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Garbage wont go away

Started by Floydian, December 27, 2009, 06:50:04 PM

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and a dataview for garbage, perhaps?
once I had a farm that produced a lot of garbage, and when I finally put in the measures to remove it, it would not go away. so I deleted the farm, put in some streets and a recycling center nearby, and it went away. It was like the garbage collecters couldnt get to the garbage that was far away from streets or roads.
My name is Thomas...


Yes but I've tried deleting the city in its entirety, putting in garbage dumps, and waiting, and it does not go down at all. I'll upload a data view later tonight.

KoV Liberty

I had the same problem with my port city. There is a download on the STEX to make garbage production very little via ordinaces, but this does not get rid of garbage already visible (it is the super demand ordinace mod v.2 or something). This is what I did. Landfills are a HUGE eyesore so don't even think of putting them down. Recycling centers don't work fast enough. So, try a combination of the recycling power plant and PEG's garbage disposal docks. These worked for me very fast and all garbage was gone in about 2 years for me. Hope this helps!

My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.