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Tabi Ships, Oh I really miss his AWESOME WORK

Started by dyoungyn, May 22, 2014, 01:13:34 PM

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Does anyone know where or how one can get a hold of Tabi to re-download his war ships again?  I have a new computer and for some reason, the Tabi warships are missing.  Also, does anyone know where I can get a hold of the Dependency for the Tabi Carrier pier at?

I am dying here are I am also in process of re-doing my Navy bases to modernize them with RHW and NAM updates and the Tabi ships are missing.



Hi there, yes I have the Tabi warships. Although I'm not sure what carrier pier you're referring to. I could email the ships to you though.



Thank you so much for the reply.  I would love to have those ships once again.  I have some but not all; I have the Aux ships.  I am Retired U.S. Navy and love building Naval bases to make them as I would want to have served in them.  May I kindly ask you to please send me what you have.

Thank you so much in advance as I have always love Tabi's work and display then with pride in my city.



Sent. I hope to see some of your work later. I'm very much into all things military myself and have quite a few such BATs and Lots in my plugin folder. ;)



Thank you for the ships, I really loved Tabi's details a lot as he really hit all those ships on the nail.  I did send you an e-mail about the Carrier Piers.



I loves Sim City forever!