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SC4 Newb problems

Started by sim991, June 26, 2008, 10:17:16 AM

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I got a big newb question. Main reason I subscribed to this forum actualy.

Currently my max population and largest city contains around 17000 inhabitants. And I lose around 300 simoleans a year
Income is around 6700
Outcome is around 7000

When starting a city things go quite well actualy. I dont need government buildings like police stations firemens and clinics.

Once I do need them and advisors ask me to build them I set funds to the desired settings to control my city.

But after I did that advisors keep complaining about the the crime and fire hazzard and to low funds. If they dont need more funds as neccesary then why are they complaining. Only if I set the funds slider all to the right advisors stop complaining but I would have a incredibly low or not income at all.

That's problem one. And advice is very welcome.

Problem 2.

Once my city grew large with my max of 17000 inhabitants I cant hardly fight the tax rates and funds anymore. Things get unbalanced and my RCI drops low for aswell industry,trade,and living areas.

People are leaving my city. And connectin highways to other regions doesnt solve this really.

My main problem is air and water polution due to high lvl and large scale industry. But the industrial area is like 200 paces away from my city. If this is my main issue Id like to get advice on how to solve it. In my view things are set ok. But apparently they are not because if they were things should be ok.

Problem 3.

Somehow all myt buildings are low wealth. All of them. Only a few houses in the corner of a police station are in high wealth. The rest is low wealth. What am I doing wrong.

Im really stuck right now and I need help to change my minor 17000 inhabitant city to a large world economy city. Furthermore I've completed all tutorials. Which is only a basic thing and doersnt help me solve my current situation.

Thanx in advance.


Try running through the Making Money tutorial again from the beginning. The most important thing about fire, police and schools is that the coverage radius serves the community. So make sure you're not wasting the coverage zone on land that hasn't been zoned yet.

And if all else fails as you're trying to make money, there are plenty of cheats available.