something you do in the game doesn't measure up.  The best MDs rise to the level of being an art form in and of themselves.  The less than best only get better through repeated practice.  So come on- you are among friends here.  Show us what you are doing with the game.  Please?

Regarding Mayor's Diaries / City Journals,

I can't speak for everyone but I have noticed more of a shift rather than a decline in the way we showcase our work in SC4 these days. Things have become a lot more 'social' with people showing bits and pieces of their creations rather than taking the time to compose a full entry.

If you're interested in seeing more 'active' work outside of the Mayor's Diary section, check out the "Show Us Your..." threads, especially the Show Us What You're Working On thread on Simtrop, which has become hyperactive over the past year. Here you don't just to get to view the content from one creator, but a blend from a whole bunch of creators instead.

I kind of see it as a breath of fresh air, as it kind of replaces a somewhat stale formula. However I also see the downside, as these things are nowhere near as detailed as before.

Some social media platforms have also been active. The SimCity 4 subreddit r/simcity4 is a good example of this.

Hope this helps! Glad to see you back!


Just a teaser tonight.

The main roads are in in two of the 64 townships- a five by ten square mile/eight by 16 square kilometer area.  About 10 of the townships have no main roads, so about 50 to go.  Some interesting ones coming up.


D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


So I spent some time this evening playing with all the new RHW NAM content, and particularly interchange stuff.  The FlexFly pieces are pretty amazing.  I figured a lot of things out, but I have no idea how to build an RHW-2 overpass over a road.

I left the grid on so that you could get a sense of the size of what I'm dealing with.  The road trench is 15 meters deep.  Ignore the form of the interchange- it'll change before I'm done.  The starter pieces for the bridge and onslope transitions that look right just make a mess out of things.  I'm sure I'm missing something obvious.  Help. anyone?

Also, a question.  I have a hole digger/tile raiser lot in my roads menu that moves the surface of a tile up or down 15 meters.  Is there an updated one that adds a 7-1/2 meter level to that or do I need to find and drag out iLive's Reader?  It seems like with the addition of 7-1/2 meter overpasses that would be a no brainer.

Long day today, but I rode the stationary bike over at the gym I go to in the winter for two hours and did 38.4 miles/61.8 kilometers.  Gotta get ready for this summer!

Oh, and Happy Birthday to our friend and 3RR Regular Silur.  Have some cake, old friend!




D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


a) There are updated hole diggers in the NAM installer.
b) You need to use the onslope pieces .. however I think you need a one tile gap on either side of the road. Someone more experienced will need to chime in; I'm the bridge coder guy.
~ NAM Team Member