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Re: Waterfalls a New Journey... MD by Pat_Update # 219

Started by Pat, March 13, 2007, 01:18:14 PM

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Come on, Pat, it's been a week since we had an update (nag, nag, nag). Somebody needs to light a fire under you!  :D
Hope all is well with my newest hero!

Until next time...


LoL Joan i know im slacking this past week i did promiss i have an update in what a few days lol....
I umm forgot honestly ( lie lie lie ) lol no really i've been a busy little bee installing CAM and working
out the bugs on it... but i shall have a newone up shortly i will play and continue on the area i was at
on the last teaser shot i showed - pat

btw thank you for bringing me to page 13 lol

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OK I'm soooooo gonna be a stinker here a wee bit since it has been umm like 4 hrs since
i last posted so i figure its safe to bump my thread lol....  Ohh the reason for the bump
is this i got done playing, its scary i had actually had some playing time tonight lol...
So what I'm gonna do is do a general reply to last comments I've received I'm sowwies
But i do thank you all for stopping in on me and continue to support me here...

Dave (toohey's), Joan (Jmouse), Derry (The Tea Cat or TTC), Bat, Kimcar, and Schulmanator
- You all rock and thank you very much... you all waited some more impatient then other's uhh
ummm lol j/k and i do expect that one to start a MD soon cause that person is such a wonderful
one at that and also a great writer who could very well teach us a thing or two.... OK so enough
of the banter and with out further ado UPDATE TIME Y'ALL ( in a Paula dean accent)

Here is the Moutain top view of Alto Port. this is the only the beging of whats to come here..

Getting ready here for some bridge work...

Here is a side view of the waterfall and some rocks still working in this area
as well... im not really to happy with the results that i gotten so stayed tune...

Here is the waterfall as you can see it coming from the top and yes i do know the yellow
pause is still on along with the menu i did this on purpose lol.... cause i am mean like that ohh
me mean naw ok fine i was just a wee bit lazzy lol... Yes you can also see the bridge that was
built in the mean time as well....

Here is a shot from Carporth Heights this city is preCAM... i had really liked this shot
and wanted to share it as i was chugging along here tonight...

Final picture tonight is the area that we last saw that was a blazzing i did rework the area
and this is what i came up with... there is more to this spot but i thought this was the best
to show right now more to come with the next update....

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Nicely done Pat. You've done a great job with the terraforming and the waterfall. All it needs is a few country homesteads scattered throughout and it will look superb, I'm sure there is one or two families who would love to move in (I know, I'm totally tragic)



PS: By the way, pic's always look better without the pause on  :P


Great update! Also nice pictures of the city and the waterfall! :thumbsup:


I'll second that. Good photos, and the mountain is especially striking. Are you going to add some residentials near the water? If so, I'll rent one of the cabins for a couple of weeks.

Until next time...


Great update, my friend! That waterfall great so far, I love how the bridge goes right in front of the waterfall--reminds me a bit of the Rainbow Bridge at Niagara Falls! Great work, as always!


@ All that have commented again thank you for your support and since i was stinker last time making y'all
wait... I have have made a decision to have anther update right away woohoo and i know thats all good..
Well tonight im revisting the city of Carporth Heights now with CAM as i said before in the last update...
So now here with out further ado is CAM Carporth Heights......

EDIT: Pay no attention to the missing EHW i noticed it now that i didnt let the game catch up
before i took that pic lol.....

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Nope, CAM is going on hold for the time being, and thanks for helping me decide. I just don't like the looks of it, but it's certainly no fault of yours, m'dear. Think I'll just wait for some scaled-down bats to appear.
And if you don't quit nagging me about starting an MD, I'll go ahead and do one and then you'll be sorry!!  :P

Until next time...


Good use of the CAM pat, I gave it a try (even though I don't build skyscraper cities), and I was very satisfied, much more balanced
growth in the town I was working on. Oh and I see you're making use of the station I gave you the link to, the one I used as an airport terminal.  ::)
It looks good in that first pic.  :)

I'll be waiting for more.   ;)

PS: One more post, and this fine MD becomes a classic.  ;D


ill do the honors pats and id like to say great MD u got there and showcasing our runways u deserve to be a classic MD congrats! &apls
Plaza Mall Project
Coming Soon to the LEX!

NAM Team
What can NAM do for you?


Just had the pleasure of moving your MD into the Classics section! Congratulations, my friend!



Replies and banter the talk....................
                                                               :satisfied:  :satisfied:

Ryan aka Filasimo thank you for the bump up and Dustin thank you and disreguard the PM then, well at least the part of needing the bump lol... Ryan i've done this once and once before i had honoured 3 people who helped me out with a video tribute but at lass i cant this time cause the server i used my reg exspired but be it know i will have a very fitting tribute for ya's and Dustin you to for moving me up in the world.......

OK OK OK Joan i will be sorry ehhh lol  :D naw i think i would be happy though... as well as many other people here too... CAM is a talent that needs to be mastered and im confident that someday soon you will get ahold and master this wonderful tool... once you go cam you never go back... lol

Travis yuppers that is correct for right now im using it as a train station lol... but you be watching out for the airport version to hit this MD sometime soon... thank you for getting me closer to that last post.....

Well that be that for this wee little note as this was a special occasion so cheeeeeeers y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Congratulations Pat  &apls (but this doesn't mean you can relax)

You certainly have some growth going in those pic's, any idea what the commencial propulation was pre-CAM and what it is now?? (hmmm, I must be channeling Joan  :D)




in short Dave nope notta clue lol but i can tell you demand was high cause i did have some stage 8's before CAM then everything started to explode after letting it run for awhile after CAM...

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Waterfalls... is a classic. Congratulations, well deserved. &apls

And may I say, that the urban updates have been wonderful. Isn't it time for a new region shot soon, byt the way? &hlp

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papab2000 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine

nova vesfalo

Region shoot Region shoot  Region shoot  Region shoot  Region shoot 
Congratulation  ! you're classic !! tou deserve it !!


Congrats on the new Category, patfirefghtr!

And nice pictures of the city! :thumbsup:


A well-deserved promotion there, Pat. Just don't let it go to your head and make you lazy!  :D
And there's at least one of the new buildings I like -- lower right-hand corner in the first photo.

Until next time...


 &apls Congrats my friend for be a classic  ;D It`s well deserve . just a not . You should challenge someone with the fireman pics ... very nice shot this one.  &apls