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Mas'71 - memorandum of the Making Asset

Started by MAS71, November 24, 2015, 04:36:09 AM

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@Catty san
Hello again Cathy san  :)
Woow, I don't know a thread, and Dedgren already playing a game too so far  :o
because, Our japanese internet-bandwidht(? connectrion? ) is not good with the Simtropils in long time... $%Grinno$%
many times connection lost, not found 404, can't open pages right, and more problems we have  :-[
so I didn't able to go to a site well  :-[ (only me perhaps ?  ()what())

but I'm so glad to know that he and a lot of SC4players are there,
and Thanks a lot for link to my thread in there too  ;)

at last,
Yes, You are one of big name person who I respect in the SC4 ;)

Thank you


- Tetrapod : Breakwater Block

- Tetrapod 01 (Asset) -

- Tetrapod 01 (PROP) -

### Update ###
02,Feb,2016 : Fixed strange edge in a part of under water

- Special Thanks
Thank you for your opinions and advice, Big Bad Nonja and many good members of the SKYLINESNATIN (groupe in the Facebook)

Ok guys kids :D, Let's make the Tetrapod together !! ;D  $%Grinno$%

# sorry to miswriting, not 'Lotate', 'Rotate' is right  :-[

I had a worry which style should I choose for that, Make it as Asset ? or PROP ?
Each of these style has it's merits and demerits.

Asset style :
We can see all shapes of the Model, but gray-concrete-texture at under water-line again, and have a strange defomation.
We need only 1 kind of download(subscribe) &mmm

PROP style :
Shape is almost perfect after placed it, but we can not see any shapes of the Model when place it.
We need 2 kind of download(sbuscribe) Asset and PROP both.  :(

so I had a questionnaire survey in a group 'SKYLINESNATION' in the Facebook with beta version assets. "$Deal"$
then my worry was gone thank to them  ;)

Thank you again all for your cooperation !  :thumbsup:

I'd finish to make and uploaded it once,
It was not have anything about a guide when it placed, and I got some advice from user.
then I could find out one of answer for that, and tried to remake an asset.

I add a guide-frame in a model of asset as following

This guide-frame would be hidden by PROP  :thumbsup:

It will be a little help to place it,

-Float or Sink
Are you notice that is thin,long stick object in Asset. ()what()

An asset wihch is placed on the water, an Asset is kepp fixed to the height of the Water-Surface that placed point in time.
but PROP is placed on the Bottom of water.
so It need to make some BASE in the Asset for float PROP at the Water-Surfece.

This is a BASE for PROP.
A Pivot of PROP will be put on this little base.

-Finel version


I really like the free rotate option of the seawall!


Quote from: MAS71 on November 26, 2015, 07:06:03 PM
.Woow, I don't know a thread, and Dedgren already playing a game too so far  :o
because, Our japanese internet-bandwidht(? connectrion? ) is not good with the Simtropils in long time... $%Grinno$%
many times connection lost, not found 404, can't open pages right, and more problems we have  :-[
so I didn't able to go to a site well  :-[ (only me perhaps ?  ()what())...

I can't say I've ever had a problem with Simtropolis and he might be willing to post some of his CJ stuff here especially if he knows people are having problems with seeing it on Simtropolis, he's also a member of my site ... my site address used to end in .co.nz but I changed it to .info



PS: That last picture showing the final version looks   &apls
I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


@Glazert san
That's good  ;)
This Seawall02 has so simple shape, so I think that is easy to use more than one's of Seawall 01  ;D

@catty san
A most common quearion in japanese forum was 'why can not access to ST?' 'why i can't download on ST' (lol)
I remember that I added this on FAQ in a wiki of japan ;D
well, I can access to ST now without any problem  ;) I'll enjoy to his CJ and thire talking too  :)

@art128 san
Japan is a little island among the seas, so no one who has not ever seen this in Japan maybe. ;)
b.t.w The Tetrapod is made from France since 1949, did you know that? ;D

Thank you for comments all ;)

I don't have anymore works now  :P I don't have any idea for next works too  :-[ (lol)
If something comes up, I'll report it again here. so I'll enjoy a game just simply for a while,
see you soon  ;)


Kazunari-san, あなたの仕事は、伝説です  &apls


Well come back Mas  :thumbsup:
Do you have a plan JRP(Japanese River Project) convert to C:S ?  ;D
or big welcome a building the SOGO too ;D ;D

ところでJRPシリーズの移植予定はないですか? ;D
SOGOデパートビルも大いにウェルカムですよ ;D ;D
I helping to management a site the WBML4jp - wiki in Japan.


@Simmer2 san
Thank you :)  but it is too better word for me  $%Grinno$%
If my works are legend, this legend is made by you and a lot of great palyers who use them goodness, right?
You are the Legend !!  :thumbsup: hahaha, I think so ;)

@reliccs8801 san
Hi friend, I'm home  ;D
about the JRP, are you kidding ?  $%Grinno$% (lol)
I think that want to make the SOGO in C:SL too, but I don't yet have enough good tips for that. :P

Thank you all  :)


Over the years I been using your awesome walls in just about every city I made in SC4. It's so great to see you bring these to CSL. Thank you! And congrats.  :thumbsup:


@Mr_maison san
wow, thank you for use my walls for long time and I'm honored that so much :D  ;)

My walls could made by almost my master Jeronij san and NOB san(in Japan),
It could not be made without an existing of thire great walls and themselves, I think so.  ;)

Thanks again for warm word :)


How does CS support normal maps ?

Why I am asking is, if you could bring down the polycount on your  JRP Walls Pack, by using normal maps.


Oh my,,,, I'm sorry too late reply Vester  :-[
Yes, CS support Normal-Map for models, and It's possible to increase polygons with that as you said  ;)
However, CS has some regulations for an ASSETing(import models), so It's not easy to import my JRP to the CS  $%Grinno$%

I don't able to have a motivation for that because a regulations and some issue when game-update each times .... :P