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BeNeLux Team Presentation

Started by MandelSoft, April 20, 2011, 07:57:33 AM

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Who are we?
The BeNeLux Team is a collaberation between custom content creators from Belgium, the Netherlands, and possibly in the future from Luxembourg. Our members have a large variaty of custom content creation experience and specialities, from BATting to LOTting to advanced modding. We all worked seperately on projects, until we decided at the end of Februari 2011 to collaborate, and so our team has been formed. Our current members are:

•   mrtnrln: transit BATter (speciality: signage), modder
•   MrMAvE94: BATter
•   tag_one: BATter, modder
•   Kelis: BATter
•   FrankU: LOTter, modder
•   peter007: BATer
•   alex_bervoets: BATer
•   buzzit: BATer (speciality: power lines)
•   WC_EEND: tester
•   Getron: tester

Our team is always open for new members. So if you're interested, please don't hessitate to let us know about it.

Our goal
The BeNeLux Team mainly focusses on custom content based upon buildings (and props) from the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. But this isn't a really strict rule; you may see from us content from other countries too! Our custom content creations can vary from BATs to LOTs and mods.

Our releases
Official releases:
Currently we have no official releases. However, we'll have some soon  ;)

Unofficial/related releases:
These releases from our members are not officially released under the name of the BeNeLux Team, mainly because these uploads are older than the team. However, they do fit in our team's perspective and therefore deserve to be notified:

[tabular type=4]
[row] [head]
Name[/head] [head]
Uploader[/head] [head]
Type[/head] [head]
[row] [data]Brewery Museum Mena, Belgium 1[/data] [data]
Alex_Bervoets [/data] [data]
civic (educational)[/data] [data]
STEX[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]LRM plopable streetlights 01[/data] [data]
mrtnrln[/data] [data]
MOD [/data] [data]
STEX[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]Light replacement mod 3.0[/data] [data]
mrtnrln[/data] [data]
MOD [/data] [data]
STEX[/data] [/row]
[row] [data] Euro TRM for the RealHighway 4.0 [/data] [data]
mrtnrln[/data] [data]
[/data] [data]
STEX[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]ITC Euro stoplight mod[/data] [data]
mrtnrln[/data] [data]
MOD[/data] [data]
STEX[/data] [/row]
[row] [data] Highway ReStyling Mod V03 [/data] [data]
mrtnrln[/data] [data]
MOD [/data] [data]
STEX[/data] [/row]  [row]
[data] Highway ReStyling Mod Asphalt Texture Set Complete [/data] [data]
mrtnrln[/data] [data]
MOD[/data] [data]
[url=http://www.simtropolis.com/forum/files/file/20509-highway-restyling-mod-asphalt-texture-set-complete/]STEX[/data] [/row] 
[row] [data] Highway sign remover [/data] [data]
mrtnrln[/data] [data]
MOD [/data] [data]
[url=http://www.simtropolis.com/forum/files/file/19319-highway-sign-remover/]STEX[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]Power Line set 220 kV type 1[/data] [data]
mrtnrln[/data] [data]
plops[/data] [data]
[url=http://www.simtropolis.com/forum/files/file/25548-dutch-power-line-set-220kv-triple-circuit-type-1/]STEX[/url][/data] [/row]
[row] [data] ITC Dutch Signage Pack 01 [/data] [data]
mrtnrln[/data] [data]
plops [/data] [data]
[url=http://www.simtropolis.com/forum/files/file/21780-itc-dutch-signage-pack-01/]STEX[/url][/data] [/row]
[row] [data] Dutch themed high voltage pylons(HD) [/data] [data]
buzzit[/data] [data]
plops[/data] [data]
[url=http://www.simtropolis.com/forum/files/file/25243-dutch-themed-high-voltage-pylons-hd/]STEX[/url][/data] [/row]
[row] [data]GLR Connexxion tram[/data] [data]
tag_one[/data] [data]
automata [/data] [data]
[url=http://www.simtropolis.com/forum/files/file/14284-glr-connexxion-tram/]STEX[/url][/data] [/row]
[row] [data] Connexxion passenger train [/data] [data]
tag_one[/data] [data]
automata [/data] [data]
[url=http://www.simtropolis.com/forum/files/file/14292-connexxion-passenger-train/]STEX[/url][/data] [/row]
[row] [data] Connexxion passenger train station [/data] [data]
tag_one[/data] [data]
station [/data] [data]
[url=http://www.simtropolis.com/forum/files/file/14293-connexxion-passenger-train-station/]STEX[/url][/data] [/row]
[row] [data] Connexxion ELrail and subway train [/data] [data]
tag_one[/data] [data]
automata [/data] [data]
[url=http://www.simtropolis.com/forum/files/file/14294-connexxion-elrail-and-subway-train/]STEX[/url][/data] [/row]
[row] [data] updated Connexxion passenger station and GLR station [/data] [data]
tag_one[/data] [data]
station[/data] [data]
[url=http://www.simtropolis.com/forum/files/file/14301-updated-connexxion-passenger-station-and-glr-station/]STEX[/url][/data] [/row]
[row] [data] Connexxion Monorail [/data] [data]
tag_one[/data] [data]
automata [/data] [data]
[url=http://www.simtropolis.com/forum/files/file/14302-connexxion-monorail/]STEX[/url][/data] [/row]
[row] [data] Hagestede Apartments [/data] [data]
tag_one[/data] [data]
R_$_5[/data] [data]
[url=http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=1627]LEX[/url][/data] [/row]

