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Display problems in buildings from capacity changes

Started by jimbozeubuen, October 31, 2022, 05:16:17 AM

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I've been using iLives Reader to edit the capacity satisfied field in some of my CAMeLots. Some of them work, but some of them start to have display problems, and I'm wondering if anyone here might know the reason behind this.

For example, if I change the R$$ capacity satisfied field in "R$$15_3x3_Yelluzha_33005e6a.SC4Lot" and then grow it in a brand new city, everything works fine. However, if I do the same for "R$$15_3x2_Djoella_73005e3b.SC4Lot", then the building appears blurry when I zoom in. Also, the building disappears when I rotate, but if I switch to zone view and then switch back to regular view, the building reappears again.