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SC4D MD Classics

Started by dedgren, April 01, 2007, 03:21:54 PM

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Welcome to the SC4D MD Classics area of the Mayors' Diaries section of the forums.

If you are an author, and are finding your MD here, it's because you have achieved what is currently the pinnacle of SC4 Devotion Mayor's Diary accomplishment- gaining more that 5,000 page views and 500 comments on your MD here at SC4D.  Thanks for the hard work, and be assured that your efforts have paid off in placing you in a group to which many MDers will aspire, but only a comparative few will ever reach.

Don't rest on your laurels, though.  You have the further opportunity to have your MD recognized in our exclusive "Of Special Interest this Month" category, where those MDs that have truly excelled are showcased.  The relatively small number of MDs that will make it to this level will also assure that frequent updates will receive the highest visibility from those readers who recognize that looking at a SC4D Classic assures seeing the product of long-term success.

If you're a reader, you can do no better than to look here to find quality MDs by authors dedicated to their craft.  It is always, of course, very much appreciated that you would comment whenever you could, and let those who have worked hard and long to create these Classics know that you find their work worthwhile.  Constructive criticism is always welcomed here as well.

Thank you, one and all, for your interest in the SC4D MD Classics.

The Moderators
D. Edgren

Please call me David...

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I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

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