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Simple question from a returnee to SC4 re: SimGoober elements

Started by divadarya, January 11, 2021, 11:07:20 AM

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I love SimGoober's farm creations, but after two days of exhaustive downloading and updating I cannot seem to find the missing dependencies needed for the base backgrounds (eg the ground, parking lots, etc) to stay put without a poxy black or blue grid showing up. Examples are Fukitol farms, and the small and large rural stores. A lot of the read mes for the prop packs are outdated or non-existent links.

Anyone able to point me to a consistent master dependency list? In other words, HELP!!


Without specifically looking at the lots in question, almost exclusively, Simgoober's base and overlay textures use the BSC texture Packs 1-3

Pack1: https://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=90
Pack2: https://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=638
Pack3: https://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=1806

Occasionally CP Texture packs might also be used, but this is less common.

Additionally, some of the more rural lots use PEG Mountain theme stuff:

Check that each of these in unzipped in your plugins and you should be right to go.
Otherwise, it might be useful to check that you have the most-up-to-date version available from the lex. Individual lots that were left on other sites, may not be up-to-date and so have texture conflicts, etc.