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How Big is Your Plugins Folder?

Started by bwatterud, March 24, 2007, 05:24:49 PM

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well my plugin main folder is at 8.475 and i haven't been adding to much to it lately as am travelling.   if i get to much more in it, may have to break it down again as i had so much i didn't use before.  i have other plug in folders that i Chang around for dif regions. but there no more than 4-6gb or so.   no need to slow things down to much. 


2,16 GB ;D
And i will reset it soon, some of my downloads made one of my cities crash and other bring terrible pollution problems unexpectedly :( . Besides, I'm waiting for the SimMars Beta 3 :)
"The wisest men follow their own direction" Euripides
The Choice is Ours
Simtropolis Moderator here. Can I help? Oh, and you can call me Elias (my real name) if you wish.


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Currently, my plugins folder is 4.37 GB, just after adding dozens of files I've collected the past several months, which I finally got around to installing.


2.68 GB at the moment.  I remember when i had 500 MBs and i thought it was very much, now it feels like nothing seeing you guys huge folders :)
Has it really been almost 2 years?
Must return. :)


Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November

north country dude

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\SimCity 4\Plugins________1.46Gb
C:\Program Files\Maxis\SimCity 4\Plugins_______________________________12.9Mb

Not Plugged in, but it's there somewhere list:

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\SimCity 4\Latest Stuff_______142Mb
*C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\SimCity 4\BSC SC4 stuff_____644Mb
*C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\SimCity 4\BSC SC4 stuff-2___346Mb

*these are prop and texture packs that have not been installed yet.

hmmm,...mine's kinda small comparatively,...what am I missing and will it slow things down on my system if I add more? Me thinks I need to balance Plugin size against things like the SC4PIM working with a smaller group of prop and texture packs, system performance on a AMD64 +3500 w/2Gb memory,...and for anyone who knows me, a 56k connection that's slower than the speed of smell.  &mmm

EDIT oops! found some more, but these have older 2003-2006 dates. Some of these files are probably duplicates or superceded by newer files.

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Downloads\SC4 Props____203Mb
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Downloads\SC4 Textures___50.3Mb
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Downloads\SC4 Modds___72.6Mb
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Downloads\SC4 Packages___92.9Mb
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Downloads\SC4 Programs___86.3Mb

Some of OP4's Wild West stuff
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\Downloads\Wild West___4.29Mb
"Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain, and most fools do. But it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving." -Dale Carnegie


C:\Users\Xander\My Documents\SimCity 4\Plugins: 6,59GB (size on disk: 6,63GB) $%Grinno$%

RIP Adrian (adroman), you were a great friend

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SCAG BAe146/Avro RJ Project


I'm downloading everything again, so everyday it's being bigger and bigger.
I think I'm too careful with what I download: only 0,6 GB in SC4\Plugins and 0,7 GB in Documents\downloads to install...


My plugins folder is currently at 4.21GB.


"The wisest men follow their own direction" Euripides
The Choice is Ours
Simtropolis Moderator here. Can I help? Oh, and you can call me Elias (my real name) if you wish.


My largest folder = 3.4 GB

All of my plugin folders = 17 GB

:D  Call me a SC4 nerd, but I don't play that much SC4.  :P


"It's not a design flaw, It's my signature"


I have 2.45 GB.  I'm also a SC4 nerd. lol! ;D
It's just that I'm the quiet type, that's all.


Hello, I feel sorry for you.... I have 7.99 GB of plugins... I am non stop downloading addict.
Computers are the bicycles for the mind...


Depending on what I'm doing I use different plugin directories:

My Small town/ rural directory: 1.07 gb
My High Rise directory: 618 mb (Don't really use, not very good at metropolises  ;)
My Mediterranean/ Coastal directory: 1.9gb (under construction, so will get bigger!)