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Looking for help on MTNH Tram-Train station

Started by Boeing777300ER, March 11, 2015, 02:16:13 AM

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Hi all, I am looking help getting thsi station to display properly. When I build it in a city, all that appears of the buildings is the Rail station without the curved roof covering and all the ground props and textures. The EL Rail station buildings do not appear at all and when I place the EL tracks a gap appears where the station should be.

I cannot find any list of dependencies for this lot, although the read-me says that the staion house was from R102's large rail station.

Please help as this station looks nice as seen in the image included with the file download.

Many thanks, Dave.


I get criticized occasionally for telling people to avoid STEX mods as much as possible, especially transit mods. This lot is a nice example of why to avoid the STEX.

I downloaded it into a clean plugins folder and had the same issue you are having.
This appears to be the same lot uploaded by r102 with some changes.

Anyway, you are missing buildings as props. So you might be missing the other official patches.

click the "accept" at the bottom (these are the official Maxis files that we have been granted permission to host)
Get the official patches if you need them.
Click the link for the Lot Editor
follow the links to "buildings as props" and follow the instructions for downloading and installing the right one for your version of the game.



Hi Josh, many, many thanks for your help, all is working as it should now. Point taken re STEX, I even took the path of PM'ing the uploader of the file and he said that as far as he was concerned there was nothing missing and nothing to add to make this lot work, WRONG!!!!!

I hope this answer proves as useful to other players as it has done for me.

Once again, many thanks,

Regards, Dave.