On behalf of the BeNeLux Team,
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Congratulation to have made a new team, and with good members  &apls  &apls
Click on the banner to see my BATs


Ziet goed uit.  :thumbsup: Op weg naar de eerste release.  :thumbsup:
Hier toost ik op :b:

Looks great  :thumbsup:. Lets work on the first release :thumbsup:



Great! Good luck with the team!  :thumbsup:


I love to see you guys managed to get the team going  :thumbsup:

Tomas Neto

Fantastic this good news, and good luck for you, my friends!!! 


Hope to see some buildings of Luxembourg ;)


Thanks to all members of this great team, It is an honor to work with you, I will try to do great things over the Netherlands and Belgium, Thank you very much to all.


                                                                                     || Benelux Team || Windows on the World || My Photos on Flickr || Kelis BNL Projects ||


nice to have you on the team Kelis, if you need any info with regards to Belgian buildings, feel free to PM/email me

RIP Adrian (adroman), you were a great friend

My LOT thread                                    

SCAG BAe146/Avro RJ Project


Click on the banner to see my BATs


Congrats my friend for entering the BeNeLux Team! &apls If you need informations about Luxemburg, I can always help! $%Grinno$%

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


Welcome Kelis,  &apls
The more souls, the more fun, as we say in the Netherlands.


Hello Kelis, and welcome to our humble team ;)
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Congratulations, Kelis! I'm really glad you entered this great team!
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Ik had deze textures gemaakt voor de nieuwe Nederlandse provinciale 100 km/u wegen (RHW2).


Ik had ze ooit goed gemaakt, en werkte in het spel, maar ik ben de dat files kwijt geraakt :@.
Dus als jullie ze nog willen gebruiken, be my guest.

Ik wil graag m'n tijd steken in de ontwikkeling van een simcity 4 clone.
Proudly developer of

Paul 999

Dat ziet er erg goed uit. De invoegstroken voor de RHW-2 zullen waarschijnlijk ook aanwezig zijn in de nieuwe versie van de RHW.

-- Oeps, er ging even iets mis met het modereren. Ik wou quoten, en niet bewerken. Een deel van je bericht is verdwenen en ik weet niet meer wat er stond, mijn welgemeende excuses voor het ongemak. -- Maarten


^^ Helaas, als insider van het NAM Team kan ik zeggen dat dit niet het geval is. Wel zijn er afritmarkeringen beschikbaar voor de RHW-4 en breder m.u.v RHW-8C (moet ik nog doen, ooit). Hiernaast is ook intussen een aantal verhoudingen aangepast wat betreft de strookbreedtte, waardoor oude texturessets praktisch onbruikbaar worden. Gelukkig komt er al een Euro/International-set al tegelijk met de hoofd-release. Dan zal ik ook een paar modificaties voor maken die de set lichtelijk aanpassen (zoals andere blokmarkering).
Lurk mode: ACTIVE

Paul 999

Dat is balen! Wanneer ik nu een RHW-2 weg bouw stoort het ontbreken van de invoegstrook/uitvoegstrook mij altijd.

Maar goed, ik begrijp uit je bericht dat er dus wel invoeg en uitvoegstroken beschikbaar komen voor RHW-6 dat is ook heel wat! Op dit moment is dat ook echt een gemis.