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Goofy Stat Response Curve

Started by luehk01, May 30, 2022, 06:01:14 PM

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I was having trouble understanding how to read the "Goofy Stat Response Curve" parameters. I found a couple posts the quoted RippleJet that helped a lot, but I was still having trouble understanding how the numbers entered mapped to the answer RippleJet gave. Below is RippleJets explanation and below that is my two cents.
Quote from: RippleJet on March 16, 2010, 01:47:44 PM

That requires the property Goofy Stat Response Curve.
E.g, if you want "Engines Repaired" to be, say somewhere between 0 and 10,
you could give the Goofy Response Curve the following four values:

-100, 0, 0, 2, 50, 5, 100, 10

Mathematically that would first generate a random number between -100 and 100,
which would then be mapped to a number between 0 and 10 with the following chances:

50% chance for a number between 0 and 2
25% chance for a number between 2 and 5
25% chance for a number between 5 and 10

That mapped number can then be referred to in a query with the id=0x0000106b

This is how I think you decipher the parameters of "-100, 0, 0, 2, 50, 5, 100, 10"

The values are read in pairs – alternating between odds and possible numbers that mark the points along the response curve:
   1st pair is -100 & 0
   2nd pair is 0 & 2
   3rd pair is 50 & 5
   4th pair is 100 & 10

200 numbers are generated (-100 to +100) and mapped to the possible results (1 – 10)

There are three ranges of results defined between the four points:       

The corresponding percentages (odds) for each of the three ranges are:
   -100 to 0 is half of the 200 numbers (50%)
   0 to 50 is a quarter of the 200 numbers (25%)
   50 to 100 is a quarter of the 200 numbers (25%)

Therefore the odds of getting each number 1 thru 10 are as follows:
   0 – 2 = 50%
   2 – 5 = 25%
   5 – 10 = 25%

The only thing I'm not sure about is the odds of getting 2 and 5. I would not have figured out anything without RippleJet's explanation of what parameters give what results, so I'm hesitant to contradict anything he stated, but I'm kind of wondering if the correct way to read the points would be 50% of the numbers starting at 0 and going to 2, then 25% going to 5, and finally 25% going to 10:
   0 – 2 = 50%
   3 – 5 = 25%
   6 – 10 = 25%