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Started by claydog, July 07, 2010, 03:45:05 PM

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Hello, I'm sory if this has been covered before, but i can't find a posting on this dependency for SG's Industry Pack 01.

Does anyone know if this; BSC_SimCityRailUtils_v2.dat  has been rolled into another prop pack ???

... or where it might be?
Thanks ;-)


Hi claydog,

They are right here: http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=575  Just install (and eliminate what you don't need), the file your looking for will be inside the deadwoods folder.

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Oh my   &ops

I saw those too, but I thought I needed some prop pack, not lots.

Boy do i feel like a fool now.
Oh well. Thanks for the help!


No sweat mate,
who would ever go and look for a SG file in deadwoods lots...

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Is there any way someone could re-submit this file? It's hard to find. Listed in a place you wouldn't think to look. When the file is listed as a dependency it's listed as:  BSC_SimCityRailUtils_v2
The file name downloaded is:  DEDWD_SimCityRailUtils_v103
The actual .dat is extracted into BSC>Deadwoods>SimCityRail  and named:  BSC_SimCityRailUtils_v2.dat

It would save many users headaches if someone would (if rules allow) at least re-upload into a more logical location with a more logical file name.
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