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POST HERE If you cannot access the LEX

Started by jeronij, January 20, 2007, 02:26:47 PM

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Je t'ai envoyé ton nouveau mot de passe par MP.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Hi I have forgot my password for the LEX is there a 'reset password' button?
or would the best way to delete account Gazac48 in the LEX & will rejoin


Gazac48, I've reset your LEX password and sent the new one to you in a PM. ;)


salve sono un nuovo iscritto sto avendo problemi con LEX login il mio user name e' vinc per favore sbloccatemi questo login sono stufo di vedere quella scimmia grazie


Unfortunately I do not speak any Italian...
I have manually activated your account, vinc, on the LEX.

Purtroppo io non parlano italiano...
Ho attivato manualmente il vostro "user name", vinc, sulla LEX.


I've just reset forum password and now am unable to LEX.  Would you kindly reset the password and PM me please?

Username: diamon



diamon, I've reset your password and sent you a PM. :thumbsup:


Yesterday I registered on both SC4D and BSC Exchange. I have successfully activated my SC4D account, but when I tried to activate my BSC Exchange account I got the Invalid password message.

My email is

My SC4D password is
My BSC Exchange password is
My username for both accounts is
Thanks for your help.

Dave Youngerman

Edited by BarbyW. Please do not give out personal information especially passwords.


I copied your username and password and logged in with no problems. Please try again.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


Hello SC4D

Jersey here. Can anybody tell me why I can''t get on the LEX? I have registered and reregistered over 10 times. Never have I received an email. PLease can somebody help me? I Truly appreciate it.


I have manually activated your account.  If you have any further troubles, just let me know.


hi.i'm back after a long hiatus and am excited to check out the LEX for new stuff but can't log in. user name is either anthony or burnz100. would appreciate any help to resolve this. thanks.


Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original



I have started playing again, but can't get into the exchange - user name Sven800 (had to re-register since it could not find my old account with the same name). Got the e-mail but still get a monkey on the exchange.


Sven800 your account is activated, and I'm showing a total of 570 downloads, though it seems you haven't used it in some time.

I've changed your password, so check your PMs.


I have always been a little confused with this site. Been having trouble logging in for many years. (Probably because I usually don't use caps in my passwords) I gave up several times in the past, but I finally want to see what's in there. From what I see, what comes out looks great. Can somebody help me?  ()what()


Welcome to SC4Devotion, Walden95! :thumbsup:
Are you having problems accessing your account on the LEX?
Walden95 is an active account, and you've used it to download NAM in May.

Let us know if you want us to reset the password for you. ;)



Your password has been reset and a PM sent to you. ;)

Happy downloading! :thumbsup: